Go home Kojima, Naughty Dog are the new kings of TECHNOLOGY

Go home Kojima, Naughty Dog are the new kings of TECHNOLOGY


wtf I love naughty dog now

Looks fun. Why does Sup Forums call it a movie game exactly? It looks like it has a lot of scripted stuff but is it really all automated? Like watching the first thing of the video and seeing button prompts for something as simple as picking a soda gives me the impression it's pretty liberal with its QTEs but the swinging looks fun.

Funny that it says 27, because thats how many fps it runs at

"A working mirror is ground is "insane detail""

is this satire?

what did he mean by this?

Uncharted 4 is a genuine technical masterpiece but the game itself is incredibly underwhelming

The platforming doesn't even get remotely different or challenging until 5 minutes before the game ends

I've probably seen this crop a million times, but never managed to find the source.

Imako System

naughty dog is gay. play a game/watch a movie

>fish are so detailed
But do they have realistic AI?

You're pretty cool, user.

It was a favorite of mine.


read chapters 1-2.

I think chapters 3 forward are a bit bizarre.

BDSM, drugs, and cheating that may or may not be dreams I can handle.

Fly rape and snuff I cannot.

>thanks to consolefags, the "TECHNOLOGY" threads we'll have from now on will all be about completely inconsequential minor nuances to make scripted games feel less superficial instead of anything actually granular or organic, like even just having working mirrors

i never imagined video games would have stagnated so hard

Name a PC game that does even half of that

pokemon 3

Did you watch the video? It was pointing out that you could press a button to have the character do little poses at himself when in front of a mirror. Boy I bet you feel stupid now.

>he thinks Unsharted 4 even has half the technology or nuance that MGS2 does


>18 seconds in
>A fuckin pop-in in the goddam fridge

Jak and Daxter Remastered when?

several years ago

>You can see a whale in the distance
I'm sorry, I stopped there

>scripted games
Nice try you bumbling retard.

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