Video games with a suicide button

I can only remember Postal 2 as an example, Postal dude puts a grande in his mouth and pulls the pin. There must be other games that let you commit suicide for whatever reason. Can you guys name any?

Feeling depressed, but too chicken shit to actually harm my physical self.

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I don't know if you'd count it, but in I Wanna Be The Guy, if you press Q you just instantly explode into a bloody mess and get a game over.

GTA V. Might be only for online though.

that's a pretty good example, but I'm gonna need more, as that game is for actual masochists.

in tf2 and other source games you can bring up the console and type kill or explode to kys
it works in matches so it's not just some debug shit


Tomb raider 2 had a way to blow yourself up with a cheat code, I guess that counts? Had to pull out a flare and do a weird series of movements and then backflip or something. Lara would then explode mid air.

In tf2 i have a key bound to kill my self so that a medic can't get uber off of me in a situation, also if i'm pushed into a pit with no hope of getting out, kill my self.

It was the opposite actually, you had to do the movements WITHOUT a flare as doing them with a flare either warps you forward a level or gets you all the weapons

Return to the Castle Wolfenstein has a "cianide" button that just instakills you.

though not a suicide, pressing all the shoulder buttons while in the air in dave mira's bmx game for the ps1 would cause you to wipe out. doing it in the first level with the train and placing yourself at the sweetspot allowed for some funny ragdoll motions.
The sword you get after defeating the dragon boss in dragon's dogma allowed you to kill yourself on the spot. I think the prinny games also had a suicide function as well.

played Stasis recently
if you use certain items (power drill for example) on yourself a few times in a row the mc kills himself with it. Each suicide even has it's own death animation

Yoshimisu has a move where he performs hara Kiri and another where he does it while also killing the other fighter

In DayZ you can use a command to put a gun to your head

Then you click to shoot yourself

Well, No More Room In Hell has a suicide button, mostly for when you get infected and don't want to attack your other buddies. It shows the gun coming up to your face in first person, but not in third person.

In Perfect Dark's counter-operative, the second player plays as controllable enemy npc, and has the choice to kill himself and respawn as another one in a different position. The option was in the weapons inventory with the name of suicide pill.

In Nier Automata, or at least the demo, you can remove the "OS Chip", which causes instant death.

Nioh actually gives you a sword to use for seppuku if you want to quit a mission.


does he unzip himself letting all the stuffing fall out? Because that'd be sweet.

Real life.

No. He just gets really mad and explodes into confetti.

No More Room In hell let's you blow your brains out with a bunch of different weapons. It's free on steam. Best game to commit suicide in 10/10

The 1st Postal also had it.

Battlefield multiplayer

Dragon's Dogma the Godsbane sword makes you commit suicide if used.

Time Fcuk


It was the weapons cheat from the first game. More of a fuck you.

Also TR2: Doing a swan dive off a box.

Ctrl+K in the Tribes games. Some mods even had you being gibbed in Tribes 1.

looks like a game Ross from Game Dungeon would review.

In N++, the reset button blows your head up

Not technically suicide, but in Psi-Ops you can mind control enemy soldiers and press a button to make them shoot themselves in the head.


In FF Type-0, one of your characters has to sacrifice their lives in order to use a Summon.

No More Room In Hell.

You can press k to point your gun at yourself up the mouth and click fire to blow your brains out. Useful for when you're infected to prevent your character from turning into a zombie and attacking the other players.

Jurassic Park: Trespasser
You can turn the gun around to shoot yourself.

dark souls has the darksign, I guess

if we're being literal almost any game with a grenade/rocket launcher

I was severely disappointed when I jumped off the Golden Gate Bridge in Watch Dogs 2 and it didn't kill me.

Also on topic, old Battlefield games had a suicide button and I'm pretty sure Arma does too

Seriously bro I warned you about flares

Doesn't matter much because of the infinite respawns but you can in this game.

Oh, it's not player suicide but the Syndicate remake has a power where you hack enemies and force them to blow their brains out.

That game got a lot more shit than it deserved. Multiplayer was fun as fuck

That's hilarious, please tell me there's no quit in the menu.

It's the equivalent of the Dark Sign in Dark Souls

There's a garry's mod swep on the workshop, it was called suicide pistol or some such. Right clicking had you put the gun up to your head and take a deep breath, then you could left click to an hero or right click again to abort. There was even a "not today, not today" voice clip if you didn't go through with it

This actually made me excited for this game for some reason.

Space Station 13. There is a plethora of ways to kill yourself; some from just the top of my head:

-point gun at mouth, pull trigger
-step out of an airlock
-create xenomorphs, walk in specimen room
-any number of poisons/chemicals/toxins
-sew a bomb into your chest cavity, detonate at your leisure
-jetpack into a black hole
-bludgeon yourself to death

Really, the options are simply too numerous to list.


"Thyself" button.

It's done in first person too. Immersive.

Quest for Glory let you practice lockpicking by using the lock on your own nose. Hilarity ensues.

In the Star Wars Episode III game on PS2, if you play as Old Obi-Wan there's a combo that mimics his suicide in Episode IV. Obi-Wan stands still, puts his lightsaber in front of him, and his HP drops to 1. Then when he gets hit he disappears like when Vader kills him in Ep. IV.

Mah nigga

I remember hearing about a game with hitboxes so terrible you often end up shooting yourself. Anyone knows what game I'm talking about?

Predator on NES has a suicide button to get out of moments where you might get yourself stuff. Same with Magicka, there's a spell combination to do just that.

Speaking of Magicka, pretty much any explosive-ish or random-target spell can lead to you killing yourself, as can trying to use lightning magic while wet.

You guys beat me to it, thats the first game i think of when i think suicide. Ironically of course, i just drink when im havin a REAL bad day

MGS3 lets you take cyanide to kill yourself. Technically it's initially non-lethal but you don't have to use the antidote so it counts as a death.

That's true, but if I recall trying to use lightning while wet won't outright kill you, only if you're spamming the key for it. I think OP was aiming more for commands that were put in by devs with the sole intention of suicide.

World at War whenever you went into second chance, you could take the cowards way out.

Fuck off Geoff

CoD black ops was originally going to have you put a gun in your mouth and kill yourself if you "choose the easy way" in final stand but it was removed because of some rating bullshit, with decapitations and multiplayer gore.

Gta 5 online has a suicide button I think.

TF2 Soldier also has a suicide kamikaze taunt that not only kills himself but other people around him as well.

Is this a new update or something? I never knew this.

Couldn't find a video without annoying fucking streamers talking



Don't you mean real life, user?

No ones mentioned karoshi?
Its a puzzle game where the only objective is to kill yourself because being a business man is too hard. Think it was made by cave story guy but im not too sure.

>Not playing on insane