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I'll say one thing about Trump, the bants write themselves.

Trump is a joke lmao

>Incoming butthurt Sup Forumstards in 3... 2... 1...

Tony Hawk for president 2020

you are the reason Trump won

Please don't associate Sup Forums with cuckold kike-loving the_donald shitters.

>you will never find Animal Chin

>yfw you weren't conned by the Don

>s-s-s-stop m-making f-fun of our e-emperor, y-you're o-only m-m-making h-him m-more p-powerful

i don't get it

CNN did imply that wiki leaks was illegal to read. They also got every single one of their election polls wrong on purpose.

>CNN did imply that wiki leaks was illegal to read, so this justifies hating minorities and defunding planned parenthood

>p-please notice me children
>s-s-see, I'm still hip
>f-fuck t-t-t-trump
>pls buy my game

got damnit I literally get butthurt once a week at the fact that we haven't had a good tony hawk game in over a decade.

literally do this
>THAW-like gameplay
>THUG/2-like story
>Classic gameplay objective mode with either reused levels or new
>THPG create-a-park features
>modern day graphix
>modern day online with a couple dedicated servers thrown in
>32 player servers

and its a fuckin masterpiece

Trump tweeted today that any news that show his approval rating is low are just fake.

But the difference is it's so easy to prove the media's BS bias. They blatantly making shit up or misquoting him to make him look bad.

No, imbecile faggots who think Trump is fit to lead are.

Stating the truth with a stutter doesn't make it any less true.

If we're both getting fucked int he ass and I'm laughing then who wins?


Is there really a difference between Sup Forums and reddit anymore

This is something the president of the United States tweeted. This is not a photoshop.

Man, life would be so easy if it were as black and white as this guy thinks it is

I mean, the "real" news thought Hillary was going to blow him the fuck out.

The fact that the left still believes in the fake, retarded mainstream shows that they are beyond salvation.

Is it legal to read classified documents?

I thought Clinton was in trouble for putting classified documents on her home server, but it's perfectly okay for everyone else to put classified documents on their home computer?

The only people to blame for Trump winning are people who voted for Trump.

I bet so many people got triggered off of that

His supporters will just call this guy a faggot librul and ignore all of this "fake news" and go back to listening to alternative facts on Fox News.

What the fuck are you talking about?

It legitimately pisses me off how many washed up actors, musicians, and celebrities are trying to reignite their dead carries by basically saying "Fuck Trump."

Who you emboldened even more with your stupidity

>It's a 'Sup Forums becomes Sup Forums' thread again

Your colonization of reddit backfired, fuck of Sup Forumsdditor

If it were true, you would be happy we're mocking your joke of a president because it's empowering him.

They're not fake reviews if they're right.

>Last night, Alec Baldwin was back as President Trump as well. As for what he thought of Alec’s portrayal of the President, Spicer had the same feelings as the Leader of the Free World, calling it “mean.” Spicer said, "Alec has gone from funny to mean, and that's unfortunate. 'SNL' used to be really funny. There's a streak of meanness now that they've crossed over to mean."

what did he mean by this?


You say that like its a bad thing user.
Do you think its a bad thing?

t. Voted for the seizure induced feminist

>99.9% Hillary

Nice bait faggot.

This is what Tony Hawk watches and thinks is real news

>making a joke about Trump's statement when it's a 100% cold hard fact that CNN are fake news.

Hmmmm, truly activates my almonds

t. (((CNN)))

No CTR, Trump defended government spending on abortions overseas. Also the one thing he kept of Obama's was non discrimination against gays. But liberals won't talk about that since it doesn't play to their narrative.

>strawman after strawman
Good christ.

Of all the countless memes that came out of this election, I think fake news is my favorite.

It's like it's perfectly crafted to pour gasoline over any political argument and blow it up.

p cheeky lol I like it..

too bad it will suck though...

Every single problem with the mainstream media is even more present in Infowars and all the other shitholes people who DON'T TRUST THE LAMESTREAM MEDIA get their news from.

>some tumblrite got triggered enough to make this edit
Top kek

Triggered :^)

But the game is shit. 3 was the only one I can enjoy.

>CNN is fake news! I know because they don't match up with my political views, nor do they pander to me like Infowars, Fox, LawNewz, etc!


Why can't democrats just support another women's health clinic. If they weren't defending one that sold aborted baby organs the republicans wouldn't have ammo.

going to wiki leaks and reading the documents is completely legal. it's why the site hasn't been taken down.

>racist, sexist, bigot
i cant believe someone wrote this unironically

I don't like authoritarian liberals they're the most obnoxious group of people I've met.

I see quite a few triggered trumptards in this thread.

Then why bother classifying anything if everything is legal for everyone to have?

If women stopped being loose maybe we wouldn't need such useless public programs.

>i messed up please fix my problems ;(

What is the point of stupid posts like this. Do you actually you are convincing anyone on here that Trump is a bad guy?

>strawman after strawman
Explain why he's wrong or fuck off retard

Who /cunny/ here?

>Burgers literally elected a thin skinned spastic that can't fucking read

This is fucking hilarious.

>over 120,000 likes

I don't know it seems like he might have a point desu.

>say stupid things
>get called stupid


Epic memes that directly contradict the leaked 100% proven emails from Wikileaks which show that media outlets like CNN, MSNBC, Huffhoax, etc. and polsters take direct orders from the Democratic party! WHAT A MADMAN!

Or by madman, did you mean delusional idiot?

Holy shit, Maddox is still alive?


Reddit tier logic

Can't tell much of a difference these days.

Nice job not convincing me to your side.
Why do you go into such childish fits when hit up against facts/truths?

>yfw we're gonna get assault weapons again
i'm glad I voted for trump

This is now a Tony Hawk soundtrack thread. Post jams.

>quoting some random twitter whore with "fuck trump" in her picture
You have to go back

Wikileaks is fake news.

The real question is: how could you convince yourself that he's not a bad guy?

>don't like trump but think hillary would have been 1000x worse
>tfw I get to laugh at both retarded shit trump does and butthurt liberals trying to prove they shoulda won by rioting like retarded chimpanzees

Where did you people come from?

Didn't Sup Forums promised me they'd all be sent to Obama's FEMA camps? Why are you still here?

you SJWs are so pathetic


Wow what the fuck? That's not how losing a feed works.

Is the media in America really this bad?

TIDF never sleeps.

What's the point of your post other than to act like a triggered bitch for my amusement?

Ignoring political banter, Tony Hawk is an absolute hero. Did anything come out of him shopping around for a new developer to make a game with? I know that he's not going with Activision anymore, but I don't remember if he named a studio yet. Praying for him to help make #Skate4 a reality.

This is not happening.

The man and his administration are a font of lying, and outright bullshit.

I don't like authoritarian Conservatives they're the most obnoxious knee-jerk group of dumbfucks I've ever had the displeasure of dealing with.

Except for the good rural southern folk of the last generation whos learned to accept other skin tones. Their children will be the new era of good southern people.

they also elected a globalist muslim apologist who violated the constitution on a daily basis for two whole terms and tanked the US's reputation across the globe

are you surprised?


please leave you guys ruined all the boards except for /wg/

They're rejects from tumblr, just point and laugh at how they keep getting every prediction wrong including the Super Bowl they tried to politicize.

>This is not happening
Yes it absolutely is, you don't even need to hunt for proof they're making it so obvious

>all these butthurt faggots ITT

I bet you are housing mohammad as well. Time to help him get some welfare checks.


Holy fucking shit

How is this legal?

Seem's like you are a victim of ideological subversion/brainwash, i'm sorry it had to go this way


My brother rambles endlessly about how"the war on Christmas" is soo important for republicans but outside of news media making it an issue when was the last time you saw people protesting or rioting because someone didn't say merry Christmas. Your example is shit.

You first.

Sup Forums is a liberal board. Liberals play video games. Conservatives think video games are Satanic tools to teach kids evolution.

It's a pretty simple agreement: Conservatives don't post on video game boards, and liberals won't post on boards about how it's awesome to fuck your sister.