God Tier
REmake, 2, 4

Good Tier
3, 7, CV

Ok Tier
1, 0, Revelations 2

Shit Tier
5, Revelations

Giraffe Blowjob Tier

RE 4 is Ok-Shit.

No way fag. 4 is the perfect blend of action and horror.

>putting rev in it but not dead aim and outbreak
opinion discarded, shit tierlist
if your first thought upon seeing me mention dead aim was "literally who", immediately off yourself outlastfag

whats up with her body

its shit
it maybe was good 12 years ago but for todays standards it is the most generic shooter you could play.

>Good Tier

Whoever drew this did a good job, except Jill didn't have the A1 style frame on her Samurai Edge at the time.

Makes me hate the art.

Absolutely not, people still replay it to this day because of how goddamn great it is. Few TPS games, as well as action-horror ones, are as good as RE4.

How about you hang yourself?

Dead aim is shit
Outbreak is merely ok

More thicc Jill please.

You're right, it should be on God tier.

Yeah, needs to switch places with 4

>4 in god tier
>no outbreaks

This image is one the most retarded strawmen I ever saw

>Elder God Tier


>"Pretty sure I like this more than 98% of fans" Tier


>Great Tier


>Good Tier


>Okay Tier


>Shit Tier


>Sup Forums

>literally invented the modern third person shooter
>"it's generic because every other game copied it!!!"

Sure, RE4 was the beginning of the series' descent into brainless retarded action, but it's a phenomenal, flawless game in its own right.

>7 in any list at all.

REmake is overrated.


re2 is best

There is not a single bit of horror in 4.

she's looking backwards and has a swivel joint in her back

I've heard people blame RE4 a lot for the later game's faults. It's like blaming Super Metroid for Other M's ''THE BABY''.

Resident Evil (2002)
2, 3, 4
1, Rev2, 7, Codde: Veronica, Rev1, Deadly Silence
Outbreak 1, Outbreak 2
0, Dead Aim, Darkside Chronicles, Umbrella Chronicles
Umbrella Corps, Operation Raccoon City

This, it completely abandoned the roots in that regard

Regenerators are the only thing they actually tried to make horror and it's scarier than anything else in the series, particularly before you get the infrared scope...which is like 5 mins after the first regenerator.

>literally invented the modern third person shooter

this thread is about resident evil and not third person shooter and RE4 is a bad RE and aged like milk.

But nothing in RE1-2 is scary and the writing is as goofy as 4 (except taken more seriously which doesn't exactly work), hell the chainsaw dudes in RE4 made my asshole pucker more than anything in those games.

Nemesis though, I'll give you that.


>forgetting the Regenerators
I had to pause and walk away for a bit, the only time. Those fuckers are unnerving as hell.

>Putting 4 that high up
>Putting 5 in the worst

Someone is an emotional faggot

Fair enough, but I think it's pretty damn good. If anything I think 4 is a bit overrated.

It's RE whether you like it or not you big baby.

RE4 is far more replayable than RE1-3 which are 5th gen 3d games ergo bar none the games that age the worst by far.


>VP70 with a laser


Hey. That's not bad.

Is this mercenaries 3d? Or is it some phone version?

Months before the release of REM they made a mobile port of the mercs, it was terrible and has less content than the 3ds game

I do not get how people like Revelations 2 over the first one. Explain.

My guess is that they played console/PC ports of Rev1, and that game feels kind of off if you don't play it on a 3DS. It's very clearly an upscaled handheld game. That said, Rev2 does have its good qualities and maybe people just like what made that game different from Rev1 more.

I still had fun playing 6 with coop.

>implying not being stabbed/cut to death by a mob of spanish hicks is not horrifying

That cutscene in RE5 of the mob shanking you to death creeped me out.

>That feel when Dead Aim is super playable on an emulator, and actually pretty fun.

Do you even know what generic means or are you just parroting words you see on Sup Forums?

People like you are the worst

you're retarded

>16 when RE2 came out.
>That fucking Gator.
>The licker in RPD.
How the fuck can you say there was nothing scary in RE2? Maybe subjectively, years later. But back then? Fuck no, that shit was as anus puckering as the chainsaw guys.

RE1 was a really good handheld game that pushed how far we could go with portable systems, the port just made it into a generic but decent RE shooter, the sequel felt like it was just a console version of that game but with better controls.
Vita version is shit.


pick one

The last birthday I ever received cash? I spent it on ORC, cause it came out ON my birthday. And I love RE.

It was the worst birthday I've ever had.
And I spent one in the hospital recovering from surgery.

Name three legitimate flaws.

fuck you both Dead Aim is better than all those third person shooter sacks of shit

Man, I would've killed for a Vita port of Rev1. Instead it got ported to literally everything else. Oh well, at least it remains the tech benchmark for the 3DS. MTFramework is some black magic shit.

>Trying to defend RE5/RE6 in any way
You do realize there's a global rule, right?

This. It controls like shit in the ports, and the enemies are bullet-sponge tier.

Playing it on the 3DS is the only way to play it.

There was a rumor that Nintendo blocked the release of a Vita release only just so they could stick it to Sony.
RER2 only came to Vita after Capcom got a shit ton of money from Sony and they hired some guys to lazily port it months later and never support it.
It's a shame 3DS never got more RE since Capcom still wanted 5 and 4 on it and even hinted at CV getting a enhanced port.

Resident Evil (2002)
2, 4
1, 3, 7, Outbreak 1+2, Deadly Silence
0, Rev 1, CV, Dead Aim, 5
Rev 2, Darkside Chronicles, Umbrella Chronicles
Umbrella Corps, Operation Raccoon City

Fixed that for you my dude.

Why is everyone trying to shit on re4 so much since re7 came out? It used to be one of the best game ever made and now everyone is saying it was never good, that it aged like milk, that it's repetitive, boring, whatever. What the fuck happened? Is it just the people that started the series with 7? Seriously, i get it, muh roots, muh "horror", I like the originals as much as everyone else but 4 is not a bad game by any means and it saved the series when it became stagnated. Also resident evil WAS NEVER SCARY. It was tense at best, So fuck off with that horror shit. Not even re7 is scary at all unless you're 8. Yes I played it, i played every RE except dead aim, gaiden and darkside/umbrella chronicles.

All numbered RE games are good in their own way.

RE1 for the atmosphere / story / setting.

RE2 for the classic gameplay mechanics.

RE3 for Nemesis.

RE4 for the modern gameplay mechanics and mercenaries mode.

RE5 for the co-op.

RE6 for the hilarity.

RE7 for the definitive VR experience.

I always said that 4 is where it all went downhill. It's still a good game, just not comparable to REmake.

The Zelda Cycle is real
games that are considered "one of the best of all time" will have people trying to knock them down to prove how good their taste really is

Aight. I respect that.

Not the worst ranking i've ever seen. And at least you like the best Jill.




>RE6 for the hilarity.
You don't have to try that hard, it had no redeeming features. It's the only main series game I really wouldn't recommend anyone. Some people might enjoy the base gameplay mechanics but even those don't get to shine in the retarded campaigns. Luckily there's mercenaries.

5 was fine, fuck off. If you have a friend to play with.

Why is 3 considered worse than 2 and 1?

God Tier

>Great Tier

Good Tier

OK Tier


I think people consider it more action-based than survival horror.

I personally think that it and 2 are on the same level of greatness. That's just me though.

4 brought terrible camp into it
Leon was busting out cheesey one liners worse than a low budget 80s action movie

You can't bring in something that was already there.

>MT framework is gone and we will never get fucking amazing ports to all platforms again

RE was always about campy horror clichés.

6 has by far the most satisfying controls in the series. Unfortunately, the game they're used in is piss poor. Great controls can't salvage bad as everything else.

meant for

>You don't have to try that hard

RE6 really is a hilarious game though. Co-op is almost as good as RE5's.

True. Case in point: Metal Gear Solid V

Leon's story in RE6 has so many fucking shit waves of enemies its crazy.

MT Framework was truly the greatest engine of last gen.

Superior list incoming.

God Tier
7 (with VR), 2, Outbreak File 2

Good Tier
1, 3, 4, 5, CV

Ok Tier
7 (without VR), 6, Revelations 2, Outbreak File 1

Shit Tier
Revelations 1, ORC

I would put Rev2 in Good tier, but only because it had a much better Raid mode than Rev1, and Raid mode with friends is some of the funnest shit in RE. Also Barry finally got the game he deserved.

Zombies aren't meant to be scary

They are the shambling tide of hopelessness and inevitable defeat.
You know.. the whole survival horror aspect?
Minimal items, saves, health and whatever that RE4 just fucked off and turned a bunch of spaniards into pinatas

RE4 isn't meant to be scary either.
It's the same theme of hopelessness being cut off from civilization, against an organised cult of crazies against the clock and against the odds.
The only problem with it is that the game made it light hearted, nothing ever felt serious like you were just watching a B movie play out.

At least in the old games if you died you lost a fair bit of progress.

where does 0 fit into this?
can it be in okay tier?

It was better, but I'm not a big fan of Raid... I like Mercs a lot more. For me it was just OK.

Wow, forgot about 0. I'd put it in OK tier as well.

Awful list

Where's REmake nigga

Not him but I really want a Raid/Mercs collection for all systems. 3D was good but it needed more to it, like include levels from all RE games and characters from RE and maybe secret characters like Frank West or Ryu

>God Tier
>7 (with VR)
Stopped reading right there
7 isn't that good

I was always freaked out when taking the tram down to the labs as Leon and Bam! Birkin monster takes down Ada.

Dead aim was okay

Outbreak is so much fun if you get an emulator and use the private servers to actually play with a friend.

Ukfag here so I never got to experience the online portion as a kid because playing online on ps2 simply was not an option.

so what's next from here? another FPS? or a return to third person, we all know tank controls are gone for good

IMO they should make a third person one

>finish 7
>find out there's a 2nd shotgun

Good tier, along with the original.

Without VR it's in OK tier because you don't get to enjoy like half of what the developers put effort into, which was the vertically intense environments.

They need to remake 2 already.

oh yeah, I totally forgot they were gonna do that

still salty they gave a DMCA on that fan remake


>Without VR it's in OK tier because you don't get to enjoy like half of what the developers put effort into, which was the vertically intense environments.
I can look at the screen up close and have the same experience.
VR doesn't automatically fixes all of the games flaws