Main game is fantastic

>main game is fantastic
>but the ending ruins it all

Pic unrelated. The whole game is trash.

>best brown girl dies
What the fuck Kodaka


Not annoying or sporty enough to survive.

it's not fair

This is your inventor for the night, say something nice to her.

>mastermind gets a luckluster and boring death

A rock?

A fucking piece of rubble?


Kibo should have just REAL MEGABUSTERd her ass, what the fuck

How is that different from the other two games?

DR1 and 2 endings didn't invalidate the entire game.

Resident Evil 7.

I dunno, DR1 was pretty shit...

Wasn't that death just supposed to show how little she actually mattered in the long run, and isn't the real mastermind the fans or something?

I don't know who she is but I would take her on a date and Treat her to a nice dinner[/ spoiler].

the actual mastermind are Team Danganronpa

She's the super high school level rapist.

Very ugly, and she's acting cute thinking she is. Sad!

>not liking delicious flat chest brown retarded girls
Excuse me?

>this bait and switch on the MC

How dare them? Seriously?
I'm done with this series.

Layton vs. Phoenix Wright.

How do we fix Danganronpa? I propose only letting Kodaka do the characters and setting and the DR Kirigiri writer + Uchikoshi doing everything else.


I would have been fine with it if she wasn't brutally and pointlessly executed for sheer shock value alone. I would have even accepted one of Kodaka's patented asspulls™ as a substitute to her just being fucking dead.

>implying the writing in ZTD doesn't blow C3 out of the water

Everything this guy has ever made.

From the trailer that showed her as the MC and having her die as soon as she did kinda makes me think it was done just to piss people off.

>+ Uchikoshi
We're trying to FIX the series here user.
Getting another talentless hack to help out won't do shit.


999 and VLR are amazing and better than anything Kodaka ever wrote

All of the twists in V3 were really disappointing. I hope the game just exists in it's own self-contained universe.

Witcher 3

Wait V3 is out?

What the fuck happened

It's been out for quite the while in Japan. Spoiler alert: it's shit

No Western release yet, just Jap.

stepping stone for Danganronpa

Why do fujos love Ouma so fucking much?

Man, Kodaka sure ripped off R07 in more than one way, huh!

It made fun of all the retards who frequent /drg/

>6 days non stop Amami is alive without anything backing it other than reassurances from other members of the circlejerk

/drg/ is nearly /fgog/ tier with how awful it is

What's /fgog/?

Post DR memes

Any general for a visual novel series is destined to be a cesspool.

It's essentially a repository for gay porn and fan art now. I suppose that was inevitable.


the game had a lot of problems other than the ending

fuck off


Point and Click adventures aren't games now?

Wait, really? That's hilarious if it's true.

>what is Bleach

The final chapter broke the fourth wall and mocked the people who played the games.

Dual Destinies and Spirit of Justice

Writes looking kinda old there...

He's only 36...

>Amami didn't end up being Nagito 2.0
>Pointless chapter one MC switch
>DR is fiction within fiction
>ultimate talents are fake ala Hajimeme implants
At least the character designs and interactions are good.

>Pointless chapter one MC switch
What really gets me about it, is how obvious it was.
I mean, first of all they didnt have a bland self insert male MC for once.
Second of all the lying mechanic.
But god damn they did the twist in the shittiest way possible. If we had to actively lie as the killer who knew they did it, things would have been at least more interesting

>actively lie as the killer
If there ever is a continuation in the series, that would be awesome. Well, except that it would end the killing game if you were successful. I know Amami survived two other killing games, but he never was the blackened, right? I wouldn't be surprised to see a prologue involving those games.

He's gonna get the Mukuro treatment.

Ouma was just poorman's Nagito



>implying his antics weren't more entertaining
Nagito's holier than thu motives got pretty tiring around DR3 user.

Do not bully the robot!

Kiibo is so adorable

I want to give him many headpats.

Eh, could be worse I guess. At least she got some screen time in DR3 and Kodaka included IF, honestly if Amami got that much attention payed to him he'd be lucky.

>Well, except that it would end the killing game if you were successful
Could just be a bad end like the DR1 bad end
Its simple to pull off

>When there's only three survivors
>Your favorite character is one of them for once.
>The only side character to live
Feels good

How the fuck does she survive?

Magic and legs


>How the fuck does she survive?
By not getting killed

QUICK Sup Forums





Bring Junko back.

lesbians is strange

because he's cool

give out free ikusaba dakis

Why does /drg/ spam Kiibo x Ouma all day?

Make SoL adventures. All casts are welcome except dr3.

>he doesn't like the absolute madman

drg just reposts what nips made, and Ouma is really popular among nip fujos.

>not wanting Seiko, Munakata and Juzo

Chapter 1's ending ruined it more.

>develop Seiko and Ruruka, and somewhat Izayoi
>they all die anyway

For what purpose?

dr3's characters were underdeveloped and shit tier besides Seiko. I don't mind Chisa, but her character was poorly handled and i'd rather cut my loses than see the rest of those clowns ever again.

Because killing off an underdeveloped character has little to no audience impact.

Post your D4 ideas
>Subtitle is "Merciful Killings"
>main protagonist is the Ultimate Investigator, another girl protagonist
>kirigiri expy is her brother, the Ultimate Judge, who is a hardcore crime and punishment dude
>ultimates include Ultimate Bomb Disposal, Ultimate Police Officer, Ultimate Surgeon, Ultimate Soccer Player, Ultimate Hacker, Ultimate Dart Player, Ultimate Psychologist, Ultimate ??? (later revealed to be Ultimate Liar/Deceiver), Ultimate Baker, Ultimate Supervisor, Ultimate Tai Kwon Do Expert, Ultimate President, a SECOND Ultimate ??? (Ultimate ???2, later revealed to be Ultimate Judge, and the protagonists brother is actually the Ultimate Condemner), Ultimate Gunman, Ultimate Knight, and Ultimate Car Mechanic
>the new story mechanic is the "Condemning Mercy" system, wherein the blackend actually has a chance of survival. After being chosen, the entire group has a chance to vote "Merciful" if the murderer was sympathetic enough and they will be spared, but if even one person votes "Condemn", they will be killed.
>the protagonists brother is the only one to vote "Condemn" at the end of the first trial, which revolves around the Ultimate Knight attempting to rape the Ultimate Supervisor, and her killing him in self defense. She is unable to defend herself due to being knocked out for most of the trial, and the class quickly turns against the protagonist and her brother as she attempts to redeem their reputation throughout the game

Would you play it

>actually wasting time typing this shit
You are the the SHSL Autist.

>he responded to it
I think we can both have that title.

She had multiple people sacrifice themselves for her. After the first one she was guaranteed to live.

I'm pretty sure at least half of Sup Forums belongs to SHSL Autism.

Which half? How many demographics are on Sup Forums anyways?
>Sup Forums leakers
>people from other boards who can sit down and have civilized discussion on this board but not their own due to rampant shitposting
>individual gamefags, like Yakuzafags, DRfags, MGfags, etc
Anyone i'm missing


These are your protagonists, say something nice about them.

The game they were in certainly knows how to cut out the useless fat first.

Look, she's only a little fat, okay? She can't help it.

I want to tug that fat and tease her for it!

What would Kaede havee done in Chapter 6 in place of Shuichi?

Who's your favorite of the new cast, Sup Forums? It seems a lot of people like Ouma and Tulpaman.

-brown girl good
-flat-chested bad
not hard to understand