Give me your honest opinion of this game, Sup Forums

Give me your honest opinion of this game, Sup Forums.

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One of the best.

Great game. Disappointing that it wasn't finished, but it was excellent for what it was.

I never played it but I hear it's shit so it's shit

9/10 needs more liquid

i would but i haven't been able to form a complete opinion on it :o)

Boy this game is pretty boy this game has some fun mechanics but god damn is it samey and generic. I wish it was linear. I don't care about muh open world.

It's fun.

In a nutshell: good gameplay/combat, but repetitive missions and ass of an open-world.
Story a complete shit. Awesome looking cutscenes, but it blows my mind how they managed to make them utterly pointless.

Overrated crap for casuals. Kinda like every MGS.

It could have been better

I barely remember anything about it.

kojima worked hard on it, and it was a good effort

Just wait, a BRAZZERS video is coming out soon. Provides a great summary.

It's a hollow sham of a lie wrapped in an eternal reminder of a once great man giving up.

Would have been the single greatest game ever made, but it turned out that Kojima was just trying to keep a dream alive for 5 years. Gameplay demonstrations, trailers, all filled with blatant lies and scripted scenes to keep the dream alive.

Maybe his intentions were good, realizing too late he was in over his head, and just wanted to give people hope for that period of time before it was crushed.

Maybe it's as bad as everyone thinks. Maybe Kojima stopped giving a shit, and chose to milk everything he could from his loyal workers, fans, and company as he shitposted on Twitter.

After seeing his behavior since he began "working" on Death Stranding, I unfortunately concede to the latter being the most likely case.

Ground Zeroes was actually good, at least.

Was this game held back by having development work on PS3/360 versions?

I'm about 40 hours in.

Some annoying forced tutorial shit and convoluted FOB mission online pvp shit, and I cant wrap my head around my offline gmp and online gmp and why I cant have both offline.

Level design leaves alot to be desired, the open world makes alot of the bases similar and you end up using the same tactic for most of them.

Sneaking in and out of a base is easy as shit.

Sidemissions are pretty meh.

The menues are a clusterfuck and you use them alot.

Music is almost non existant.

Kiefer sutherland has about 10 lines in the whole game.

Kaz wont shut the fuck up.

I dont know what the fuck is going on plotwise.

But I'm still 40 hours in because the gameplay is pretty fucking solid. I just wish we were given more than copy paste military outposts to use it on.

no, Kojima just bit of more than he could chew since he wanted to make "Mercenary Manager 2015" and forgot he was actually making a MGS game.

best metal gear game considering it's the only one that you actually get to play instead of watching hours of melodramatic anime-tier cutscenes


Yes it was absolutely held back by 360/PS3. Don't listen to that retard.

Just look at the earlier previews of the game when they showed off mother base. It was way more detailed and the separate structures were actually within walking range.

It was 100% Konami wanting it on every platform for maximum profit potential. I'm not even a #FUCKONAMI drone Kojima isn't perfect, but that instance is actually Konami's fault.

It's pretty good.

It was good

The tapes you get at the end are the greatest storytelling this series has ever had. I think if that level of writing and acting were more commonly displayed during the game it would indisputably be the best game of the decade.

Good game and god tier trailer

Great gamebut shitty Metal gear solid.