>A WoW clone ended up being better than the real deal

How did they do it?

Other urls found in this thread:


Cute cat girls.

Jap magic. You don't go 70 years without harnessing that radiation in some form or another.

and soon to be cute viera/burmecian boys

Never, you fucking faggot.


No new races. Do you people even pay attention?


Is this real?

hang yourself furfag

Cerya genocide best day of my life.

Hopefully with the Egi glamour system i'll finally get my Odin-Egi, even if it's fake ;_;

every other job is better at dps than yours

wow is shit. FF14 is pretty shit aswell, I just like MSQ.

Vanilla WoW was awesome

Very true, but it is the job i chose and it is the job i will do my best as regardless.

There is definitely good ERP and bad ERP. Just as there's good RP and bad RP.

It doesn't entirely rely on length, though getting more details to work with are generally a bonus. Moreso; are they adding to the scene, are they playing an actual character that has habits and personality beyond their own, do they take care to get inspiration from the world you're in (using ilm instead of inches, yalm rather than yards, etc).

These are objective. You don't do these things, and there's no way you can call yourself a good roleplayer, because you're not playing a role. You're just cybering.

And this doesn't give a pass to people who feel the need to 'raise their brow' to pad their writing with 2 paragraphs of shit for a simple nod.

We're never gonna hear the end of it now are we? SMNs are gonna be whining for new egi every patch that brings a new primal. Truly the most entitled job.

Just got done with the relic. Feel kind of empty inside now.

Dios mio, shut the fuck already. Summoners are the most entitled and whiny faggots in the entire game, you shitty """"glamor"""" pets are one the most lowest priority in the game. Nobody gives a fuck about how your pets look.

Shut up and play the game

Do it with every job and then wait until its outdated to feel empty inside

So do i fit in with the pls change the tank/dps/healer meta yet?

Who said anything about not playing the game? Would you prefer i talk about muh WAR or muh PLD instead?

Summoner? More like affliction warlock

Did you atleast feel good after the umbrite step?






I hope so




The answer ain't changing.


speaking of umbrite, when is the step going to get nerfed.

I really don't feel like collecting 80 umbrite at 300 lore per piece.


It is very important to maintain the challenge of an anima weapon. Please understand.

if they aren't going to nerf it then at least add more lore to content. it's retarded that you have to do two ARF dungeons to get ONE umbrite.

It's still a WoW clone. It's shit compared to FFXI, UO, SWG, etc.

>It is very important to maintain the challenge of an anima weapon. Please understand.

more like

>Running A9S as WHM after weeks of putting it off
>Get paired with another WHM
>Fight starts, I start stance dancing
>Other WHM runs around, doesn't do much until the tank takes damage
>Only heals for the entire fight, no DPS

How the fuck do people like this still exist? How do you get this far and not play your fucking job right?

I'm helpding :^)

You can just play normally and have the lore needed in 6 weeks at most.

Ain't anyone else's fault but yours that not only are you starting on a step that was introduced several months ago, but seem adverse to a grind when the entire point of it is to give something to grind.

Was there a bonus? I usually don't DPS until I know the fight so I don't fuck up.

>Doing anything other than sucking the party's collective cocks

Pop Aero I/II/III and get back on your knees you slut


Yes, let's talk about how WAR and PLD are the best tanks because they can do all tank Zurvan but DRK can't.

How many fucking runs do I have to do to get that scathach minion

Is that an actually pants piece? What's it called?

>mfw ff14 is more or less 7 years old, a second expansion is coming out and yoshi the madman managed to redeem this game and save the final fantasy brand

1 (ONE) if you have luck. All you need is luck. I got mine after one week.

>Remove someone from friends list
>You stay on their list for eternity
>Blacklist someone
>They don't even get a notification if they try to message you

yeah, who would've thunk that wow+anime would sell so well?

They do mate. It says something like "You can't message X because you have been blacklisted by X"

if you change grand company, do you lose your pvp rank?

they actually cared about their game and its community rather than doing what every other wow clone did: steal people's money, put the game on skeleton crew, then waited until f2p to bait and switch a new generation of br retards.

>DRK can't tank zurvan


Three motherfucking years later and Bravura/Ragnarök are still the best looking axes in the game. How can you fuck up that badly.

There are F2P cashgrab MMOs out there with better weapon design .

He already said it was getting nerfed during the last stream when they read the patch notes.

Really? Funny, I tried it with someone a month ago and it never gave me any message.

Shire axe looks better than both of those.

even if you are learning theres usually points where you can safely whack on CS and fart some DoTs ou

Post in my thread!

How big of a nerf can we expect, I just got to the Umbrite step and shit's ridiculous

Axe of the Fury > all


>Shire axe looks better

Don't talk to me ever again

Nobody would bitch if Enkidle just made them transform for a few seconds

Not him but shire axe looks pretty underwhelming


Soar is a divebomb

Debate me

Don't blame me, it's fucking hot. I like 'em flat and bald.

That's Ifrit-egi and Garuda-egi, not Ifrit and Garuda. Nothing went wrong.

by paying shills to spread fake opinions on image boards.

>Posted during my GCD


So looking at gameplay videos I can't see why this isn't just another generic shit MMO or I can't find good gampeplay videos, what exactly is good/different about this game?

PS3 limitations

and do you really fucking want 100 giant ifrits floating around during hunts and diadem?

>catpedo poster
>uncropped porn
>cosplay shit


All WAR Zurvan would mean you cant cheese Demons Claw, WAR is awful on Zurvan

But Scathatch is flat as a board.

Patiently waiting for the user from the last thread who bought the doujin to upload it.

got mine first run lmao.

Fuck off, tiredfag. We don't need another ho-hum depressed loser.

>1.0 GCD WoW Babby cries...
>Decide to watch video of a Druid doing endgame raid
>"Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch....... Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch, Healing Touch"

LMFAOOOOO... Get the fuck outta here with your decade and a half old game.

>guy doing shit dps uses LB3 when Ifrit is invincible

He did already.

>best tank
>ever awful
WAR can survive it by popping cooldowns and getting a SCH/AST shield, people don't even need to stack.


Not me

>Caring about this shit on content that was rendered irrelevant 18 months ago

I'll be in my bunk.

Thanks for the dolphin porn.

i have a summon fetish will this game satisfy my degenerate urges

>"PS3 Limitations"

When you could literally have 18 Summoners in the same alliance on a PS2 in AA fight, or 36 in Dynamis.

You could have 100 Summoners in the same zone in the open world as well if you wanted to. Hell tons of summoners would stand outside the city and cast their summons to level summon magic all the time.

>Play a summoner in a Final Fantasy game
>Expect to have more than 3 summons ever

Not even gonna start on how fucking lazy and shit shoehorning glamours onto egis instead of giving SMNs actual functioning summons is.


PSO2 got a crossover event with FFXIV awhile ago and Yoshida said that he wanted to a PSO2 event in FFXIV soon. What type of event do you think we will get? Another Yokai Watch FATE grind? Maybe a Dark Falz exclusive FATE boss? Or they take the lazy route and just add PSO2 costumes to the cash shop?


summoner in ff14 is bad, hell pretty much everything in ff14 is bad except for the environments and soundtrack.

I hope it still works for you as it did me. Be sure to thank the uploader where ever they may be.

If you actually played the game you would know that there's a pretty good reason why you can't just summon Bahamut etc to kill few rats.

Most people are even ok with trances

SMN should get their own version of dissipation that activates a trance mode depending on your egi. And Alexander trance