Earth 2.4.5a Patch

Earth 2.4.5a Patch

*Added a new 10 man raid at Berkeley.
*Added a new quest chain that will allow American Players to construct 'Bullet Trains', which was previously restricted only to Japanese Players.
*Continued to build towards next years expansion, focused on California.

Balance Issues

*the 'call them a nazi' debuff has been nerfed again.
*The price of ovens has been decreased by 10% for Jewish Players.

Bug Fixes

*Fixed a bug where rioters could be listed as 'Peaceful Protesters'
*Justin Trudeau is now properly subclassed as a White Supremacist
Also, I would appreciate any feedback you have on the new Trump expansion.

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when does the bogdanoff bonus event start?

thanks god keep them patches rolling.

>*Added a new quest chain that will allow American Players to construct 'Bullet Trains', which was previously restricted only to Japanese Players.
What is Europe? Fastest maglev train is in France, not Japan.

Universe is 13.8 billion years old and we're still in alpha. Typical.

And there's a fuckload of DLC to boot.

Revelations update when?! You've been hinting at it for ages! Just release it already!

>thousands of patches and expansions but still have that retarded RNG character creator and no way to change it

Fuck this shitty game

>Early Access

you knew what you were getting into

Thanks. Loving the gf sidequest. Could add some more kinks though.

did you guys complete the gf questline yet?

i'm level 22 and i can't get past this one. it sucks because i heard you can't complete it after you hit level 25.

no. i'm level 28 but i've moved on to other quests. at this point, all the booty i could get from this sidequest has already been looted. the ROI is not worth it anymore

There's an easy way to do it
Just type /bemyself
Near the quest mob

Worked for me

>still cannot adjust character look without premium currency

>African server is still in pre-alpha

>still didn't fix the cancer bug

>the graphics are still shit

>most of the factions are underpowered

>the classes are still unbalanced as fuck (a fucking sportsman earns more than a doctor who the fuck approved this shit?)

>the "Mars" questline still cannot be finished

>the fucking main server is starting to overheat and cause severe lag issues worldwide

Fuck you God fix your fucking game already

>mfw United States will never have bullet trains because of Airline lobbyists
>mfw Disney owns all form of media because of American politician buyouts

I hate this timeline.

Fuck you God, the two factions fucking suck

>you knew what you were getting into

My parents gifted me this game and at this point I'm playing it just to not disappoint them really.

Once they finally get bored and quit then I'll finally delete my character and start over.

Now lower the speech stat requirements for male characters to get anywhere with girl npcs.

i'm not sure we can start over

>graphics are still shit
Nope. That's a hidden debuff. Buy the glasses dlc to fix it.

God's such a hack.


im waiting for the apocalypse/ armageddon DLC

Join the Christian guild and get to Member rank, you'll get a unique perk.

>Sup Forums fell for Planet Citizen

Can't believe you have to pay to wipe your account.

again, i don't think it's a good return on investment anymore. if i had done that quest on starting levels, it probably would have been

>mfw I actually kickstarted this shit

>pvp ganking(aka murder) is not being punished anymore after 30 years in Switzerland
>Swiss police departments have no internal affairs and check themselves for corruption
Please change that

>(a fucking sportsman earns more than a doctor who the fuck approved this shit?)

Don't blame the game design for that one. I agree that it's pretty shit, but you can't just implement a patch to incentivize players to like throwing money at one class over another.

Besides, the sportsman class is one of those newbie trap classes anyway. It's really easy to play for the first few levels, but you can't do anything in the late-game unless you're on really good terms with the high-end guilds.

honestly i don't think it's actually coming.

the asshole has been teasing it since the beginning and there's still no hint of it. the PBE testers keep saying it's coming and get hype trains going, but it never goes anywhere and i've been burned too many times to pay attention to that shit anymore.

>Game is free to play
>Server mod makes it pay2win

Liberal Arts major LFG American Career

Hey, I'm in the american server and economically wise I think that the meta for capitalism leans a little too heavy towards corporations, does anyone have any advice on getting to the top if you weren't here since launch?

>Pay for Membership or be fined for being F2P

Who approved this bullshit?

>girl(male) are now more girly than girl(girl)

When the fuck is God gonna fix the twinking that goes on in the low level dungeons in the American Faction? Half the fucking guild want to take away my high level gear cause of it.

When is the Middle East-Europe cross-server mega event going to end?

It's not fun anymore, those guys don't know how to play and keep doing PvP in the low level zones.

When did they remove double jump?

I swear when I was lvl 8 I saw a fellow noob double jump to the elementary school raid

>you can't do anything in the late-game unless you're on really good terms with the high-end guilds.

not to mention your RNG stats are like 90% of what skills you get with that class. you can grind forever and still get fucked when you level up. it's complete bullshit, it don't know why some people bother.

>13.8 billion years old

>RNG character creator
>Fem characters get a free ride

What's the quickest way to reroll?

>walking on sidewalk
>unavoidable puddles

>tfw palm oil is still a heavily farmed resource

HAHAHHHAH How will monkeys ever recover?

You cant. Welcome to "the best worst form of economics".

How do I join shillism?

Level 22 and still haven't chosen a job yet. what should i choose.
also, the trump expansion is alright, seems a bit slow paced but i'm fine with that. no bugs so far.

>it gets better after the first 25 years
They were right.

le Sup Forums xD

>Account is automatically wiped after X number of years, regardless if active or not


I suggest doing ERP with the top leaders, it will get you far.

>mfw people pissed of by the pvp event come to europe and farm all the money here
>server rules make them immune to pvp


So who is winning the faction wars in the US region?

give me a run down on the event

>He didn't install satire.exe




Can you link me to a quick rundown of the Bogdanoff patch notes?


Allegedly, there's a way to get a reroll using some of the newer Religion faction add-ons.

However, it all seems to be hearsay and speculation from the players. There's very little official documentation from the developers of that expansion pack, and nobody's really sure if they even wrote it or even added on any actual content to the base Earth game.

It's easy and it's glamorous if you succeed. But even then, early success does not necessarily dictate success in the late game. There's been plenty of sportsmen who have gotten over due to shit event rolls and bad group members.

Like I said, it's a newbie trap for people who don't want to listen to the veterans.

Hey fuck you buddy i havnt even gotten a chance at the laid questline

The droprate on pants is fucking abysmal and I dont want the lifelong socially crippled debuff from paying someone to complete the quest for me.

Give me your mobiles and I'll give you a call

It already started mate
It's a hidden event

>mfw my faction keep losing even though we were assured we'd never lose

>The droprate on pants

pretty sure the car guild has more power over the first problem.

>have to do an essay sidequest for my job guild
>it's super grindy but a limited event until feb 13th
>guild wants me to get the quest reward or they'll kick me out
Where can I reroll classes without time loss?




No one. Its designed so everyone loses.

China is the biggest playerbase now and developer is sabotaging the old map so everyone moves to the new one.

Only during early events.
Once you stay in, you are fucked.

here you go
>Rothschilds bow to Bogdanoffs
>In contact with aliens
>Possess psychic-like abilities
>Control france with an iron but fair fist
>Own castles & banks globally
>Direct descendants of the ancient royal blood line
>Will bankroll the first cities on Mars (Bogdangrad will be be the first city)
>Own 99% of DNA editing research facilities on Earth
>First designer babies will in all likelihood be Bogdanoff babies
>both brothers said to have 215+ IQ, such intelligence on Earth has only existed deep in Tibetan monasteries & Area 51
>Ancient Indian scriptures tell of two angels who will descend upon Earth and will bring an era of enlightenment and unprecedented technological progress with them
>They own Nanobot R&D labs around the world
>You likely have Bogdabots inside you right now
>The Bogdanoffs are in regular communication with the Archangels Michael and Gabriel, forwarding the word of God to the Orthodox Church. Who do you think set up the meeting between the pope & the Orthodox high command (First meeting between the two organisations in over 1000 years) and arranged the Orthodox leader's first trip to Antarctica in history literally a few days later to the Bogdanoff bunker in Wilkes land?
>They learned fluent French in under a week
>Nation states entrust their gold reserves with the twins. There's no gold in Ft. Knox, only Ft. Bogdanoff
>The twins are about 7 decades old, from the space-time reference point of the base human currently accepted by our society
>In reality, they are timeless beings existing in all points of time and space from the big bang to the end of the universe. We don't know their ultimate plans yet. We hope they're benevolent beings.

No idea when the event will start.

>mfw opposing faction players keep whining that they turned in more materials total and should have won
>they didn't hit the goals at their turn-in NPCs

>Roll female character on western server
I wasnt prepared for all these customisation options

>>African server is still in pre-alpha

It works perfectly mate. The players on the African server are just infamous for being PVP-fags who keep crashing the auction houses by ganking each-other. I don't know why the Chinese guilds keep making alts there to grind out resources, it's only a matter of time until the PVP gangs start going for them too. Western server players had it right when they pulled out their own alts, you just can't reason with PVP-fags

>tfw too shy to post in the LFG channel
I just don't want to go on playing this game all by myself, you know?

>free trade deals
>+15% production
>1.2 billion workforce
Nerf China


The Bible is just a non-canon in-game fan fiction about what players theorized the admin and devs would be like at the time, they've found player avatars that are millions of years old and scrubbed data from previous updates that are billion of years old.

It always baffled me how they chose to engage in endless PvP instead of branching out to other continents to claim prime spots for mat grinding/farming.

Sure, solo players and newbies are absolutely fucked if they venture into their territory without high-level guards. But in the grand meta, they're not going anywhere since all the good spots for farming have already been taken.

This shit was never funny. Just stop.

literally 2ez4me mode

grats user. just try not to trigger the stuck in a sex dungeon quest, usually will be your last if you do.

I agree. Hell, the players don't even know what to do anymore and keep building the most ridiculous buildings in the low level areas.

>t. low humor skill


>mfw mods keep temp-banning/muting people for questioning what really went down during a PVP event that happened more than 70 years ago

>removed the knight questline
>removed the samurai questline
>removed the conquistador questline
>removed the world explorer questline
>removed the cossack questline
>removed the legionnaire questline
Man the world revamps just get better and better, I can't wait for the next update.

Followed the gf questline to the end and maxed support for marriage. On the one hand you get a partner to help share the load. On the other hand you get "locked" out of a lot of sidequests. I say "locked" because technically you can go on them but going on them without your wife, assuming they trigger at all, will actually damage your support ranking.

I don't know if this is a bug or if someone made this design and rationally and thought it was okay

Careful, user. Playing around with the sliders is fun and all, but you need to be an absolute zen master of slider-fu if you want to seriously reroll a female.

>mfw I see another player who hates the randomly assigned gender
>mfw he grinds for hours to get a reskin
>it's buggy as hell and looks like shit for some

>Everyone going big on the ARMAGEDDON DLC 2012 train
>People are even quitting the game beforehand in fear the challenge will be too big
>LOL just kidding no DLC it was just the Mayans telling bullshit

All this fake player hype needs to be stopped

season 2004 was the best
prove me wrong

I thought we were getting a space expansion? I signed up for this shit years too early...

Anonymous casts Hellfire.
Hellfire hits Anonymous for 81 damage.
Hellfire hits Anonymous for 81 damage.
Hellfire hits Anonymous for 81 damage.
Hellfire hits Anonymous for 81 damage.
Hellfire hits Anonymous for 81 damage.
Anonymous has died.

I hope the Astronaut/Colonist questline will be worth it, but I'm afraid I'll burn out and unsubscribe before it drops. It's taking forever because the devs keep adding more PVP events, I hate it.

>i want to play everything
>i dont want any consequences to my choices

Why don't you fuck off to your single-player Imagination garbage sandbox game>

>tfw int too high to interact with female players

>tfw thanks to that 50% off character transfer, most chinese players are moving to the NA server and overtaking the Canadian region

I'll never be able to compete with these NEET fucks

I fucking told you fuckers the developer wasnt working on it because people were too busy fucking around in PvP and realm warfare buuuut no one wants to listen to the truth.

>mfw they try to reroll to get the gender they want
>mfw it's a hardcore server

>adds Cyberpunk event
>implements fan-made mods/hacks
>make them available only after an eternity of faction grinding
Fucking hell man, this has to be the worst F2P game ever made