I've been playing vidya for so long but I mostly only play the same thing over and over again...

I've been playing vidya for so long but I mostly only play the same thing over and over again. What are some games a """gamer""" should play, I don't care about how old or new the game is

>he calls himself a gamer

I just played shadow warrior 2 and found it pretty good. try that.

Nah I don't want to play that

Jesus fuck, I hate millennial.

And before you ask, I'm 1979.

Super Metroid


lol get out of here old man

Just buy a PS4, who cares about having games

Mario 2

Corruption of Champions

If you're almost 30, still browsing Sup Forums, and still playing video games, you should just an hero now.

hey old man, look at me now.
i'm a lot like you were.


1979 is almost 40. Millenials are already turning 30.

what else do I call myself, and it put it in over exaggerated quotation marks

>30 years old
>Still shitposting on Sup Forums






>anyone on Sup Forums telling others to an hero

If you think that you have the right to tell others what they should do with their lives, you should fucking kill yourself.

Holy shit she's gotten FAT


Sad, shouldn't you be fucking your wife or teaching your kid to read?

is Sup Forums really that addictive that you still browse it at the age of almost 40 years old?

pretty sad senpai

>saving pictures of trannies
>b-but it's just for shitposting

I hope Trump kills all you faggots.

try 38

Who is this beautiful girl?

who is that thicc dick sleeve?


Spotted the underage ban.

Once someone reaches a certain age, do they just disappear forever? Do they become a robot that is unable to think or enjoy themselves?


lia marie johnson

>I'm 1979
How was it like being born in 38?

>40 next month
>still living with parents
>still leeching them off

wrong reply I don't know who that dark haired hottie is

They fulfill their purpose, to breed and then they work to raise their offspring so they can play games and when they reach thirty repeat the cycle. You're just a walking semen machin, deal with it.

I wonder if she fucks old men for money.

>tfw babyfaced 33 year old who still smashes 18 year old prime pussy

feels good to have wisdom and experience on your side tbqh


how do you live with yourself knowing that you're a waste of a human being?

1979? I'm CIA.

Are there millenial girls who don't?

he probably doesn't care

like nobody should

by having high apathy, which in todays world is a fucking blessing

wtf when did lia get huge fun bags

>tfw lying on the internet

feels good to have experience on your side tbqhfamalamadingdong

Should I know who that is?

You're just a walking piece of meat, no better than me. Deal with it kid.

>bordering on 40
>still posting here
a vision of the future...

Bro that hurts, I just turned 30 the other day. Married, with 3 year and 2 dogs. I come here to relax and find out about video games without the "Main Stream Media" spreading fake reviews about games.

This place here is one of the places making videogames great again.

Wave of indie shit incoming:
The Flame In The Flood
Kentucky Route Zero
Ace of Seafood
Momodora: Reverie Under The Moonlight
Hyper Light Drifter
Risk of Rain
Axiom Verge
Freedom Planet
Cave Story
Kero Blaster
The Witness
Party Hard
Brothers A Tale of Two Sons
Pony Island
Sunless Sea
2064: Read Only Memories
Enter The Gungeon
Darkest Dungeon
Environmental Station Alpha
Endless Legend
Dungeon of The Endless
Crawl (with friends)
Action Henk (with friends)
Lovers in A Dangerous Spacetime (with friends)
Stardew Valley
Golf With Your Friends
Child of Light
Kingdom: New Lands
Monaco (with friends)
Chroma Squad
Shovel Knight

I could keep going but I think that's a long enough list of games for you to wave off 5 seconds later.

>woman lets herself go and becomes fat
>society has been successfully brainwashed into thinking it's a good thing

Yes. You're all gonna end like this.


if only
no, she's just some irrelevant youtuber that so happens to be hot as well

Its called being a psychopath, he cant comprehend how his own parents feel about him parasiting thus doesnt care nor will ever care.

Wizard here, enjoying the life.

>not wanting those big fat tits to smother you
gay af

no one on Sup Forums plays video games tho lmao

Isn't she pretty average? I mean sure I would but she seems kinda average.

we may both be walking pieces of meat but at least I'm not one that leeches of their parents that probably did not want you in the first place.

You have no idea how my brain or my family works, so shut the fuck up.


>there is a xrayed version of this

>I can't find it anymore

Just fucking kill me

in plenty of cultures it's normal for the offspring to stay with the parents their whole lives to care for them

you fucking self-important retard

>he doesn't go to bars or clubs to pick up girls

don't worry user, your imaginary cartoon girlfriend loves you :^)

I'll try a few, I've bought Undertale but never bothered to play it yet. Was the hype surrounding it really worth it or is it just some autismo garbage?

Yes but she acts like a whore so she gets more recognition than an average girl.


It just doesn't matter.

the big deal is that she got extremely fuckable very young. her face is alright but her tits are pretty great, especially considering her tits were like that when she was only 17 or something

>bragging about getting skunk pussy


>what should I play?

>try this


Kill yourself you stupid shit

>Almost 30


>Browses the most autistic message board on the internet

lol senpai, kys

Doesn't help that she was on "Kids React" while being completely and obviously boneable

That's pretty normal though?

Average? Maybe, but it's not like I had high standards anyway. Plus she's a big tease.
she's not even fat though

Yeah but normies don't want to admit it
They can't help it though when she's such so public and such a tease, plus this where she's put out in a popular kids thing

She's definitely fat in OPs image

pics nao



3/3 someone post the nip slip


the one where she comes out of some lake or something?

>Lia became a lame youtuber while Maisie became a superstar through GoT
I bet she's jealous as fuck

please please please find it before this post gets 404d user


Thank you my man