Game is fantastic

>game is fantastic
>miss out on playing it for a long time because Sup Forums said it was shit and you blindly believed it

Why do I keep letting this happen?

Other urls found in this thread:

Because you're a dum dum.

It sucks in many ways but it's still just a sandboxy shooter.

>listening to cuck fetish preteens who play Neptunia

Hi Todd

Just turn your brain off bruh

It's like being dead for 200 hours but you're pressing buttons

>Everyone who has a different opinion from me is a Bethesda shill

It is shit. Like really really bad. You just have horrible tastes, and don't try and pretend otherwise.

>Fallout 4 is fantastic
Go home Todd.

I have it but the mod scene is not good enough to keep me playing.

because you're a cuck who lets others decide for him.

You have shit taste. Also
>listening to Sup Forums

It is shit, had less fun with it than I had with vanilla skyrim and monumentally less fun than New Vegas.

Your game already came out and sold a trillion copies Todd why are you here?

I bought the game and was sorely disappointed.

I should've listened to Sup Forums.

Instead I fell to pure pressure because all of my classmates were gonna get it.

before anyone says anything

its a shallow waste of time. you'll be bored of it before long and learn to loathe it like the rest of us

I have 150 hours and I want to beat the final DLC so i can be done for good, but it's so fucking poorly designed on every front I just can't do it.

I can attest to it being somewhere between shit and mediocre.

to add to this, I thought Far Harbor was actually quite good and enjoyable. It missed a lot of great opportunities so I still left very disappointed, but it's better than, say, MZ or OA (imo). What did you guys think?

I was having fun for some time until I came to fully realize how boring the writing is and how hard the RPG aspects were gimped. Also, hated the male protag voice. Maybe when the season pass is on sale and the mods are good I'll check it out again.


Name 3 good quests that aren't in the pic related. Go on, I'll wait.

>falling for Bethesda meme
>not falling for Civilization V/VI meme
I can't, are you two people?

felt alot like that. The only "decent" thing was that they give you power armor early but even that wasnt enough. the settlement shit REALLY turned me off. I thought I was buying an RPG not a city builder or sim.

>Name 3 good quests
>except these though they don't count XDD


I'm not OP, but I agree that there's barely any good quests in Fallout 4. What I liked the most about the game was the atmosphere/art direction, settlement building and exploration. Gunplay also feels much better than the previous games, with the only major downside being the lack of weapon/ammo variety. I like NV better overall, but 4 is still a guilty pleasure of mine.


As a game: 5/10
As a Fallout game: 0.1/10 (there was an attempt, maybe)

I wish I had the same low standards as you user, but I don't. Enjoy your turd.

Art direction was kind of shit when it came to weapons and like you said, no real ammo variety. I'd like to add on that not only was the weapon art direction shit, there was little variety because muh customization.

Still waiting for it to go on sale for $20 or less because no mods on Playstation devalues it immensely.

you're stupid if you honestly don't try a game just because of what Sup Forums says.

The mod meme is ded.
You aren't missing much.

Installing some mods and turning it into a survival simulator is all it's good for. I'm having a lot of fun just fucking around with overhauls like Frost and Horizon. Otherwise, I don't really consider it to be a Fallout game.

I'm the kind of guy that loves gaudy anime reskins in my super serious western games. I'll never not feel like I'm missing out.

The thing is those 5 are LITERALLY the only good 5 quests. Rest is garbage. Inexcusable.

Its called having your own opinion.

Pic unrelated?

>fallout 4

I've noticed everyone who posts "kys" lately has been retarded I think this is part of some shitposting conspiracy or just newfags coming out of their shells

what do you think, Blue?


I hope this continues to be a thing, that's what the game is made for.

It's not a thing though, this is the effort of modders who bethesda don't even care about anymore. And the game was 'made for' the cod audience.

same exact thing happened to me, OP. I'm glad I stopped listening to these faggots. It's a fun game.

>bf wants to piss on me
>not up for that at all
>he really wants to and says he will buy me a fallout 4 preorder if I let him
>get pissed on
>get a free copy of fallout 4
>game didn't feel like it was worth it


>Sullying an Osaka image with your shitpost

Sorry, it really did happen.

This is a good shitpost.

Teach me, master.

not him but my room smells like dirty socks and I have no idea why

It's far from fantastic, but you're not missing out on much if you don't play it. Ignore the story and enjoy the sandbox

I really wanted to enjoy fallout 4, but couldn't get interested.
After hours and hours of fallout 3 I fell in love with new vegas and continue to regard it as the greatest rpg ever. Going back and playing 1&2 only made me love it more, and realize that 3 lacked so much.
I wish I could forget everything I know about 1,2 and new vegas, and play 4 like I played 3; I know that it's a good game in its own right, maybe after a few years when the mods are fully fleshed out I might revisit.
Last time I tried to play 4 was after all the dlcs came out, but I didn't make a difference, I got bored after level 30 or so and never finished. I've done that with 3 characters so far.
Hopefully obsidian gets a chance to make another, new vegas really needs a follow-up, hell, even a new vegas remake in fo4s engine would btfo of it

It's alright but no where near as good as the others desu

Just go back to bed already Todd.

I play literally anything and have extremely low standards but f4 was genuinely boring. I say this as a person who played skyrim on the 360 for over 200 hours back in the day. I can dick around all day on a single game if it even has an ounce of fun but f4 is just straight up dry and bland.


>ITT Todd samefags

just because its disappointing doesn't mean its a bad game. Sup Forums is just full of contrarians who hate anything bethesda and popular.

if obsidian made this game, they would be sucking its cock and swallowing the load.

No, I'd be wondering what the fuck were they thinking in taking out most of the RPG elements.

>Being retarded enough to believe the hive mind meme and not construct an opinion of your own based on simple fu King research
>Implying fallout 4 was fun or good
You're either a shill a troll or just a retarded roody poo with shit taste and you do not have my sympathy, kys

if it was made by obsidian each area would be home to a story, the quests would be rememberable ,there would be RPG elements and there would be no dialogue wheel granted it would be bugger than 4's release and take years to iron out bugs and glitches.

>>game is fantastic
>The first statement is already a lie

>3 hours
Boo hoo nigger, my download speed is 300kb/s. It would take me literally DAYS to download 54gb.

>everyone and their mother praise mass effect/fallout3/dragon age
>can't stand 2 hours of any of those games without thinking why would anyone even play more than 10 minutes without killing themselves
i can understand some games are not for me
i dont understand how people can enjoy shit

It's okay with mods. But the poor optimization and the only thing that redeems it, is the gun gameplay. That's it.

The main story is shit. Far Harbor DLC is damn good, and Nuka-World is .. Ehhhhh.

The graphics are subpar, despite running poorly on my system (i5 2500k @4.1GHz/GTX 970/8GB RAM @ 1600MHz) at times, specially in the city.

I pirated so thankfully I didn't spend a shitload of money on it.

That's because it'd be good.
>Buggier than 4's release
That'd be a difficult thing to achieve

Have you considered forming opinions of your own??

Wake up sheep

name one game in the last 5 years that isnt exactly as you described. All vidya plays itself these days. You never have to think about anything apart from timing

I enjoyed it quite a bit at first too, and then I got really bored and realized how shallow it was about 25-30 hours in.

It's a fun game. It's a piss poor Fallout. I loved FO1, FO2, FO3, and FNV. But FO4 is fucking awful.

>I watch 3 hour long videos where grown men complain about videogames and I screen cap them to post on a korean picture sharing website

fucking imagine being this guy

new vegas's launch haunts me to this day :'(

>no texture replacers

playstation has literally 0 mods worth getting. The only mods on consoles are all cheating mods which is kind of ironic

>Bashing his own game in any way
>Being this new

Fallout 4 really wasn't that bad. The combat is actually fun compared to being a slog in FO3 and NV.
I think it's the natural evolution of Fallout from Bethesda. The RPG elements were stripped down but do you really want Bethesda to try and make a story and character heavy game? I don't think they have the writing to pull it off.

Hi Todd. Who do you think your tricking huh? Todd?

It's fun if you're playing as vault meat

I never said it was a good game or even worth buying. Can we actually have a discussion or are you just going to post memes like a 12 year old?

>independent thoughts in current year
>he doesn't just parrot what his favourite e-celeb says and makes their opinions his own

>Sticky Vicky
N i c e. But you're using the wrong vault meat save. Another guy did a much better one.

It's not fantastic. Give it 10 hours. By then you will have seen every activity there is to do in that game. You will quit from boredom and probably before finishing the main quest, or you will drop the side quests entirely when you realize how pointless they are to rush through the main quest.

How far along is the lewd fallout community?

What the fuck man, at least use capital letters.

I don't know, I went in thinking Sup Forums was wrong
and then I got to that abandoned theatre parking lot where you can start building a base, and then realized how boring the gameplay was

Link? I've seen a few but this is still my favourite

What? The gameplay is a lot better than 3 and NV.

can you post moar?

FO4 is bad in all the ways that make Fallout great. Storylines, dialog, characters, quests, all suck. Moving and shooting? That's all really well done.

You must play a lot of games really late, because Sup Forums thinks literally every video game is shit.

Shoestring. Bethesda did everything to cripple it. Stick with previous games.

I am of the same opinion user. After installing mods that increase legendary spawn rate, the mob size, and alter encounter zones, I haven't looked back.

jet a prewar drug =/= fallout

>not playing a male and having cait curie and piper follow as your harem

Its almost like youre self inserting as a female because you want to get fucked

I tried, I really did.

I think I managed something like 20 hours, never did any of the DLC or even finished the main quest. I got fed up with having to grab every bit of loot on the map for adhesive and screws and the entire game felt tedious.

Sup Forums said Shadow Tactics: Blades of the Shogun is amazing. I bought it yesterday and I'm having a lot of fun. So fuck you OP.

Fallout NV remaster with a proper engine when?

The only good things about Fallout 4 are the explosive combat shotgun, jet, power armor and jetpack.

Explosive combat shotgun in slowmotion while flying was pure sex.

Everything else legit sucked. Quests, writing, that horrible "skill" system, game length, all straight up bad.

Sup Forums is the inertial dampener of the industry.
If something is getting unnaturally boosted, it will fuck with it.
So don't take Sup Forums word raw, but sum it with the others word and you get around the actual quality of the thing.

Fallout 4 is widely regarded as the most stable release ever for Bethesda so please stop talking out of your ass go back to [r]eddit.

>he uses power armor

>Moving and shooting? That's all really well done.

not really, bethesda only managed to make it on par with every other generic FPS that came out in the 7th gen

The guns just aren't fun to shoot. Combat Rifle and Assault rifle are so, unsatisfying.

which is a huge accomplishment for such a hack studio

ammo variety is fine, they are balanced by their rarity. Weapon variety is shit. The "combat rifle" should have used 5.56 so you can use all that 5.56 you took from turret before hitting diamond city to potentially get your first "assault rifle". Also there should be a semiauto gun for 308 and .44 (or a double action for .44)