What exactly is their endgame at this point?

I don't say this as someone who is trying to sell you a PS4 or Switch or PC, I just want to know what people think. I sit here on my gaming PC looking at this box under my TV that I have now not turned on in months. I see the company talk more about damn UI updates than I do any plans for upcoming games.

When they took away exclusives for the system they might as well have advertised to buy something else. Their windows 10 store is still a mess and I doubt many people are buying games on it. I'd be very surprised if the meager sales of PC games have made up for all the damage to the brand the stigma of no longer having any unique games has caused. And now they're cancelling the few games they did have.

Also why even bother with the Scorpio? Again there are no exclusives, and even worse for a system that's over 4x as powerful as the base xbone it still needs to run all the same games. It's like the PS4Pro except even more pointless. Does this company even have a strategy for gaming any more? It looks like they're just throwing shit at a board and hoping for a miracle until Nutella cuts them off.

I don't think I've ever seen a company phone it in this hard.

Other urls found in this thread:


>no exclusives
most people buy consoles and play multi plat games

I use it every day because I prefer most of my multiplats on it. In addition, the exclusives it does have (Halo, Gears, Crackdown, etc) are actually pretty interesting to me. I'd contend that on consoles, the two best FPS and TPSs are both on Xbox.

The multiplats that look and perform worse on xbox?

Is that all the Scorpio is for? So they can at least have that? Seems like a lot of money thrown away just so you can say a game runs a few fps more and at a slightly higher resolution than the competition.

Cross and back compat.

As a PC gamer primarily I think it's great

i love the xbone pad, the console is shit though, but damn their pads are nice, runs circles around the crappy sony joypads

>Their windows 10 store is still a mess

I disagree, the UI is lightweight and they really improved the responsiveness of gaming applications with UWP. It sucks that all UWP apps need to come through the store though and that any moding on it will likely be highly restricted

Cancelling Scalebound has made me regret buying a little bit. E3 better be amazing or I'm buying PlayStation.

>this thread again

Well, there's the Scorpio coming out so their focus is probably shifting but Scalleboind getting canceled probably was a huge punch in the guts for them.

probably waiting to reveal their new exclusives and new ip with the release of the scorpio

But why did you buy an xbone in the first place?

Agree user, i'm a big fan of their pads but they're slacking on games and the move to win10 (with questionable ports) has been awkward to say the least.

Not him but I bought mine because of backwards compat and Halo 5

I think the worst part about the Scalebound cancellation was. Part of the justification for the play anywhere stuff was Phil saying with an expanded audience they could make more games.

What happened? Very few new game announcements, and now game cancellations.

Whatever, Halo 5 is still the best FPS shootan this gen so far


Sup Forums isn't representative of what most people want

The main audience for the ps4/xbone is NORMIES, who will just use it to play the latest COD. That's why they don't give a shit about exclusives, it won't effect them at all.

Sup Forums has the exact same mindset NeoGAF, gamefaqs and so many other forums have

Biding time until Scorpio probably
Either that or they have a stacked E3 where they say "we were just pretending to be retarded"

All you've got to do is google the most played/best sellers on each platform, it's all multiplats like fifa/cod.

The only platforms where sales would be effected by what exclusives are available are the nintendo stuff and PC.

Why does every conversation default to normies and multiplats.

PS4 is guaranteed to sell more now because it has a higher install base and can coast by on momentum. Once future chads friends all have a PS4 what console he buys is already predetermined.

Before it gets to that point however it's the core audience who goes out and buys the systems and gives it the initial install base that other people then latch onto.

Microsoft has no message to the core audience with the Scorpio, early adopters are not going to buy it, and then the mainstream will not latch on.

the whole no exclusives thing is true, but it doesn't matter to most people. The vast majority of gamers are on Playstation or Xbox. If a game comes out on Xbox and isn't available on PS, then to most people its an exclusive xbox game, even if that not technically true because they're on PC as well. Same way that FF7 remake and all those other ps console exclusives count for PS even if they're going to be on PC.

Because they announced stuff like Scalebound and Crackdown and Titanfall, and I was seriously hoping for more exclusives as a result. Now everything is going multiplat or getting cancelled while Sony already has a half dozen exclusives lined up for this year.

I fit into that category I guess. I bought an Xbone over the PS4 because FIFA has legends on FUT, and because even though COD now has dlc's out first on PS, the playstation FPS community is still full of scrubs compared to Xbox. It was true on 360 and remains true on the Bone (with the exception of pros).

>Halo 5
Seriously? I though everyone here hated that game.
I uninstalled the game months ago and now it won't let me install it again to try out the new updates.

They want to go back to their roots with Xbox, most powerful console that can run PC games just like the original Xbox and Xbox 360. Xbox was always supposed to be a PC in the living and starting in 2009 when Bill Gates left they forgot that.

>muh exclusives
It's hard to even call these games PC games when they're locked in Windows 10. The original Xbox and 360 were known for being some of the only consoles that could play technically impressive PC games, like Doom 3, Half-Life, Elder Scrolls 3 and 4, Quake 4, and Prey. With Scorpio they want get back on track and not have a repeat of that TV, Sports, Movies, and Water Cooler box that they started pushing in 2009 and beyond.


Has xbox been getting a lot of PC games lately? They said the libraries would be more ubiquitous when they launched play anywhere, but so far it doesn't seem like xbox is swimming in more PC games than usual.

Basically Microsoft knows it won't win in hardware sales so they're going in totally in software and trying to produce profit from that in a similar way to the Wii U and Vita.
What they don't understand is that they need to produce games people want.

>What exactly is their endgame at this point?
Selling 1 billion consoles

A lot of people just care about CoD, Battlefield, Overwatch, and Destiny so to them the PS4 and Xbone are the same
Only crazies like us make a big deal out of TLG, Yakuza, Gravity Rush, etc

Halo, it might be shit now, but it's the only game I can get excited for anymore.

>TFW you will never play halo 2 with your buds ever again

Because the Xbone is a weak ass piece of shit, it's nothing like the Xbox and 360, they should have gotten rid of Steve Ballmer and Don Mattrick a lot sooner. They didn't understand Microsoft and they didn't understand Xbox. Scorpio should change that since it's a return to roots.

Forza 6/horizon 3 that aren't shit. That PC version of forza 6 is insane and they straight up don't care about PC horizon 3.
>new update
>it's the whole game

As a PC gamer I do not feel there is much reason to have an Xbone. As a previous Xbox and 360 owner I do not think that the exclusive, Microsoft tent-pole games are getting sequels that are interesting or that I want to play. It's a multiplat box and nothing else at this point, but that's enough for some people.

I'm pretty sure they're just letting it die. Release some half-hearted content occasionally but slowly move towards pushing the windows store as their primary gaming platform.

I don't think we'll see an xbox 2.

their endgame is to sell you windows 10 ya PCGOOF

Halo, Gears, Good Online, Friends
Everything the PS4 doesn't have

Either MS has a plan in mind that will completely innovate the business, or all their plans are poorly thought out reactionary plans to what the competition is doing, ie Apple, Sony and and Steam.

For me, I lost any desire of getting an Xbone when they canceled Scalebound.

Unless they can get more exclusives (RIP Scalebound), I think they should just try to pander really hard to people who already own Xbones. PS4 has unquestionably won this console generation and there's pretty much no hope for Microsoft to compete

Yea seems likely. Obviously pulling all support and exiting abruptly would burn any and all good will they've built with the brand over the past 16 years.

I think they're just treading water, spending as little money as possible, until they can find a way to make money with a still somewhat relevant brand.

Kill yourself

They have been telling their OEM partners to start building Gaming PC's and offering them


The end game is that consoles are a dying fad and anyone who seriously cares about games and not brands will move to PC. And Scorpio is more than likely a HTPC box with higher end parts meant to introduce people to PC gaming in a familiar box that just works.

The end game is PC gaming and customising your own experience. Everyone knows it. Anyone who shills for locked down consles especially know it.

Why do you think Sony is so scared of PC?

Getting ready for E3 and Scorpio they will announce something big but they definitely need more jap support as the last two months have shown

This is how every Microsoft venture works.

Strong arm their way in and buy success with money. Eventually get beat out by better products and the investors demand they stop throwing money at the failure.

This is exactly where we are at with the Xbox. The Surface is next.


Is there any proof that MS is losing money on Xbox? Last I heard, they have been making money every year since the Xbox 360 days from the Xbox Live subscriptions alone. They supposedly made so much money during the X360 days from XBL gold, they recouped all their losses from the original Xbox and finally turned the brand into a profit.

Have you seen the Microsoft store? I don't thing you understand what openness actually is.

The only people who care about exclusives are the people who are so afraid of PC gaming they need them as a value proposition for their own console

Who wants to play NiOh at 720P just because of brand power? Idiots, that's who.

>Completely murdering the iPad so badly that Apple's considering ditching it

Cuppertino doesn't pay their pajeets enough.

Yeah it seems clear enough that Xbox is leaning away from the console-triad and getting people familiar with Windows and PC gaming. Scorpion's just a Play-Do PC and then there won't be a traditional Xbox again.

Sony and Nintendo will be the only people making games for consoels, and things will be good in some respects. I am glad Xbox is getting out of the scene.

What happened with Scorpio? Was it cancelled? I thought it was going to came out about the same time as PS4 Pro.

I feel like the end game is basically a steambox, but from the opposite side of the fence.

>I'd contend that on consoles, the two best FPS and TPSs are both on Xbox.
>Best TPS on Xbox


People have been saying consoles are dying for years but more people are buying them then ever PS4 is a runaway success Xbox one is selling better than 360 in the same time period and for some reason folks are excited for the switch I don't see anything dying I see the market expanding

It's not lacking in games at all.
If you decide to get your games on PC, that's just your preference. I buy everything on xbone because it gets physical copies. Also, I use my laptop exclusively for work, so I stopped gaming on it. Since I bought it on launch day, it has done its job fulfilling my gaming needs, and that's all that counts.
I love the UI, the gamepad, everything. I'm an xbot in that sense, but without shitposting other consoles. I've added multiple xbros from Sup Forums and they've all been great dudes

be honest, you stopped gaming on that because it was a laptop, not because it was "exclusively for work" as if computers can't be used for multiple things

What if I told you you could play halo 2 on pc on dedicated servers?

It was never slated to come out at around the same time.

>Seems like a lot of money thrown away just so you can say a game runs a few fps more and at a slightly higher resolution than the competition.

It's the only reason the ps4 sold more in the long run so yea it's a good move

PS4 had shit for the first few years and xbone had better exlucisves

Didn't mean anything because it was higher res

Now ps4 kids are gonna get shit on for 2 years with their lower res textures

Original Xbox was a $6bn write down on Microsoft's sheets which was a major success for them because they expected a $10bn write down and they lost even less because of no taxes and they discontinued production immediately. They started the division from scratch financially and told Allard that it had to be a financial success.

If you counted the original years. The division went black this quarter. If you don't count them and factor in the write down. It was in black since 2010

A reminder that this faggot was considered a financial genius in 2012 for making Xbox the most profitable gaming platform at the time.


No, that doesn't sound right.

Wouldn't be the same, don't have any buds to play with anymore.

I have a capable Lenovo laptop, but since I do heavy rendering and animation work on it, I want it to last as long as possible.
I'm just not comfortable adding gaming on top of the heavy duty already. I'm sure that sounds silly but that's just the way I'm handling things at the moment.

>The end game is PC gaming and customising your own experience.

This will never be true, no matter how much PC gamers desire this. Most gamers don't want anything more complicated than "start game, play game, exit game". Complicating the experience with custom builds, graphics settings, compatibility, driver updates, mandatory software installs, and such will always scare off that audience. The ease of the console experience is the sole reason why it's still a viable and successful avenue for hardware manufacturers.

And before you bring up Steam and the steambox, Valve fucked up royally by overcomplicating the deal with the multitude of steamboxes, some who weren't real steamboxes by glorified windows PCs. It has for now destroyed the potential the PC market might have had to appeal to the console audience.

Make new buds then! More people need to play the objective servers

Xbone S was my first console since SNES.
It serves me well.
> Halo MCC was cool desu. Played 1-3, will play ODST when I'll get some time.
> Forza Horizon 3 is just pure fun. Never expected myself to like driving/racing game that much. But dat Toyota Apex Trueno with InitialD decals rocks.
> Recore was fun until last PrismaCore gating. I hope it will be remastered with less retarded non-gameplay design, T8NK and different engine. Platforming and shooting was amazing.
> i still mostly play multiplats + BC games. Gotta do some catchup with prev and current gen.
> EA Access and Live Gold fill your library pretty well for not that high price.
> XboneS pad is amazing.
> I'm excited for Forza Motorsport 7, Sea of Thieves, Phantom Dust HD and Scorpio.

While PS4 is objectively better, it is possible to enjoy having Xbone. Personally I'm not into Souls games and Naughty Dog stuff makes me sick. I'm missing out on Persona5 and Yakuza 0 - my Steam backlog still has FFX and I Am Setsuna, so.. yep, I can live with that.

I still hope for good stuff on E3 but even without any big exclusives - there are so many multiplats that I want to play that it doesn't really matter.

>Who wants to play Nioh at 720p

For 60 fps on base ps4 yes, but 1080p30 is also available for the cinematic minded. And you get to actually play the game at all, compared to the port begging, pirating PCuck platform.

They're trying to build an ecosystem of products basically. Their big thing right now is how "easy" it is to switch between their surface line, or their Windows 10 operating system, or their phone line or their Xbox line (I'm assuming).

>When they took away exclusives

Their games are more exclusive than ever. You want to play Gears? Buy an Xbox or "upgrade" to Windows 10. That's pretty goddamn exclusive to me.

But what if I want to play it at 1440p 60FPS

You know, a modern resolution.

Xbox was also $100 more expensive and had a peripheral no one cared about any more. Pretty sure that had a big impact.

Clearly. I think people just want some new franchises instead of Gears, Halo and Forza. And by people I mean not normies, this is about Sup Forums people.

PS4 Pro!

1440p on a tiny monitor? Hardly worth it

people play what their friends have
its just the way it works, more and more people will gradually switch as others do

People don't care about performance vs PC games

they just want to play games

I bought the xbone for a collection of 20+ year old nintendo games and that's still the best thing on it 2 years later

I've literally not turned mine on since finishing Banjo Kazooie

idiot can't even quote the right person

The ps4 pro outputs anything from 1440P to 1800p in the 30 fps locked mode, but that gets either checkerboarded to 4k or downsampled to 1080p of course. For 60fps even the pro dips to 900P and rarely even to 720p.

1440p is a PC only resolution anyway. I also game at 1440p on PC cause it's perfect for 27" monitors but I get why consoles are optimized for TVs

The people who buy an XBOX One, by and large, don't give a rat's ass about exclusives.

>What exactly is their endgame at this point?
>Selling 1 billion consoles
So Mehdi reached 2 % of his sale target? Does he still work for Microsoft?

At this point it'll probably end up being xbox TWO. They'll never catch up to the ps4 without the hype of a new console generation

No. I want to play Nioh at 1440P 60FPS. Why is the PS4 Pro dropping to 720P?

they just want games and probably a more stable network like Xbox live, 360 games ran better most of the time than PS3 multiplats but that didn't stop consumers now did it?

and with the Scorpio is basically a generation jump except that much like PCs it will continue running your old games, so basically the Xbone is going to become the steam machines of consoles... or at least that's MS's idea.

I basically only play on Xbox to play multiplayer games with friends and the ocasional exclusive (even though I do have a PC that can handle games I still play them on the Xbox cause performance don't really matter to me as much as playing with people I know)

Let's be honest, neither do the people who buy a PS4. Only people interested in exclusives are buying Nintendo.

>I want to play Nioh at 1440P 60FPS.

And I want Santa Claus to gift me a large golden house to live in for Christmas. Sometimes, for various reasons, we cannot have what we want. That's life.

Crashing this industry

>Yeah it seems clear enough that Xbox is leaning away from the console-triad and getting people familiar with Windows and PC gaming.
Nobody wants this. People are moving away from Windows PCs, because they hate that malware-ridden security nightmare and maintenance-heavy shit, which permanently breaks due to updates.
The idea that the console audience somehow goes back to Windows desktop PCs in fucking 2017 is just delusional.
It's like people start using horse carts again, because they got bored of automobiles.

Well they were selling a weaker system for 100 dollars more

That was the real nail in their coffin

People couldn't care about always on or any of that shit anymore than they do paid online

They just want the most powerful box at the 400 dollar price line

It's funny because sony copied microsoft

Only reason 360 was successful was because it was 100 bucks cheaper and better multiplats

I can't believe they thought they had a premium brand after seing sony get BTFO with their 599 us dollars shit

I haven't heard of anybody leaving Windows. I don' think you're right on this one.

idk, I've bought 3 ps4 exclusives just in the past 2 weeks, and one more is coming out tomorrow. People who pretend any sony console has no games are lying memelords. All of them have been good so far. It's the handhelds I don't like

It does rarely according to DF/eurogamer, but on the low side it should be 900p. Why? Action mode forces a 60 fps output at cost of resolution, so instead of fps drops and stutter you get resolution drops to maintain the smooth action. I've been playing it on the base ps4 on a 1080P screen and even 720p feels fine at the distance I'm sitting. Smooth and responsive gameplay is more important.

Fucking Xbots and their failed console lmfao

Thanks for the blunder Microshit, you helped us push Ps4 sales past the 50mil mark and Nintendrones/PCfats have never been more assblasted

>What exactly is their endgame at this point?

to cut their losses


Yes, and you're posting on Sup Forums. Everyone else is occasionally buying Fifa, COD, or Madden.

Crashing the Xbone plane with no survivors, going full PC if Scorpio flops.

I know lots of normies who buy these games and don't play them. It is possible that the person you're talking to is not seeing the whole picture, but it is also clear that you are not as well.

You sure have a lot of opinions for someone who's wrong.

>I haven't heard of anybody leaving Windows.
Ever heard of these things?
Sells like hotcakes, because people are fed up with ransomware.

Imagine it's still 7th gen, Sony has had a weak start up for the first 4 years, 360 being the consecutive winner every time. It's now 2010 and instead of releasing game after game after game to win consumers over, Sony just sits on their asses, cancelling some games thinking consumers will just fall out of the sky if they patiently wait for it. That's where Microsoft is right now with the xbone. Maybe Microsoft will reflect in time to make a comeback for the 9th gen, maybe not. It's nearly too late for the Xbone though.

>comeback for the 9th gen
There won't be a 9th gen.