Fire Emblem Heroes

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1st for best girl Anna

>tfw your waifu is top tier

Best waifu coming through


This poor girl left her underwear at home. Say something nice to her.

Did you get your Waifu yet?

>Falchion, gg

Got it, thanks friend

>when your favourite five star levels up without gaining any stats

Probably when the game updates in 8 hours.

how do i use nox?

Is there any difference between loli tiki and milf tiki stat-wise?

Currently destroying everything with this team
Tier lists are a joke

don worry bby, we wont need underwear tonite :^)

So is she actually your waifu?

>tfw started using her today
damn she's good

Is it worth it over Astra?

>This kills the dragon lolis

Should I use Fir instead of Marth (4*)? I'm just worried about having to grind feathers and seals for her.

>ur a fagger

but you're not marth




Nope, can't get Lyn to save my life

The game is too easy and the AI is too shit to really care much about getting S-SS only.

You can't just close the arena for 8 hours though, I need my dose of Taco rape

What's with all the nopan art?

my nigger

not using hinoka...


Does underwear not exist in the FE universe?

Elise is avoiding me. I just know it.

let's say i want a full waifu team and reroll autistically till i get the very best possible

how would i fare against the takumi and hector metafags?

Not in the game yet, so no.

Just started playing pls add me

Keep or reroll. I really want Hector or takumi but I did get tiki and a 5 star


depends who your waifus are

Depends on who your waifus are, but chances are pretty good currently, since the AI is too shit to play properly.

It'll gain those later on, fampai.

Hinoka is SHIT

well that sucks

He was the very first character I rolled.

Granted he's only a 3 Star but I'll get him up there, and I'll continue to use him for a long time.

effie hits hard af

The background music gave me nostalgia

post your teams.

Should I use Azura or FCorrin?


Shut your whore mouth.

Pic related

So do I just send this faggot packing since he's 21 and has a whopping 12 speed?

Also. These are all red.

>Forget to grab the 2 orbs from Inbox
>Go into gacha with 18 orbs


Is FemCorrin worth promoting to 5 star? Is Male Corrin better than Roy or Marth when 5 star'd? I read his stats are pretty solid and I am a faggot and like that character design.

His artwork is the most horrible thing ever.

he could be the next Hector and I would still trow it to the garbage.


Fire Emblem Heroes is casualized quite severely in a lot of ways.
But does anyone else here really like how they're handling critical hits as skills instead of chance?

I wouldn't mind it being like that in real Fire Emblem games.
And to be completely honest. I don't really miss being able to miss that much either. And making thiefs and assassins into ranged units that lower stats instead is a good niche in itself.

Really. What Fire Emblem Heroes really lacks is larger maps, and movement beyond 2(or 3 with cavalry).

Hey, don't blame me for your waifu being a slut who walks around bare-assed. I'm not the one who drew her.

>12 speed
Fucking how
Mine hit 20 speed around Level 15

Does anyone have a spare account with Lyn and Robin

>12 Speed

Neph isnt in the game yet. Hopefully the fact that she was top 20 in the poll will make her good. Praying Wishblade makes it in as a weapon so she can do ranged counters but thats probably asking for way too much.



I have no fucking clue. Every one I've seen in arena and on story maps has 18-22.

No you never know what he'll end with.

>I want neutered FE with just the maps intact
I'm sure FE16 will cater to people like you after Echoes is released and they've guaged how many casuals loved Heroes.

>Really. What Fire Emblem Heroes really lacks is larger maps, and movement beyond 2(or 3 with cavalry).

It's supposed to be just a concentrated version of what happens in bigger maps.

But I think they said they might consider bigger maps/more unites.

I've been really lucky. Haven't needed to unlock potential or buy anything either. I really wanna upgrade Eliwood and Hector at some point.

Why do you think she's SS tier user?

just got elise as my second 5 star, how good is she as a healer?

Because that tierlist creator is braindead.

Cordelia or Fem Corrin? Cordelia has the better attack, but Corrin has more bulk.


Friend code is 4966773649 btw

>get close to enemy
>get out of danger area

Cause it's a gacha game pretending to be a real game, which is never a good idea. I guarantee before too long they are going to add in some way to boost stats until they hit hard cap, because jew gacha and RNG stats are like oil and water. It's like gambling, getting the jackpot, and then arbitrarily you lose 30% of it off of the top because the house decides that is the case specifically for you.

She's not anymore. The list was updated.

>Get a 5*
>Stats are shit

This is a special kind of hell. RNG on top of RNG. Nintendo pls.

Best way to level up?

Add me 5272904076

Did the arena update yet?

Adding in things like crit and dodge would be fine if they were fleshed out like they are in mainline games but when it's so basic like in Heroes then they would definitely become busted.
Assassins need buffs to be useful and not just worse archers because debuffs dont matter when it's one shot or be one shotted for the most part in this game
I'd agree that making larger maps with more units would be a good content expansion later on.

See, that's what I'm afraid of. I'm not leveling this wet log to 40 for him to end up at 25 speed.

Does SP carry over when you rank up a unit? Am I wasting my SP?

Jesus christ, I thought my 4* Robin with 22speed at lv30 was bad. My condolences.

it does carry over

At least she knows she's a disappointment.

Just because it isn't anime doesn't make it bad.

Meant for

Upgrade your castle.


Do the skills I unlocked at least carry over as well?

technically there is RNG on RNG on RNG because when you go to summon orb color is random

I need amigos, adding anyone posting in this thread

Robin averages out at 29, so at worst you'll be at 26. He's not doubling anything anyways, so it's not really an issue, even less so because of defiance.

Didn't you like Codename: STEAM?

Don't listen to the plebs, user. Wish I had him.

You got the handicaped Robin. Get some feathers from him.

Is Adult Tiki's counterattack any good?

Wait so are characters guaranteed to end up within a certain stat distribution at level cap?

Anyone know what this means? I had another copy of her but the background wasn't blue. I keep looking around but no one will answer me.

Also I have 2 Lyn's. Should I save them both or merge them together for the SP and stats?