Breath of the Wild Love Thread # 1

What are you guys hoping for?
Any items you want to make a return?
Any characters?
Discuss anything about the game

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who /notbuyingswitchuntil2018/ here? ill play this on my U

Honestly, it bums me out that dungeons are gone and replaced with shrines, but they have said that some shrines will feature bosses and shit. I'm hoping those big mechanical titans are exciting to fight/take down.

As for items, not sure. I like a lot of the concepts they have introduced so far, but I think a hook/claw shot that would reduce climbing time would be pretty fucking cool.

I'm hoping for it not to be another phantom pain. I have flip flopped for months whether not to preorder or preorder. I'm sick of the open world meme but it looks enchanting.

>What are you guys hoping for?
Aside from it being good? an instrument and a companion that's as good as Midna

>Any items you want to make a return?
Double Hookshot

>Any characters?
Some TP tier Zoras would be great, I really don't like the stubby legs of the new ones.

Sorry user, pre-ordered my Switch the very second it went up along with a pro controller and the limited edition of BoTW.

>open world meme
zelda has been open world since the nes are you high?

Already have mine pre-ordered. March 3rd can't come soon enough.

I'm buying one the days ARMS comes out, or Black Friday in hopes there is a bundle. But not sooner.

So I'm also /Wii U/.

day one Cemu support

I'm waiting for the revised model just like every other Nintendo handheld.

what's with this reddit tier posts lately? Is this a shill thread?

why buy the worse version on shitty optical media when you're getting a switch anyway

stop being so fucking stupid

why would he want to wait until 2018 to play BOTW?

that's what im saying, why not get switch now

I'll be getting it when Odyssey comes out. Still undecided on whether I'll be getting BotW on WiiU or waiting for the Switch version.

Don't count dungeons out. That confusion was probably due to translation shit, seeing as the treehouse has explicitly stated as clear as can be there there will be dungeons like Zelda fans are used to. Shrines =/= dungeons

Anyone who doesn't wait for a bundle or a new model is retarded

If I wasn't such a fucking buyfag for collectors editions and hadn't gotten a fuckload of money specifically for buying a Switch recently I wouldn't have bit on the console.

Now that I have one preordered though, my hype levels are pretty high. There's already a few games I want for the system day one, but I'm going to take it slow and only buy games when I finish them.

Since this game seems like it's going to be long as hell, I probably won't finish it up until around when ARMS drops, which I'm super excited for.

Can you link to that proof?

I want to know what the comet fucking is. God I can't wait for this game.

Aonuma said in a recent article that they think more in terms of shrines now rather than dungeons, and that some shrines will still be dungeon like.

Just wanna see some eyebrows

No you retard there is a clear phantom pain meme that is infecting gaming. Zelda was a sandbox adventure if anything.

>Switch doesn't ship here officially
>Can only get it from third party retailers who charge a fortune for it
>No guarantee it'll even come here on march on their websites, which say that the console will be out on march, but dates are subject to change
>Forced to buy it on the wii u cause I don't feel like possibly waiting a month just to play the game and I can always buy the switch later on

Thanks for being lazy pieces of shit and not shipping here officially nintendo, it's very nice of you to fuck over a client base because you're lazy.

>but I'm going to take it slow and only buy games when I finish them

If Xenoverse taught me anything it's that you shouldn't wait. What I do is buy the games I'm interested in, then shelve them until I'm ready to play. I've avoided a lot of scalper tier shit because of this practice.

Yeah after SS I didn't think I'd get this hype for a Zelda so soon again but it happened.

you're a retard if you think botw is anything but an evolution of past zelda games


Also, heres one where Aonuma states shrines are not the same thing as dungeons.


I suspect that ultimately Switch will be the way to go because Nintendo will cater to it down the long run.

>the game will have a companion system with optional co-op, which will pressure players into buying the paid online - especially so once Nintendo drops online services for the Wii-U

>the game will have DLC expansion updates down the line, which will likely not be available for purhcase on the Wii-U version, once Nintendo finally drops it - and that's soon

These are my predictions at least.


yes you are

I think what you're talking about is just the moon moving quickly because it's in fast forward.

I doubt that nintendo will drop wii u support for the game that quickly and I seriously doubt that developing DLC content for wii u vs switch is THAT much more effort.

I want to do lewd things to Mifa.

i think he meant the thing that fell to create the pillar of light

*step down

>Co-op for BotW
Yeah, nah. It doesn't need co-op, it just needs dat sweet Wolf Link hunting doggo

>DLC expansions
I would be genuinely interested in this idea, though. However, I'm not sure if Nintendo could pull it off.

it's a step up in every way. nice try though

It looks vastly more interesting than any zelda game to have come out in the past decade, probably more.

Its hard to see with the video sped up so much but the pillar of light towards the end is from a comet

The game is going to be pure shit. Not buying it.

Nice. Now I just hope the dungeons aren't just the mechs.

>When you alter the pic so much it looks like No Man's Sky

>When you alter the pic so much to hide the obvious downgrade

A DLC after-story would be cool.

Keep dreaming.

Takes one to know one..

Thank you very much for the confirmation, user. I have been looking for that quote for a while but I couldn't find it and started to lose hope.

I still feel that this is going to be the case, though.

you would have to be retarded to think they wouldnt put dungeons in a zelda game

Are you kidding? And sparks weeks worth of "ITS OK WHEN NINTENDO DOES IT" threads?

I'll wait until Odyssey comes out.

Functionally, the shrines act very similarly, though. With the amount of them present in the game (120) and the drastic sort of shift Nintendo is taking with Breath of the Wild, it might have made more sense to alter the way they view the traditional dungeon, as well. It seems that shrines are used to enhance the player while dungeons might be more narrative-related.

There are 120 shrines so I don't think that they're going to be long and beautiful as a regular dungeon...

>What are you guys hoping for?
Zelda and Link kissing each other, with that I can die happy

>Any items you want to make a return?
I want the pegasus boots from ALttP (I know it never apeared in a 3D Zelda game, but if it apears it would be all worth it) and any magical item

>Any characters?
Minda plz! I know she has 0.001% of apearing but if she does I'll get a boner

Maybe aonuma actually took the only good thing from Skyrim, daedric quests, and we can go romp through bits of parallel worlds.

>calling other anons redditors

Mai Brudah

I've noticed, that not at a single point in the revealed gameplay, or the game cover arts, we see link with his signature tunic.

Is it not in the game or something. Genuinely worried.

I don't. There are at least five huge magic pillars surrounding Hyrule Castle. Probably 6. The four mechs wouldn't really make sense.

it might be a more important unlockable like the master sword

Right, but even 120 mini-dungeons might mean there's no room for larger, proper ones, either.

That was my thought process, at least.

They didn't want it to be available at the start because then no one would wear anything else.

Sorry, already preordered mine

post yfw No Audio

The green tunic is only for the hero or for Outset Islands tradition.

This Link isn't the Hero

Well, in all fairness it is a pretty sad day when even Nintenyearolds are salivating for hypothetical DLC before the game is even out.

It will be in there. It might be hard as fuck to get, but it's gonna be obtainable somehow.


Sorry, the DLC meme has already happened with NSMB2, Fire Emblem, Pikmin 3, and MK8.

Also Xenoblade X and Smash

Hey I wonder, if you can kill and hunt animals, do you still get meat for animals you can tame like horses and dogs? That'd be kinda sad.

Pikmin 3 and MK 8 had some stellar dlc tho.

it's clearly only from shit you can kill


Also true, but that still doesn't mean it's okay when Nintendo does it.

I've been interested by this concept, myself. We've seen Wolf Link in game and we know he can take damage and eventually disappear, but what about your horse? If one gets btfo by a guardian, does it die?

I think it was confirmed in one of the directs that horses can die.

You can kill horses.

but why would you

Horses and dogs can die in battle though.

oh no :(

They have it coming to them.

furries btfo

Holy fuck, this game is going to be awesome and sad.
>Tame horse bro
>Go on wild adventures
>Eventually the fucker dies in some epic battle
I'm also glad I got that stupid amiibo TPHD bundle, Wolf Link hunting companion is definitely the best amiibo implementation so far.

>he doesn't have a full 20 hearts Wolf Link amiibo ready to go for BotW

I have 18, can't be arsed to do everything all over again for a measly 2 hearts

>if you care about animals you're a furry
i don't sexualize and anthropomorphize animals, retard

>wanting a companion who will ruin stealth and make the game even easier

>wanting to play the game on easy mode

Why are you using an obviously touched up picture user. Stop shitposting.


If you complete the new Cave of Twilight in TPHD, you can save the data to the Wolf Link amiibo and import it as a Wolf hunting partner in BotW

The Wolf Link amiibo unlocks an optional dungeon in TPHD that's pretty much just a harder version of the Cave of Ordeals which can only be played in Wolf form. If you beat the entire thing without dying, it saves how much health you had left to the amiibo. This amount of health is how much your Wolf Link companion will have in BotW.

I got the full 20 by getting every Heart Piece in TPHD (obviously), beating the amiibo dungeon normally, then using the Zelda/Shiek amiibo to heal back to full health on the last floor

what went wrong?

So only people who have Wii Us can get it? That's fucking bullshit

*smacks lips*

Wait hold up, where are you guys getting that you can tame dogs?

>it plays the same sound effect when Wolf Link hits something in BotW as it does in TP

that's pretty neat

Uhhhh user, the Joycon had NFC readers

But you have to play that TPHD cave to get it.

Around the 8 minute mark Link gives food to a dog and he has the same effect that horses get when you bond with them, and the dog starts to follow link around



You can tame horses and have a Wolf Link companion, plus we've seen other random dogs walking around in the overworld, so people are assuming you can tame any random dog in a similar fashion to horses and have them act like Wolf Link does

A random dog actually stole an apple from the treehouse rep when they were trying to feed it to their horse on a livestream