Dangerous pajamas

Dangerous pajamas

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Post more Neps. My folder was deleted.

Is that an actual statue or just a render?

>worst Nep
Why even bother?


ITT: pedos

this statue should not exist. someone pm the mods to delete it from reality. nepnep is pure


>tfw you can't buy it because you might get arrested and you still live with your parents

you gay or something?

Do you live in Canada? If so then the chance is there that you'd be arrested.

But most of the world isn't that retarded.


sucks to be Canadian eh?

Refugees and weed are ok, but anime statues of little girls aren't. So progressive.

no, i'm a hue monkey. but they have arrested people before for possessing hentai of lolis

>mods deleted threads that had actual game discussion going on
It's funny when you compare it to shit like fucking CLUB PENGUIN which has a goddamn general here now, anyway, that fig looks great but too expensive for me, also it's not a Blanc fig

no pan?

Why is Nep so overtly lewd?

Is that why this isn't your first post in the thread?

>BRs can shoot kids on the street and kill people, steal from tourist and police will never arrive
>you can get arrested by possessing a figurine
10/10 police right there, Brazil

Protagonist is well aware sex sells

Hey guys you wanna talk about Coke Music?

Sauce me, nepanon.

My wife Neptune's flatness is so cute

Official Neptunia manga

Jesus christ i forgot this habbo hotel ripoff even existed

>live with my parents
>buy whatever I want anyway

Are small women with flat chest supposed to die alone because of their lack of assets?

No, I didn't think so.

>implying anyone on Sup Forums talks about video games

The new Game Freak game came out today, it's actually fun yet literally nobody gives a shit.

Why are they dangerous? Lined with lead?

I want to SEX that Nep

wait, really?
they really know their audience

> (You)
>Are small women with flat chest supposed to die alone because of their lack of assets?
>reaching this hard
That is a child you sick fuck.

>mfw in my city here in Atlantic Canada guy got arrested for importing a lewd touhou daki cover with Remilia on it.
>Sentenced to 5 years in prison.
>Guy seriously looked like he was 45 years old.

Redpill me on this game, user-kun. It looks interesting.

well it was drawn by mikage baku, hentai artist, they also had hisasi(yes, that hisasi) draw this

t. dick lover

It's a fire hazard.

Where can I buy this and how much?

Business 101=Know your market.

Even had Dobson as a guest artist.

Is that really Hisasi? Proof?


Please do not use that catboy, he is mine, thanks.

>t. pedo dick lover

that's a nep you fucking idiot
have you ever seen a child?

No, he's mine. I found him first.

s/he posted it on twitter and CH retweeted it, it is also listed on 4GO's site as one of the promotional materials included with one of the versions of the game, artist name is also included there

Prove it or I'll suck your dick.

No because I'm not a pedophile

t. someone underage who's currently being sexually abused by a male relative and doesn't know how to use t. or greentext

Giga Wrecker, it's an action puzzle platformer where you play as a girl who can manipulate debris from the environment/defeated enemies and use it to attack enemies and solve puzzles. While there is also some exploration for the most part it's about the puzzles and boss fights. The only complaints I got after 3 hours is that the translation sucks and that sometimes the physics behave weirdly forcing you to reset time and try again.


Here's him saying my name.

>was once a child
>has never seen a child
Explain this.

I guess someone doesn't want their dick sucked. I've got that same collar and everything.

Please don't post lewd pictures of my wife, thank you.

Simply report and move on. Don't bump their thread faghead

>he is mine

catboys are meant to be communal nerd

>tight pussy lover
fix'd that for ya

Screw that guy. Catboy is mine because I own catboy. Is that unconvincing enough for you?



>doesn't know how to use t. or greentext

memes are always greater than the sum of their parts

even a meme journeyman understands something so simple

Thanks user, will keep an eye on it.

>japanese artist
>NOT doing porn at some point in their career

Announcing reports is against the rules :^)

I meant more that he's representative of me, I used him as an avatar for a long time!
I don't believe you!

I've got the cat for that. But you can still do it if you want to

They really haven't done anything to promote the game. It was apparently in early access for 6 or so months, but I haven't seen anyone talking about it aside from a thread today that got bumped off the board after 20 or so posts. It hasn't even gotten a scene or P2P release yet.

It's also releasing at a fairly bad time, especially for people on a budget.

Captive audience tax + horny audience tax = $$$

>I don't believe you!
Then get that collar out!

I'm sorry you're triggered by a video game about video games.

Please, continue posting twitter screencap e-celeb threads and the same shitty bait.

post more cute animes with bed head, fampais

Why does she want Nepgear to check it out?

That ass is illegal.

I suppose I'm not needed then!
It's not very good evidence.

You've voluntarily blinded yourself to avoid your innate natural desire to fuck a child? Man you must be really far gone.

>5yr over a fucking drawing

poor ape

He was tried under the pretense that it was a "sex doll" since it had a pillow with it as well.


>huur short flat women don't exist

Rom, Ram, and Peashy are kids, not the rest.

>inb4 Blanc is loli dipshittery

i want sauce on this

what the fuck you don't get arrested in canada for this unless you live up north


Blanc is small and cute, but I wouldn't call her a loli, not when others exist

>never an upskirt shot in the product photos
You gook motherfuckers know why I'm buying this why would you do this

>short flat women who look like children and act like children and talk like children aren't basically children


Dang I didn't think you'd do it. Here's more bad evidence: catboy is mine because I have a catboy license and a catboy deed. I'd like to see what the collar looks like with your shirt off.

correct me if I'm wrong but they are CPUs


Yeah that's pretty much true, I'm just enjoying the game and don't want to see it selling like garbage.

thanks m8
now, let's post some Rom and Ram

Rom and Ram are pedo
Nep and Blanc are hebe
Noire is ephebo

>5yr over a fucking pillow
That cant be legal.

I, too, like tight pussy.


yeah child pedo units lmao

>Actual sissyboys
>On my Sup Forums


See ya

I don't really know what sort of emotion this is meant to convey.
My chest is kinda big for a boy's, no one wants to see that. Besides, I'm going to stop attentionwhoring now, I have to be good.


This is bullshit.
Here in Brazil we have an anime event called Anime Friends, shops sell hentai statues without restrictions. Some shops even shows them in the front of the store, not hiding it.
My friend has dozens.

I am literally going to marry Uni!

Its actually going through the appeal process right now last I heard of it on the cbc news.