Final Fantasy XIV

Does anyone else think Yoshida looks like Austin Powers?

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I'm looking forward to it.

He reminds me of this chick in my Spanish class.



Why does he look so lifeless all the time?

Because he's a hack.

>Try cueing for Frontline for the first time yesterday
>Wait for an hour
>Fucking nothing

I'm assuming that the Lv. 50 Frontline stuff is stone cold dead, eh?

Is this the new meta?


I'm going to impregnate Khloe!

Riskbreaker job when??

7 year olds can't have babies.

Dead as shit. Once in a blue moon one of the frontline roulettes turns out to be Secure/Slaughter.

It's also the least fun because DPS have almost 0 burst compared to 60, but healers have almost their whole kit.

Miqo'te ones can

Are you ready for german cosplay QTs?

No I hope I don't see this attention whore again cause she's ugly

>that tummy

Khloe is a boy

Weird, it nearly always auto pops for me on two different characters every night (aether).

im waiting. your pic was a joke right?

Not with that attitude

i wish


She's a american cockgoblin.

As someone who only joined after heavensward i never have any fucking clue what to do when i get thrown into secure/slaughter

>wtf are tactical points
>oh some drone things spawned, im supposed to kill them right - how do i know if i get credit, is it total damage done or killing blow?
>alright all the drones died, now we're just fighting up here for.. nothing?

At least in seal rock/shatter its fucking obvious what the win conditions are.

How do I farm seals?

>60 roulette
>Gubal Hard
>be BLM
>have a BRD
>this should be easy
>BRD is a pink german femc@
>never plays songs
>doesn't even AOE
As a femc@ main BRD myself this saddens me.
>tank says I did a good job
>get 2 comms

Need/Greed dungeon gear and trade it in.

Give me SCH macros, I literally ran out of hotbar space and need something that concentrates two actions into one.
Or need someone to tell me what skill is shit so I can ignore it.

Already have Swiftcast Rez, but I have Swiftcast anyway.

At least you just get to dps and not care. Being a healer is suffering.

>be SCH
>Baelsar's Wall in Expert Roulette
>WAR tank in full 230 gear pulls the entire first corridor with Defiance off
>only cooldown he uses is Bloodbath and Berserk
>gets melted down for scrap
>bitches about not getting healed
>tell him he needs to use defensive cooldowns
>bitches about 'muh DPS'
>calls for the other two to kick me
>they vote to kick him

Everything is important.
Except Ruin I, I guess

If you know your shit, mind explaining when to use the 56-60 cooldowns?

Also, can you do something like Adlo -> Emergency -> Deployment?

man I love scholar but theres so much shit im on controller so its hard but I manage I guess.

I'm not an amazing scholar, but eh.
Emergency with Adlo is kind of meh, but with Succor it's really good. Gives you an actual AoE heal outside of Indomitability / Whispering Dawn if you have Eos.

Deployment tactics is only used with Adloquium. It's a pretty powerful ability especially when Adlo crits because of the 2x shield. Used to shield/cheese mechanics that would do shitloads of damage otherwise.

I've never really found a good use for Dissipation, the healing buff it grants isn't powerful enough to warrant killing your fairy. It can be useful for phase transitions with massive downtime like Sephirot or A12 to shit out a bigger Adlo.
Plus you have to slowcast Summon or waste a swiftcast on it later.

It's been awhile, but
Bases give a constant flow of points, drones give medium points, large node gives most. Combat consists of either camping mid for nodes or stealing enemy bases.

Same deal with bases. (24man) Smaller nodes give points and fill limit break gauge. Kill other players.
(72man)Large nodes will spawn which are worth points. Nodes will also spawn at the far sides of the map that give haste and damage buffs to the team that does the most damage to them. Strategy is choosing which nodes your team will focus and going for kills in between big nodes.

Yeah, I know you're supposed to combo it with Succor if you have no Aether stacks.
I was wondering if that combo actually works.

As for the rest, I already knew everything, but thanks.

Here's my hotbars, I don't PvP by the way.
I just noticed I dropped Soil, because I was making a macro for it, then forgot to put it back on and went into PotD to get skills.

Eos/Selene macros swap the skills on first hotbar.

Bumecians when?

Difficulty class rankings

DPS > Healer > Tank

Easiest to hardest, right?


optimal DPSing > optimal healing > optimal tanking

Optimal healing is optimal dpsing as well.

Checkmate, tunnel-vision DPS shitters.

Optimal tanking is optimal DPSing and optimal healing as well.


You can't do optimal DPS if your tank or healer is bad.

You can't do optimal healing if your tank is bad.

You CAN do optimal tanking under any circumstances though, therefore it's the most skill intense job.

And if your tanks mess up it's probably a wipe, so in the end all DPS belongs to the MT.

anyone have the link/image to the most recent census?

wanted to see which specialists people chose

I have level 39 gladiator and people are yelling at me at dungeons that I dont have some paladin skills. Should I rush to DRK or chill and level paladin?

Get your job stone faggot

Don't do one more dungeon or quest until you unlock PLD.

Oh boy Sword Oath and Cover, such great skills!

Don't give a shit about them, tell them they can kick you and spend half an hour waiting for a new tank.

PLD is going to always be the same level as GLD, jesus christ, just get PLD unlocked.

Sword Oath is a huge DPS boost. Plus there's bonus stats from the job stone, and Shield Oath when he hits 40.

>level 39 gladiator

Holy shit user, job stones aren't optional. You're going to be a goddamn burden if you don't get it.

Yeah, Shield Oath is pretty shit too. Why the fuck would a tank want to take 20% less damage and have increased emnity, it's not like that's the point of a fucking tank or anything

Don't listen to this faggot, if you're level 31+ and you say "If you don't like it kick me" anyone with half a functioning brain will kick you

Meant to say "if you're level 31+ and you don't have your job stone"

Seriously user, get your job stone. Why would you want to purposefully gimp yourself? Grinding leves to 15 with CNJ isn't that hard.

Don't even need to grind leves.
Get a friend to to kill mobs outside Aleport after you tag them. You can get to level 15 in like half an hour.

>Sup Forums

Just do POTD

Floors 1-50 will take you from level 1 to exactly level 15

This, no one in POTD is going to care if you don't have a job stone since everyone uses it for leveling nowadays

>people still haven't learned how to hide their power levels

This is not a good game compared to the mainline FF games.

When "mainline games" include II, VIII, XIII and XV that doesn't mean a whole lot. The series has been shit for longer than it was considered good.

FF14 is a mainline FF game ;)
Also It's an MMO. Of course it wouldn't be. Its only good aspect is lore but the story is a pile of garbage.

PLD is just GLD with more actually useful abilities. You won't start at level 1 again or anything, you just throw on the job stone and your Gladiator is turned into a Paladin.

>people are yelling at me at dungeons

So they damn well should.

>Should I rush to DRK or chill and level paladin?

If you can somehow reach 50, go through everything, and make it to Ishgard without ever unlocking Paladin, I ... actually, I won't be that surprised, since this playerbase lets people who are AFK clear content more often than not.

Just go unlock PLD. It won't slow down your mad dash to The Edge is Calling Tonight.



kill yourself

Did her other foot just melt?

I didn't want to say it but he looks like he has a huge plushie dick from the thumbnail
