There are games with undiscovered easter eggs

>There are games with undiscovered easter eggs

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Sup Forums calls easter eggs memes you dumb cunt

The one in Shadow of the Colosus freaks me the fuck out to this day because I replayed it at least once every year since release, and I just found last month it has one of the most beautiful secret areas of all time. Strange stuff


>Some of them will never be discovered

not him but the little I know is you can find more than half an hour videos on youtube about that

Look up 'area of the forbidden fruit'. You literally can harm your climbing meter stats permanently by shooting your arrow at the tree and eatinf whatever drops from it.

In a interview with the God of War director he says he has game dev friends who have made some so elaborate they havent had them discovered even after a decade.

>there are undiscovered games


If I ever made a game I'd fill it with hidden stuff, areas, bosses, npcs, events, endings et cetera. The whole game's appeal would be the feeling of mystery and discovery.
I'd make it so there'd be no way to access everything in a single playthrough.

>put pile of dirt under some grass in a monkey game
>greatest video game easter egg of all time

post more easter eggs gaylords
I like this one from arkham asylum that mentions arkham city that the devs had to tell people about after a year.

I had a friend who was working on a cryptozoology game he shilled at our school for at least 2 years before got in a freak accident and perished from existance. His mom gave his computer away at a fucking church thing and now I will never complete it for him. I doubt I had the capacoty to do so but damn someone out there, if they didnt delete the memory, has a goldmine of potential on their hands. It happens all the time.

Whatever happened to the whole thing Shadow of the Colossus had with a hidden boss that nobody knows anything about? Why couldn't it be found through datamining? Was it ever found?

>there could be a video game so obscure that there is no mention of it on the internet

>easter egg is creepy

>download rpgmaker demo
>make a 20 minute game
>delete it

If only we could pull up fucking vidya threads older than 2013. I remember that user that found out where a game dev who worked on the early Lara Croft lived and put a 'easter egg' in his house after he broke in it. Spoops me the fuck out to this day

>any secret of easter egg get spoiled day 1 if not before these days
>leaks tell us everything that is coming
>most that could have been a surprise is now dlc anyway

>data miners reveal all easter eggs without effort

Surely there is a game that CANT be datamined, right?

Depends on the kind of easteregg.

Has BB been mined yet? Can they look at the filed from a ps4 game?

>technologically inept plebs using the term "data mining"
i bet you think hex editing and modding console games is some kind of magic wizardry

I remember back when MGS4 came out there was a bit in Official Playstation 3 Magazine UK that said Kojima claimed there was a secret in the game that wouldn't unlock or be discovered for another few years after its release. What was it?

There was an FF9 sidequest that wasn't discovered (or at least discovered and revealed to others) until 2013.

gta5 has undiscovered stuff

Not true, was found days after release. They lied and pretended it hasn't been found by anybody, even though somebody did find it.

>Hacking through obscure GBA rpg game
>Find a debug menu
>Look online and literally nobody had found it yet
>Realize that more than 7 years after the game's release, I was probably the only person besides the developer to see this debug menu

what geiimu, nii-chan

Yggdra Union.

Then explain how people are just now finding the DK64 rainbow banana coin?

>Socially inept programmer can't wrap his mind around slang terms.

Why do all the GTA's have a ton of easter eggs.
The only one that really unsettled me was the Heart in the Statue of Liberty.
I miss the videos of SA easter egg hunts that plays the x-files music and ends with a screamer.

>look at me I'm cool cause I know stuff

God damn those GTA:SA videos are comfy as fuck

>that bf4 dev camo pattern easter egg
How do people find out that stuff?

Name them.

Probably the "all nukes destroyed" cutscene.


I'm an idiot. Wrong MGS. No idea.

>a speed runner recently found an undiscovered banana coin in DK64 totaling 977 coins in the game
I love shit like this

If it couldn't be datamined then it probably never existed in the first place.

If there ever was anything to be found, I guarantee you can read about it on

Well, if they're undiscovered, how do we know which games they are?

I wonder what's the record for longest-taken discovery?

Some interview with a God of War employee mentioned him having game dev friends who put stuff in that hasnt been discovered even after a decade

All the Banjo Kazooie Stop-n-Swop codes is probably a contender.

Only in the west, nips knew about this. And of course, everyone suddenly claimed they did the sidequest after it was "discovered". If you look at the necessary shit to do, I doubt many people actually finished it, maybe some just did the first parts.

Wasn't it like, 15 years to discover there were push-button codes to unlock cheats in Goldeneye?

The FFIX secret sidequest?

>game has as an easter a phrase
>look it on google
>only place found is a youtube video
>enter video
>extract sound of video
>read sound imagery
>it's a deep web link
>get in there
>222 links there
>mostly dead
>one has a download
>it's a secret game made by one of the developers
>it automatically downloads cp so that people can't debate it

>things that never happened

I hate it when this happens.

dumb dog poster

>easter egg is code for a phone number
>if you call it you get a secret message

What games had the longest to discover easter eggs?

>game has an easter egg that tries to recruit you for a real life cult

This actually exists. Some puzzle indie game

Those autist should really get off their asses and solve this shit soon.

My money would be on the more obscure roguelikes.
People still find new shit in IVAN on occasion.

>game has easter egg phone number
>phone number is from the 80s and the line is now cut off

they ever figure out these fucking things?

It's too bad nothing ever came of that, it was a fun few weeks.

Holy shit yeah. This was fucking wild when it got unveiled on Rare Witch Project.


>Game has Easter egg that only shows up at a specific time and date
>Nobody has noticed until someone fucking around saw it
>Dev from the company confirms
>It's a happy birthday message to his wife hidden in the initial loading intro that has to be slowed down to catch
>And it took 7 years

Bungie I swear to god you and your 7's

The mystery of the mural on Mount Chiliad in GTA V still hasn't been solved yet.

I bet many people found the coin, didn't think anything from it and just forgot it was there. Then, this one faggot caught the coin and realized he'd never found it.

What's your favorite Easter Egg Sup Forums? Does this count?

>people only just now found a new collectible banana in dk 64
Granted, there are a lot of bananas.

After Call of Duty i dont search for easter eggs anymore. I dont do jumpscares

Which one had a jumpscare?

Insomniac Museums


I agree with OP.

The reason that they aren't all found is because dataminers are (relatively to the players) sparse, and thus the only ones spend their time on games that people actually play.

All those "undiscovered" games must have a ton of stuff in them though.

By chance I once found a glitch in Tony Hawk Pro Skater 3 a while ago that slowed down the music to like 20% or so but no one else had ever found this because no one cares.

Idk exactly what he's talking about but in BO2 dlc there is a jumpscare easter egg where if you aim a sniper rifle at the right building a sp00ky spook will appear then scream inside of the scope of your sniper

>translator for Gotta Protectors mentions multiple hidden scenes in the gamethan ending, even a hidden menu, in an interview
>these will never be discovered because the game is so niche

>people datamined P.T
>found two more monsters, a folder for voice commands along with audio cues not present in the game, the entire ending cutscene was rendered in real time and can be explored, and a new area
>when trying to open the files to the new area, the program crashes

I remember the one in either Halo 2 or 3 where a guy wrote a message to his wife/fiance and took years for someone to find it.

Does this count?

The alien one also took a bit of time iirc

>that easter egg on the FuD in halo 3 that took 8 years to be found

Jesus. Kinda reminds me of the Assassin's Creed giant octopus one. Fuck underwater creatures

Also, the hidden castle in MDK is fucking amazing for how absolutely obscured it is

A recent one that only got discovered because someone data mined the game.

In Shadow Tactics, there's a giant dragon statue that will spawn out of a pond if you pick up 4 random rocks and place them in very specific locations. There is absolutely no hint about the rocks being special or any clues about there being a giant statue. Your only clue is that the rock glows if you happen to put one down in the exact spot. You have to repeat this several times.

Wait what

> in Halo 3, If you press down both thumbsticks during the game’s loading screen on December 25, it will reveal a wider look at the Halo ring with the message “Happy Birthday, Lauren!” inscribed on it.

>All that for a stupid picture

I love easter eggs.

>game has mandatory phone number to advance the plot
>phone number is now out of service

>Easter egg is _____you_____

>Easter eggs can open doors

Did you guys ever think that maybe some of this stuff that has interviews from developers saying that all the easter eggs in the game haven't been discovered is just people recalling vague details from other people working on the game in a passing conversation, only for it to later be taken out for one reason or another by someone else who has no idea why it's there?

Todd said that there is still one missing Easter Egg in FO4 concerning the terminals.

>Phone is still in service
>But it's a sexline.

Roger Rabbit?

Maybe it's like the pool of forgetfulness, they put it there for one reason or another then they forgot why they put it in, but left it in as a joke.

>game can discover your easter eggs

Well, no, because that's absolutely retarded and you should kill yourself.

Wow did I touch a nerve?

>game has a hard to find easter egg with a sequel hook
>gets ignored and outright contradicted in the sequels