Play Demon's Souls

>play Demon's Souls
>don't get into it at all
>play Dark Souls
>don't get into it at all
>play Bloodborne
>immediately fall in love, beat it, then started another file right after

What does this say about me?

Other urls found in this thread:



Desperate for attention from anonymous teenagers.

You're a pleb dynasty warriors fag.

that you have no idea what you like and wait for life to hand you things which you "love"

>play Demon's Souls
>don't get into it at all
that you are human trash

You probably didn't find the setting in the Souls games interesting, I know I didn't. I also fell in love with Bloodborne too.

That you needed to play the most forgiving and casual game in the franchise to finally "get into it"

The director explicitly said he made this one more accessible and less punishing.

You prefer Victorian over Medieval fantasy

user likes to go fast!!!!

>being a Peacuck

Chalice Dungeons are literally the hardest things in series you shitstain

You are a Sonygger.

It says that you like Bloodborne.


But Demon's Souls is a Sony exclusive too, what kind of sense does that make?

Too bad they are also the most boring addition to the series.

Not with those insane iframes and endless rolls they're not :^)

>what kind of sense does that make?

That he plays sony exclusives, hence, sonygger.

Bloodborne favors a more aggressive play style and just GOING IN on every encounter. You probably just don't have much patience.

>the most boring
Not the FRC root dungeons.

Yeah, try to GO IN a dungeon room with Hemwick witches or bell maidens and see how much you're rewarded.

>That he plays sony exclusives, hence, sonygger.

So he should just not play the game...?? I don't follow the logic?

But Dark Souls is not a sony exclusive. And he didn't get into Demon's, a sony exclusive.

bb has a more interesting world/lore

Hates RPG
Hates medieval fantasy setting
Likes action games
Edgy 13 year old

Choose one or more of the above?

He recounted 3 games he played, more than half is sony exclusives > he is a sonygger.

That is it.

You have taste. PCfats will try to deny this.

>look at vagina
>don't get hard
>look at boobs
>don't get hard
>eat shit out of another man's anus
>immediately fall in love

literally OP

>namecalling people for not liking your favorite game
>calling others 13 year olds

Fuck off cunt, it literally doesn't matter if BB is better because Dark Souls will always be the game known by more people. Know why that is? Because from decided on the superior multi platform plan for those games.

I never called him anything, he could just choose "likes action games" or anything other than that, but are you really denying that BB doesnt appeal to edgy 13 year olds?

>Know why that is?
Because it's more simple.

>it doesn't matter if quake is better because cod will always be the game known by more people
whatever floats your boat, PCnerd

>are you really denying that BB doesnt appeal to edgy 13 year olds?
Not more than Demon's or Dark Souls.

>Know why that is?
Because bamco still had a contract with them for a third souls game. Know why they'll never be working with bamco again?

I'll tell you.
>No equip burden, which is only liked by immersionfags when it's more likely to take you out of the experience by making you stop and sort your outfit out
>No shields, you can't play the unfun boring way
>Way less bullshit than the stuff in Dark Souls that makes a ton of people stop playing. I remember nearly dropping DaS after finding out about Curse the hard way
>All the bosses have two phases so they don't get tedious despite their huge health bars
>Parry and backstab system are harder to abuse
>Quality doesn't dip significantly at any point

I don't know, maybe that you appreciate it when a game doesn't waste your time? You like faster-paced games?

I'm not a fan of the Souls series, but I love Bloodborne. It's a better game with different pacing.

>this entire thread
Why do you soulsfags get so fucking riled up when people dislike Dark Souls but like Bloodborne

Are you seriously that fucking sad that because the game isn't on PC, people aren't allowed to enjoy it or something?

>Parry and backstab system are harder to abuse

Of all the shitty points you made, this is the worst.

A ton of bosses were completely trivialized due to the ease of parrying. Gehrman and Orphan are drastically easier because of it.

It has more long overcoats, guns and BLOOD, while Souls is pretty dark, it still is your standard fantasy setting, which isnt "cool" like BB is.

I don't think it has anything to do with platform warrioring. Soulsfags are just a really weird breed of people who get INCREDIBLY defensive when any game in the series (except for Dark Souls 2) gets so much as questioned as being anything other than the GOAT in all aspects.

I'm primarily a PCuck who sometimes moonlights as a Sonygger. I got no dog in this fight. I love Bloodborne, and I also think it's ridiculous that it's locked as a console exclusive.

Yes. Just go to /dsg/ and mention that you played Bloodborne. Sit back and watch the autistic rage.

Stop trying to bring consolewar faggotry into this. Demons Souls is great, even though it's not on PC, and OP still didn't like it.

Preferring BB to both DaS and DeS is just shit taste, period.


Characters like Ornstein and Artorias appeal to little kids and shonen lovers more than anything in Bloodborne.

Also berserkfags

I fucking love Artorias m8.

Excellent arguments user.

>play Demon's Souls
>get invested in it
>play Dark Souls
>get invested in it
>play Dark Souls 2
>get invested in it
>play Bloodborne
>don't get into it at all

Me too, but so do the narutofags.
That doesn't make Artorias bad.

>started another file
What why

> little kids and shonen lovers
But i didnt say those did i? I was specific, EDGY thirTEEN year olds.


Because NG+ in the souls series, outside of DaS2, is literally just bigger numbers mode and boring as fuck.

Ornstein and Artorias have the edgiest fanart.

>but so do the narutofags
These still exist?

Why are PCucks so mad and salty all the time?

>"hey guys! Look at these I've played!"

>outside of DaS2
What do you mean? This mught explain why I finished it a billion times.

That you enjoy a Lovecraftian vibe more than a medieval one, or that you prefer more aggressive combat. Maybe you like your RPG elements a little more streamlined, which is fine disregarding a few manchildren on Sup Forums throwing a hissyfit when you don't like what they like.

>play Demon's Souls
>get invested in it
>play Dark Souls
>get invested in it
>play Dark Souls 2
>literally literal shit
>play Dark Souls 3
>get invested in it
>still need to play Bloodborne

DaS2 is the only game in the series so far that actually makes use of NG+ by giving you access to better loot and secrets. All the other games just fucktouple enemy stats. However I only found Bloodborne enjoyable enough to do it again.

>play dark souls
>clock in 1500 hours because fuck if I know
>play dark souls 2
>clock in 900 hours because fuck if I know
>play demons souls
>clock in 80 hours because not enough interest and affection
>play Bloodborne
>best game I've ever played, clock in 900 hours and counting
>play dark souls 3
>disappointing as fuck, clock in 300 hours and stop there, never coming back after the second dlc


Only Sonygers are desperate enough to cling to a series like Souls.

Sometimes I forgot DS3 even has DLC. Truly a disappointment.

I bet you preordered a Switch and BOTW

I haven't played DS3 yet, but it looks like it might be the most boring entry in the series just from previews and such.

I see so many people praising bloodbornes setting and can I just ask why? The Victorian/gerogian era got old fast, and the bloodmoon phase didn't really make it that different for me
Although I like the kinda spoopyness of the unseen village

>getting cursed ever

the skull meter means bad times ahead user.

It has a bunch of good bosses, but only when played with fast weapons and fast rolling. The gameplay balance is totally fucked and the first 30% of the game is uninteresting and boring as fuck, area and boss wise.

A lot of the bosses are complete gimmicks too.

DaS3 too me looks like it has the best armor and weapon designs of the series, but I haven't played it so I dunno.

You can tell right away this poster has never touched the game
It's the second hardest souls game

>got old fast
But that's just, like, your opinion, man.

Anyway, I love the aesthetic of that era and wish more games would do it. If it's not for you, it's not for you, but a lot of people really like the setting.

As casual as can be

No. But I'll probably get it sometime in the future, like I did with Ps4.

I know it would be convenient for you if I was a rabid fanboy so that you could insulted with me with anything in your meme folder but even if I was, it wouldn't have changed the fact that Souls is a shit series and if it wasn't for the desperation (or maybe shittaste?) of sonyggers, the series would have been buried and forgotten in the past long ago.

It's only "accessible" because there's no carry limit and your stats make sense. In terms of difficulty, it's nowhere near casual, dude. Just because not every boss is a damage sponge with infinite stamina...

>Tru to fight the most boring enemies in the game that break up the fast paced flow and see how well you do

Dark souls wasn't hard, even with curse how are you so shit at video games that curse would make you drop it

>this is a game where you just GO IN on every encounter
>what about that one?
>i-it's shit anyway...

>Game is mostly about having an aggressive play style and enemies in the base game are also fast and aggressive with exceptions that show up five times
>"W-What my 10/10 game supports plenty of different play styles"
I think this is the reason BB has little replay value, at least compared to the other souls games.

BB does have the least amount of build variety

Well yeah, that too. Still great game and have made around ten different characters

A good 90% of the bosses are designed to be fought exactly like Souls bosses. You can't play aggressively against Ebrietas, Amygdala, BLB, Rom etc


Dark Souls


I like all the games! Can I play here too?

>What does this say about me?

There is an hour and a half long video about what that says about you.


I've beat him once and never want to do this fight ever again.

I started playing it today and so far it seems easier. Maybe I'm wrong but your character is far more mobile and the game seems much more responsive.

You're that guy I work with who calls Dark Souls clunky but then says Skyrim is the best game on the PS4.

medieval fantasy is an overexposed subgenre, and its tropes and trapping are no longer able to excite you

You're a shitter with low IQ who's combat style is "LOL MASH R1 TO HEAL AND MY STRAT IS SO JUST R1 UNTIL ENEMY DIES LOL"

Yeah and you dodge. If you get hit you use the rally system and gain back some health. The difference is the wait time until you can attack them is longer.

Why is lady Maria sooooo edgy? It hurts to watch.

>Bloodtinge and Arcane
There aren't many hunter tools and weapons for those, at least not as many as other souls games have magic and pyromancy and miracles.

Tell me something you like.
Or a better vidya game series spawned recently.

>If you get hit you use the rally system and gain back some health
The bosses I mentioned take 60-100% of your health with a single hit, you can gain back something like 4% of your health with the best weapons for rally.
Besides I can't think of a single boss in Souls that requires more waiting than Amygdala, unless you use exploits.

>Second hardest
Haha no

There are something like five viable pyromancies/miracles/spells in each Dark Souls game, everything else is just weaker versions of viable spells and useless trash.

Fuck off jb you faggot

you value aesthetics more than gameplay

or you like action games with as few rpg elements as possible