Nintendo celebrates Breath of the Wild's completion by Yasuki Honne's twitter:

Nintendo celebrates Breath of the Wild's completion by Yasuki Honne's twitter:

Miyamoto and Aonuma having some laughs far away in the center of the picture.

Waifu claimed. I wonder what she did in BotW.

They're laughing at people who are stupid enough to pre-order the switch.

Why did no one bring their Switch to the party?

Provide blowskis to everyone working over time

That's really nice. I hope they all have a wonderful evening.

>Indie companies show off the master CD and shout at the camera when their game goes gold
>Nintendo holds a banquet when their game goes gold


The game is in there isn't it?

So Zelda just went gold? Damn, the first Zelda title in ages that's actually completed upon release.


I came in here to claim her. Die in a fire.


>300+ developers
>over 5 years in development
>this is all they have to show for it
>meanwhile that one indie game made by a handful of nu-males somehow looks 100x better and is technically much more impressive in every single way
really makes you think

>a handful of guys in a dinky office get excited over finishing their first big game

>a massive Japanese corporation who's been producing massive releases for decades hold a banquet over finishing their latest big game

what a surprise

Can't wait to play Zelda: Big empty World!

Isn't a big open explorable world exactly what people have wanted for ages?

They are all adults, an adult doesn't bring a kiddie console a to party, user.....

I just wanna know whats in the chest on the podium!

The final gold disc?
The frozen head of Iwata?
The keys to the ankle cuffs so the team can go home for the first time in 6 months?

obviously part of a human heart, which will be consumed as part of their dark ritual

>a room full of men

disappointing desu

This. Don't act like a speg indie guys

>looks 100x better


This isn't like my Chinese cartoons.

Japs are pretty big on Euro-cuisine.

They want a living, breathing world. The problem with open world games is that they tend to only have roughly the same amount of content as a game with a regular size map, which means all the fun is stretched out and separated by tons of traversing empty fields. It's quantity over quality.