Why does this exist? its literally just a worse version of terraria with some space elements. its shit...

why does this exist? its literally just a worse version of terraria with some space elements. its shit. terraris is better in literally every way.

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>why do rip-offs and rehashes exist?
Whoa, never ask this to a JRPG fan

one of many early access frauds...

that game had potential for a "improved and moddable rpg terraria", they stopped working on it in the alpha years ago

I think the main terraria dev basically wanted to retire for a while, but the artist wanted to carry on making new stuff, so he split off and made starbound

Name ONE Terraria clone that is objectively better than Starbound.


I like this more than Terraria.

>terraris is better in literally every way
Starbound is better for building comfy bases

That is it though

This desu

Starbound has a ton of flaws but you don't know true despair until you've played shit like Planet Centauri, Edge of Space, and Crea


Add me if you want to co-op in star bound from scratch or something. Also the game was released and feels complete now.

Example: store.steampowered.com/app/315460

>someone tells me Starbound is decent with FU
>it's actually the most autistic shit imaginable

that's a criticism? isn't that the point of these games?

>better in every single way
sure in terms of content

I personally can never get into terraria because of the fuck awful art, literally 12 year old tier pixel art.

Starbound's isn't perfect but it's miles above terraria atleast.

>Frackin Universe

That mod is just one of those fucking "what I expected/what I got" images in the worst way; you get it because you hear it add lots of neat biomes and you found out its FLOODED with GARBAGE.

Maybe you retards should look up the definition of autism

there's meme autism and then there's legitimate etsubatsu autism user

If we're getting literal with this, then maybe you should use it correctly you fucking autist.

It's funny, I actually hate starbounds art for being stuck in this awkward middle ground between good and bad. Everything is higher detail, sure, but it's not quite enough that it really works. Maybe it's just the art style I hate? I'm not sure, but I find it to be very, very ugly.

I guess that lovecraft dungeon level thing was okay
until you have to fight a shoggoth by slowly hitting it and backing away and then it shoots laser beams from it's eyes and you get one-shotted
just like in the books!

I can see that, like I said it's far from perfect

>"lmao what if we removed butt loads of content for no reason!"
>"lol what if the story was literally the most bland unintresting predictable you are the chosen one you must save the galaxy from the evil thing with no twitst or turns at all!"
f o r w h a t p u r p o s e


>no reason to ever settle down and build a base on a planet, you just chuck everything in your ship
>less monster diversity than no memes sky
>all the interesting shit like temperature and weather and other environmental hazards were removed

somewhere in this mess of disappointment, i paid to have my name appear :/

They literally made this game less fun with more updates.

I don't understand why they got rid of so much shit for no apparent reason. They even got rid of the fun power ups that let you explore quickly and zoom across a planet.

If you are going to shitpost you could at least do some research. For future ref though:
>no reason to ever settle down and build a base on a planet, you just chuck everything in your ship
Flags allow for easy teleport and only take some wood and ONE copper bar to make, stupidly overpowered for the price. Your starter planet rain non-fucking-stop. Great place to grow crops, moth traps (required later on), set up homes for crew members, set up storage as your ship is extremely small at the start and honestly most likely your work stations as you have more of a reason to be on the planet than your ship once you learn about the flags.
>less monster diversity than no memes sky
The game litterally have non-randomize monsters with randomize monsters. If you can tell the diff then you didn't play long enough.
>all the interesting shit like temperature and weather and other environmental hazards were removed.
Weather and environmental hazards (and combinations of both such as acid rain) still exist, only temp been removed for good but can be readded with a mod. Those features is what keep you from exploring a poison ocean planet whatsoever.

Like come on, if you haven't play since 1.0 then you have no fucking room to talk. You are outdated with your shitposting.

fuck off chucklefuck

>tfw had OC commissions done so that I could RP in this game
>tfw will never use them because the game turned out to be shit

>so he split off and made starbound
by hiring a team of 10 artist for every 1 coder, and a Cummunity manager who he thought he'd get to bang but she cucks him constantly.

The RP is actually pretty good if you know where to look.

>Went through development hell
>Focus went off of RPG elements to shift towards backstories, fireworks, cosmetic items, and in game musical instruments.
>Releases with the most bare basic of mechanics and a billion items to make your autism base out of
You can't make this shit up.

it just popped up at the right time to cash in on the crowd funding meme so It became a thing we have rather than a thing that should have stayed inside some cunts head and never seen the light of day. The EA release just compounded the issues it already had and turned most people against it.

Its not the worst game I ever played but I wouldnt play it again

mods as well.
Terraria has little mods and runs weirdly without the 4gb patch. Even with it I notice a lot more jittering from the game than Starbound when heavily modded. Much more filler with mods in Starbound than Terraria imo plus infinite worlds or whatever.

It had a completely volatile moment where updates were constantly ruining everything by removing content and requiring a fresh save each time, but it's kind of mellowed out right now and they've started improving the game instead of removing shit.

Also don't install Frackin Universe. It's fucking garbage. It just adds a bunch crafting stations and thousands of different materials, and locks off over half the planets in the galaxy because landing on each of them requires a different set of gear that requires hours to craft.

Have you tried modding Terraria recently? Tmodloader now has a dedicated manager, and downloads the mods from a mod viewer built into the game, there are also some GOAT quality mods like Thorium mod available, sucks that the healer weapons and armor require friends :(


TerrariaXStellaris when

I tried a little while back but not recently. I know it's probably one of the mods I had installed that caused the game to freak out and be a jittery mess but I'm lazy as hell when it comes to mod management. Also I lack friends, is mp a thing now for Tmodloader?

Played this game every update, even when they added that shitty contact damage. I can't even finish the main quest of how bland and boring the game has become.