Hey guise, what do you think of my OC?

Hey guise, what do you think of my OC?

She's a high school girl that has cool powers like telekinesis but she doesn't use it for evil stuff cuz she's good

She can also visit a magical place whenever she's asleep because she's the best girl and deserves it

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pls respond

ur a faget

Atleast she's cute

The difference between you and ZUN is that you can't make a game or create music like this.


She looks cute.

Why do people hate her so much?

>liking anything Touhou

Literally a character for those to fawn over just to be contrarian

I really don't get why people shit themselves over Zun's music. Terrible sound set that makes compositionally messy songs even more dissonant.




I don't know senpai. I don't even like 2hoes but I think this is cool

how should i hate her, if i only saw her once and that was just a boss in a fighting game.
and since it wasnt even translated, i dont even know her story

>Mountain of Faith
No bad songs here.


>High school girl

Yea, very original.

What is her problem.


1. she's getting bullied or
2. she has a bad case of the shits


I wonder if she can use telekinesis to keep it in

She's to plain while surrounded by awesome characters.

Moutain of Faith had overall the best soundtrack in any touhou game, this is fact

No, it is just your shitty opinion.


She's complete trash.
