Sup Forums plays Fire Emblem 11

>While trying to make achanea great again, Wrys was factchecked and his plans got fucked
>no amount of crying 'fake news' and 'sad' could distract from his failure, and he passed, forgotten and uncaring.
What's going on?
>I'm going to be playing through Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, taking inputs from you, Sup Forums.
>who I use, who gets various stat-boosters, and other miscellaneous things will be decided by you
Previous threads:

Game over Count: 1
Currently dead: Wrys - failed to MAKE ACHANEA GREAT AGAIN
Castor - caught the illness his mother had

>What game is this?
This is Fire Emblem: Shadow Dragon, a SRPG released on the DS. It is a remake of the original NES Fire Emblem game.
>I'm new to Fire Emblem. What's a good game to start with?
Fire emblem: The Blazing sword(aka Fire Emblem in the USA) is a fantastic starting point, featuring a comprehensive tutorial. Alternatively, Fire Emblem: The Sacred Stones also has a briefer tutorial and is all around easier.
>I heard this series is just shitty waifu pandering
that's Awakening and Fates.
>what does each stat do?
HP-health. lose it all and your unit dies(permanently)
STR- how much damage you do with physical attacks. this is augmented by your enemy's DEF and your own weapon's MT. In Path of Radiance, STR functions similarly to how CON did in older games, determining how much you're burdened by your weapons.
MAG - how much damage you do with magic tomes, staves, or magic weapons. This is augmented by your enemy's RES.
SKL- your chance to hit with attacks, as well as score crits
SPD- if your SPD is high enough, you'll be able to double-attack enemies, also affects your chance to avoid enemy attacks.
LUK-affects accuracy and avoidability, and reduces enemy crit chance.
DEF-affects defense against physical attacks
RES-affects defense against magical attacks
CON- unit's weight. this affects who they can rescue or be rescued by, as well as whether or not they can shove or be shoved by a unit.
>Why are you so shitty?
I'm the best FE player ever, so I don't know what you're talking about.

What happened yesterday? I kept waiting.

so we're in a new harbor city, which means a new ARENA!

any party changes?


yes, there was a thread saturday but everyone was busy with the Sup Forumsidya awards. I didn't bother yesterday because superb owl.

Didn't even try because handegg game.

Drop Bantu since eventually all his exp will have been worthless because lol firestone.

Get either Wolf or Sedgar for a high movement archer.

bump for Fiya Embrum

get rid of merric and bring back Cord

What could possibly go wrong.

any other changes?


We're fine to go.

seems good enough

alright, we reclassing anyone?
in the interests of speed, list a character or 'nobody' and I'll pick the most suitable new job.


reclass Lena

I kinda need a healer.

Just go nigger.

Cordo back to figtcarher and start the game.

Suck it dark mage fags.

Gee I had a stroke there

Cord back to fighter*

A small town with only 2 defenders?



Wow isn't it nice when the conscripts come to you all by themselves?

makes it too easy. Marth doesn't like it!

This makes my penis Hardin.


Also doesn't Shiida get to slut it up again in this level?

training for that emperor job

Makes Ogma's penis Hardin too.

>still no res
make sure a mage doesn't wreck his shit, nigger

>one-shotting isn't enough
>he has to CRIT too

How do you think Sheeda approaches people?
I just imagine flying tackles, groin first, that end with her straddling them and sitting on their face.


more str is always good

overkill? Nah


jumping of the pegasus
walking the walk
showing the goods that you'll never have
and finish with sweet talking.without giving anything

works everytime

This fucking slut. How the hell did Marth end with the worst princess?


>this fucking dialogue
who the fuck rewrote this?

>“Good day, sir.”
>“Peace, I’ve no wish to fight you. My name is Shiida. I hail from Talys.”
“Wh-what are you talking to me for?! This is a battlefield!”
>“Might I trouble you by asking your name, good sir?”
“M-my name? That’s- It’s Roger… Why?”
>“Hee hee, forgive me, Roger, it’s just you looked sweet and kind. I just had to stop and talk to you. Tell me: do you believe in love? Oh, listen to me. I’m sure you already have a sweetheart back in Grust.”
“What?! No, no! I… mean, er, I’m quite unattached at the moment.”
>“Roger, think of the children- the poor women and children who shed tears every day this war drags on. I joined the Akaneian League to put an end to it, but I just…just…*Sniff* Oh, Roger, doesn’t it break your heart?”
“Aye, miss. There, there. I, too, wish nothing more than for this needless war to end.”
>“Then…would you consider fighting with us to end it?”
“What? Oh heavens, no… I’m sorry, but I could never betray my kingdom.”
>“Ah, yes, I see. You must have family back in Grust who are counting on you.”
“No, not especially. My parents are dead, and it’s not as if I’ve a girl to call my own. But Grust is my home- always has been. I won’t betray her.”
>“And I cannot convince you to change your mind?”
“I’m afraid not, miss.”
>“All right, sorry to bother you. But I’m glad we had this chance to talk, Roger. You’re every bit the man I thought you were. Goodbye, then…”
“Wait- you’re leaving?!”
>“Well, yes, Roger, I must! Every moment I stay here, I put you at risk. What if your comrades thought you were conspiring with the enemy? No, I must go…”
“…You’re very kind, Shiida. Dare I say, we don’t have girls quite like you back in Grust. Um, perhaps…I suppose I could…Aw, heck, I’m going with you!”

Now have him talk with Marth.

doga dislikes puny bicycle.

working my way up.



she can truly seduce an whole army

more speed is good

pretty good for Abel too



close to maxing three stats.
that strenght though

can hit harder and more accurately.
All that Barst wants



Abel becoming a monster.

Cain, trying.

This is so unfair
>Unfair to them

His destiny is set in stone. He will become a god.

>same turn reinforcements moving
oh gee, this is fair.



no, I believe

we must believe

>Marth lost his only friend


He's over it. going for the gaiden chapters now?

I LOVE same-turn reinforcements.

Losing Ogma...

like he cared to begin with


holy reddit


yeah, because that originated on reddit.

I bet you had a part on his death you psycho bitch.

More like White Sun. Holy fuck.

Hardin going in Hard


>and this is Rad

>skill 4
Marth is blind as a bat

wow. can't stop hardin

Abel doing a decent job

dragons look cool.


fuck these reinforcements.

Something about that top screen screams "Windows XP Screensaver"

You better not let Abel die.


come on abel

just res. thanks lena

Lena is a mess, a big fat mess.

anyone know how long the reinforcements show up here?

I think like three waves in total?

Anyway just leave one open at a time and grind those fuckers for easy exp.

holy shit finally.

don't spend it all in one place

you'll regret it

that took a while
makes you appreciate Vulneraries

Jesus Christ why is this game so ugly?

going to catch a few of my units up, get them to level 9-10. certain units(ie sheeda, cain, abel, doga) won't be levelled.

Should I stream this?


alright, stream is live. As per global rules, I can't post a link to the stream or post my name, but you can search by game.

In the meantime, have you been playing heroes? How shit is it?

Unrelated but what fo you think of Rawbutt Girlyman's glorious return?

>have you been playing heroes?
nah. just reading some impressions etc from others and seeing some videos of it out of curiosity

In on Nigger thread.

Don't kill off Bantu and lock out loli Tiki.

I like it - its more of a way to kill time in public without going full autist with a ds than a full game. Also rolling orbs for gatcha characters is kind of cool


My luck is usually pretty shit for gacha games but I've been very lucky with this one considering the chances for rolling a 5 star is 3%

Rescue is a crutch mechanic for babbie

Yeah I ended up rolling a Lyn and a Takumi 5 star on my 3rd roll so I've just stuck with it


navarre and marth are done.

don't care. this game is shit.

Is this the game where you get the Aum Staff? If so you better use it to bring Wrys back Nigger.

Julian is based and underrated.


Holy smokes Julian, share some with the rest.

Truly a power couple.

alright, grinding's done.
