Greatest redemption arc ever

Greatest redemption arc ever

Every time they step forward they make two steps backwards though.

They just have to announce Dragon's Dongma 2 now.

>inb4 hurr durr the mmo though
Literally fuck off.

Not yet, man. But they are so close. MvCI roster and DMC5. And also remake 2. And then they will be godtier again. Platinumfags will finally shut the fuck up.

Forever shit.
Which is interesting because they can shit out gems.

This isn't redemption.

lol Street Fighter 5

I do wonder how they'll fuck up MvCI

It depends on:
>The future of Monster Hunter
>Getting SFV up to speed
>MVCI, how they'll rework the game to still be good with assists removed
>Dragon's Dogma's future
>DMC's future
>Megaman X ports (Seriously give us a compilation)

Not into RE, so can't comment.

>blatantly cutting out content of RE7 to sell as DLC a WEEK after launch

Your standards are way too low my dude.

>RE7 manages to be better than the garbage known as 6, but still not excellent
>redemption arc
Nah, fuck off.

How? 90% of the talent left years ago.

>expecting a legitimately excellent game in the year of our lord 2018

The best we can hope for is mostly competent at this point.

nuclear trash


>settling for shit

That's not the Ted redemption arc.


All of these have been irredeemable trash. Whatever helps you sleep at night marketer-kun.

>irredeemable trash


t. marketer-kun

t. faggot with shit taste who gets their opinions from a vietnamese cave painting website

Not a Capcom game.