What are the best, the worst and the most underrated Sonic games?
What are the best, the worst and the most underrated Sonic games?
Sonic 2
Sonic 06
Sonic 3&K
>Sonic 3&K
Nigga are you new here? Everyone loves S3&K.
Sonic 06
2, 3, generations
Adventure 2, adventure, 06, 3D blast, labyrinth
underrated: colors
Amy is the cutest.
>underrated: colors
Colors is not underrated
Yes it is. In an era where people actually praise Unleashed and Generations for having great 3D levels even though they're boost-fests, Colors did it right by having boost be a finite, hard-to-get resource.
Allstars Racing Transformed
>most underrated
Sonic R
>Allstars Racing Transformed
That game is not underrated. Gosh Sup Forums are you even trying?
Sonic has always been shit. There's a reason why the furfag bait is literally the punch line in all of gaming.
This will always be my favourite Sonic game.
- Best OST
- Best Girl
- Best Special Stages
- Best gameplay (Trick System suits the gameplay so well)
>Best 2D
>Best 3D
>Most underrated
>Best 2D Fangame
>Best 3D Fangame
Green Hill Paradise
Is that fair?
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Sonic 06 or Lost World 3DS. 06 is maybe worse but Lost World 3DS pissed me off more.
Sonic Rush Adventure
>Sonic R
Officially shit.
you're officially a faggot
Is this what your youtube babysitter told you to believe, champ?
Oh yeah. Forgot.
Sonic Lost Cause. Sonic 06 is worse on a technical level, but Lost Cause pisses me off the most. It's one thing to make a bad Sonic game. It's another thing to try to turn Sonic into the one thing he should never ever be: Mario.
Can't you read your own picture? Sonic R is officially "Bad," according to this.
funny story, actually had a nigger in my class, named alex (honestly no keemstar reference), and he was a nigger in his soul. he used to piss his pants so much on his seat, the white teachers sat him at the back and gave him his own piss seat. he sat their and wed look at yellow spicy puddle hed leave there and not give a fuck about.
Anyway, one day he told me to do something, and I did it, and he gave me super mario 64 ds. I didnt know what the fuck it was, but had a ds, guy gave it to me. played it, fucking loved it.
all of a sudden this nigger come back and tells me he has super mario 65 ds, and i say whoa. give me.
he says, ill give you if you give me 64 ds back. i was gonna give him back, and he showed me this ds cartridge with some white sticker paper on it, and in pencil in some shitty strecthed sketch, said "super mario 65"
I took it home hype af, put it in my ds, to find out this nigger gave me sonic rush and peeled the sticker off.
He must be a millenial dude, leave him alone
You. I like you.
wtf is this
I actually prefer 2006 over Lost World simply because 2006 feels more like a Sonic game.
How old were you? 4?
That's kind of what I'm saying. I actually revisit 06 for shiggles every once and awhile, just to go through some of Sonic's levels again. Once you unlearn everything you once knew about how a game should play and adapt to 06's strange engine it can actually get kind of fun.
It takes a certain mindset, though.
>What are the best
1 and 2
>the worst
>most underrated Sonic
Okay, but have you heard of this cool game called Mario Rush? I'll trade you for it
>Most underrated
You know what? That's a solid answer.
Advance 1 is underrated as fuck
i was 14
I'd say the Bioware RPG is probably pretty underrated. It isn't a great game, even pre-EA Bioware couldn't make a miracle, but it is decent if nothing else.
Sonic 3 & K
i honestly think sonic boom is worse than sonic 06
probably the advance games
you kind of mixed up your order
>06 is the worst
Please Id play 06 before I played Boom.
Also Sonic R is the most underrated. The OST alone makes it worth a playthrough.
I don't like CD very much. The level exploring shtick doesn't seem to fit Sonic's playstyle for me.
And what is even the point of future posts?
>Also Sonic R is the most underrated. The OST alone makes it worth a playthrough.
You ain't lyin'
sonic r isnt even that bad of a game. the problem is that sonic controls the worst out of all the characters and since most people play as sonic they automatically think the controls are shitty.
Sonic 1
sonic 2
Sonic 3
>what is even the point of future posts?
In the bad future, if I remember correctly many enemies either function differently or aren't there due to breaking down. Good futures have nearly no enemies and few harmful obstacles like spikes. Both futures have level design differences.
It's mostly there for lore reasons but there are gameplay reasons too. Generally if you get all of the time stones before you've reached the halfway point in the game, it'll be more convenient to stay in the Good Future where possible. This of course doesn't apply if you're doing a robot generator playthrough.
Mad my day.
>I'd say the Bioware RPG is probably pretty underrated
Finally someone who thinks like me
2 or generations for being a collection of highs
Chronicles by a long shot or Secret rings
Rush Adventure or Sonic 4 Part 2
Either Sonic CD or S3&K
Shadow the Hedgehog.
I don't know.
Amy is cute! CUTE!
Sonic 3 & Knuckles
Pretty much every Sonic game released between 2003 and ending 2008, starting with Heroes and ending with Unleashed
Sonic Pocket Adventure
whats the matter lad
>Best 2D
Sonic 3&K
>Best 3D
Sonic Generations
>Underrated 2D
Sonic Rush Adventure
>Underrated 3D
Sonic Unleashed
Sonic 06
>Sonic 3 & Knuckles
>Sonic R almost exclusively because of the soundtrack
>>Underrated 3D
>Sonic Unleashed
The only reason Sup Forums hates it is because the Whereog and night levels. Night levels were kinda ok, but not shit tier. I remember having a lot of fun with the day levels
>Please Id play 06 before I played Boom.
>The only reason Sup Forums hates it is because the Whereog and night levels
In fairness that's a pretty legitimate reason to hate it
>best Sonic Game
Sonic 3 & Knuckles.
Sonic 2 has a better difficulty curve and Sonic CD has a kind if trend that I would want repeated in future games, but S3&K has such incredibly high replay value that it has to take the cake. It's one of, if not THE most replayable 2D platformer of all time.
>Worst Sonic Game
It's unfortunate how much of a meme it's become because we can't lose sight of the facts: this is one the the most poorly designed, terribly vetted, and horrifically broken video games of all time.
Boom is terrible, but it at least works... most of the time.
3D Blast is really wierd, but has a nice chatm to ut that if perfected, cpuld make a decent return one day.
But 06 is a special kind of bad.
>Most Underrated Sonic Game
Shadow the Hedgehog.
It's not a good game, but I would reccomend this game to anyone that has an interest into branching paths in video games and how to do it right.
This game has the single best usage of "choice" mechanics in vidya, injecting the narrative decisions the character makes right into the gameplay and not just cutscenes or diologue. This in turn leads the game to having a surprising amount of replay value.
Yes, it's dumb and edgy. But it's not the worst sonic game by a decent shot, speaking of which...
>Most Overrated Sonic Game
Sonic Adventure.
This game is terrible. It wasn't good when it came out and it isn't good now. Almost nothing it attempts to do is it successful at. It's pitiful attempts at replay value with different characters feel weekly repetative and forced in like bad free DLC. The music is catchy, and the adventure field has some atmosphere to it, but it's a pain to navigate and a chore to play through.
Yes, it's worse than SA2 overall and os the single point where things started going downhill. Fucking fight me.
Meant for
Is it true that running with your arms behind you makes you faster?
>Night levels were kinda ok, but not shit tier
They're only "not shit tier" if you've never played any other game of that genre
what you mean?
Arin pls
That the werehog takes the tropes and gameplay mechanics of many beat-em-ups and hack-and-slashes but pretty much any other game in those genres do it better. The werehog might be acceptable to those who primarily play platformers but it's generally uninspired, uncreative and boring for those who actually play beat-em-ups.
I know, but it's done on purpose. The game is not targeted to beat em up players, so they just put that part of the game to add some variety.
I think it wasn't a bad idea, it was just poorly executed. I think they could improve that part adding Knuckles instead of the werehog
>The game is not targeted to beat em up players, so they just put that part of the game to add some variety
I don't think "it's not targeted at beat em up players" is really a valid excuse for making half of the game pretty poorly though, just like how having a really bad fishing game in Sonic Adventure 1 wasn't acceptable whether you're a fishing fan or not. Make it well or don't make it at all.
>I think it wasn't a bad idea, it was just poorly executed. I think they could improve that part adding Knuckles instead of the werehog
First of all if they do bullshit alternate gameplay styles again, they should be separated into different campaigns, more like Sonic Adventure 1 than Adventure 2. At least that way you get to do the crappy parts at your own pace.
Other than that, they'd need to actually make the platforming interesting, have more enemy variety, restructure the level-up system entirely and remove the enemy battle music. I suppose they COULD fix the werehog but the question is, why should they bother? It never belonged in a Sonic game in the first place.
How's Sonic Jam Bad? It's just a collection. The Sonic World part is alright. Might as well put the collections on there. If you want a bad collection, put Sonic Classic Collection for DS on there. That's dogshit.
Hey, didn't know people used my edited image on here. Never released it outside of my videos.
S3&K, CD, Generations
Heroes, Shadow, 06
Unleashed, Lost World
If you look up "Sonic 3 and Knuckles" on google images, it's one of the first images that isn't either an in-game screenshot or some kind of shitty deviantart fake boxart
Underrated: Colors DS. Everyone jerks off Colors Wii but the DS version took almost all the good parts of the Rush games, got rid of the shitty parts and irrelevant filler (there was filler but it was just actual levels instead of shitty boat segments) and used the Wisps logically. Only things missing were a Naganuma soundtrack, though the Colors soundtrack wasn't bad, and playable Blaze, but overall it's the best of the DS Sonic games.
Ah yeah, it's from YouTube. I do Sonic arrangements from time to time and I made it for some videos. Didn't think google gave the images like that though.
post em
Here's a playlist of some recent songs I've done. Just Sonic 3&K tracks.
>bad tier
>Sonic Shuffle
I don't give a shit if it was a sorry excuse for a Mario Party clone. I loved it.
Best 2D: CD
Best 3D: Unleashed
Most underrated: both Rush games
Am I weird for loving the ever loving hell out of Chronicles the Dark Brotherhood? I've probably played through and beaten the game like 8 or 9 times.
>Fucking fight me.
I will!
Shadow the Hedgehog's stage design is flat out worse in every single way than any stage in SA1, other than maybe Amy's "slowly jog down this short corridor" stages.
Branching paths are neat and all, but at no point would you want to replay any of the stages. Westopolis is the worst opening stage I've seen in any 3D platformer, period -- not even Sonic '06 manages that (actually, fuck it -- despite being miserably unfinished and the player handling being the worst I've seen in a professionally developed game, Sonic '06 actually has better stage design).
Shadow's control is slippery -- think Sonic Heroes, but worse, and his gunplay is miserably implemented.
It has a lot of good ideas, but it falls on its ass much harder than SA1 ever did.
Shit, all of your arguments against SA1 apply directly to Shadow the Hedgehog.
And fuck, I barely like SA1, the game is absolutely a mess and SA2 is honestly a more competent game (that fucks up fairly big time too, with worse shooting and emerald hunting stages, both worse for no good reason and would be better with really minor changes, like making the mech jumps less awkward and not locking the radar to only one emerald) -- but it's an impressive mess, and the Sonic stages except Lost World and Casinopolis are fairly solid.
Sonic's control in SA1 has issues, but it's responsive. Twitchy control is better than lazy control.
Oh yeah, and worst games: lost world, sonic 1, boom
Everything else is tolerable or in the 6-8 range, same thing.
Sonic Jam fucks up the sound effects in all three games fairly badly. It sounds really nasty if you're used to the Genesis games, and kind of weird even if you aren't.
Some of the mini games were legit. Fuck that cheating AI though.
>I need a 6 to land on that space
It's really poorly executed. It lacks in a lot of aspects. And I still loved it. It's a shame we will never get a sequel. Not because of that cliffhanger, just because I really want another Sonic RPG
With sega owning atlus now, maybe one day once theyre in position where they can afford a spin off of sonic.
>We've been playing a shitty version of SA this entire time
I played the Dreamcast version back in the day, but i had no idea the DX version was that different.
The Sonic Rush games were so fucking cool. Amazing visuals, gameplay was fun and the soundtracks for both were 10/10, especially Rush 1.
The Board Game.
it was made by hudson, it had no reason to be as bad as it was compared to Mario Party
it's not even a clone when the same company worked on both games
Best: Sonic 2
Worst: Sonic 1 GBA port
Underrated: Sonic battle
oh fuck yes
it's so much better than Riders 1
And no one talks about it. It's a fairly solid game with slightly counter-intuitive mechanics (you need to start drifts fairly early, the whole "hit things to boost" mechanic, etc).
>Liking Shadow the hedgehog
>Not liking Adventure
I swear, the devs were actually aware of how stupidly edgy it was and decided to just have fun with it.
>worst games
>sonic 1
I know it's not great but do you honestly think S1 is worse than the likes of, say, Sonic Advance 3, the awful Sonic 4's, Heroes, Shadow etc? Were Marble Zone and Labyrinth Zone really that traumatic to some people?
I had much more fun with all of those than sonic 1. The only good part of sonic 1 is green hill, everything else is shovelware. Its amazing sonic got as popular as he did with that shitty ass game.
Maybe it's because I haven't played it in years, but I remember the controls being noticeably worse than Riders.
Huh. To each their own.
Yeah i get that a lot. Tried to enjoy it again with the phone port but the game is just lame every time. Before that it was on the gamecube collection.
Some day user, some day...
Tails Skypatrol
Sonic Advance
Sonic the Fighters
Did he also run like narubo?
shit taste
My nigga
Best: Sonic 2
Worst: Sonic Heroes
Underrated: Sonic Chaos and Sonic Triple Trouble
Before anybody bitches about my worst choice: I haven't played Shadow, 2006, any of the Boom's or any of the storybook games so I'm excluding them