Is anyone not particularly hyped? I've been watching streamers, and have played the demos, betas, etc. More and more it boils down to a basic Diablo/Souls babby. Anyone else?
Nioh anticipation
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Not really. Still buying it though, it looks like a real solid action rpg. But I'm not counting down the hours or anything.
i'm hyped, it plays better than souls and has more interesting loot than diablo
I dunno, I'm pretty excited, at least as much as I ever really get for games anymore. Maybe it's just me getting older or maybe it's because I've been let down by games I had high hopes for so many times in the past. I've played all the betas and really enjoyed all of them but it remains to be seen how it comes together as a full game. I have it on pre-order on the Playstation store though so I guess you could call that hyped?
I was interested and liked the first demo, but something about the Last Chance demo soured me. Didnt feel as fluid as the other demo, cant explain it.
Maybe will recapture the spirit in the full game but probably wont pick it up at release though. trying to clear a few years old backlog and trying not to give into shiny shiny temptation.
Who /axe/ here
yeah im hyped
axe best weapon
I'm super hyped. Not only for the game itself but for the general way in which Team Ninja has gone about making and promoting the game.
It's a sad state of the industry when something like demos are considered a genius move by the dev but there it is.
Most games expect me to buy their season pass on the assumption that the game might be good. Nioh managed to convince me through 3 separate gameplay demos that showed the evolution of the game.
1kat/magic here
>tfw Awakening mystic art
>need to finish RE7 and trade that fucker in before Wednesday
I just got a keycard for Lucas little fuckshed, how much do I have left?
slow and ugly, 2kat is where it's at nigga.
>shoot musket at head
>critical instant one shot kill
>no one in the area reacts
>rinse and repeat
yeah dude this is totally ninja gaiden on crack zozzle
You have between 3 and 4 hours left if you're not rushing.
It seems good, played all the betas, "Strong Conqueror", etc.
My one major concern is the loot. It allows you to just 'out-level' everything with ease, if the betas are anything to go by. I'm concerned that the difficulty will simply not exist if you loot-farm optimal affix/suffixes and you can just faceroll everything.
I guess it's unavoidable, and not the worst thing to happen, but it's still a tragic possibility.
I can do that in a day no problem. Thanks, man
t minus 5 hours until digital US PSN release
I repeat
t minus 5 hours until digital US PSN release
You can become the Nioh in 5 hours
Tell me about your William, Sup Forums?
tfw from the uk and have to wait a day longer
its midday day before release and they only just shipped my pre-order. sometimes they automatically do priority shipping and it arrives the next day, even if you select standard shipping, sometimes they don't and it takes like 3 to 5 days. My Gravity Rush 2 pre-order arrived in one day, my Yakuza 0 arrived four days after release. YOU BETTER FUCKING GET IT HERE TOMORROW JB YOU FUCKING CUNTS OR I SWEAR TO FUCK.
>be university student (aka neet that is not classified as neet)
>can play vidya all day
>WILL play Nioh all day come release
>have wagecuck friend who is gonna co-op with me
>he won't be home until 6 o'clock in the evening
I'm gonna turn mad, should I just play a solo game and play through the game at my own, no-life pace? When we play co-op I'd have to use a co-op only save and try to not spoil the level layout etc. How does one act surprised and "react" to a hazard he already knows is there?
coop makes the game too easy and less fun, play it solo.
>that feel when you were working so you couldn't git gud enough to get that cool ass demon helmet.
>I Don't Own a PS4: The Post
as far as i'm concerned its a 100% single player game just with a muliplayer mode as a fun side for when you beat it.
>shitty weeb version of darksouls
why are we talking about this again?
The way of the warrior is to prepare oneself for death in every encounter.
I'm not hyped only because I have a fuckton of other recently bought games to finish before I think about touching this one.
Sell me on the axe. I was a 1kat fag for every beta.
Cant decide between kat/spear or Kat/ kamawagatzududud
what's that
so how much worse does it look if I only have a reg ps4? I know it's only 720, but is it that bad?
because it's the GOTY.
I can't get into it
I like light/medium armor too much and 1 kat heart/spirit is so good
JB Hi Fi, entertainment and electronics chain in Australia.
Looked on par with bloodborne with significantly less slowdowns.
not too bad honestly.
also take a look at this graph.
>I've been watching streamers
Why do people do these for unreleasef games
sorry to hear that, user
>on my monitor less than 2 feet away from my face
>Decide to buy it on psn because fuck it
>give it a bit of time to settle the speed
>(5 hours left)
>Don't have enough money to buy Nioh until thursday nigh
>Have to close thursday night then work in the morning on friday until 3
Fuck being a wageslave is suffering sometime won't be able to play until Friday evening.
I am, but I'll be playing through with 1 kat and med armor first.
Gotta have at least one pure samurai playthrough.
Sony has really shit internet, but iirc, downloads actually go quicker while in sleep mode or whatever they call it.
>buy it on PSN
>it miraculously finishes downloading in a few hours despite my Australian internet
>have to wait 14 hours anyway
>downloads actually go quicker while in sleep mode or whatever they call it.
So I should put it in rest mode? it'll still keep downloading ?
I just have the bar up on my screen
Go to "Settings".
Go to "Network".
Go to "Set Up Internet Connection"
Select Wifi/LAN depending on what you use to connect.
Select "Custom".
IP Address Settings = Automatic
DHCP Host Name = Do Not Specify
DNS Settings = Manual
Primary DNS:
Secondary DNS:
MTU Settings: Automatic
Proxy Server: Do Not Use
I just bought it several days in advance so I could have it loaded long before it released. Why did you wait so long?
Did you not get a chance to play the beta/last chance demo?
That's been my experience
It's on by default I believe but make sure it's actually going to download while in rest mode before you do it.
>Fast-as-fuck Ninja
Eh, I'll skip it until it goes on sale.
It looks fast and fluid, but the environments are completely unremarkable and combat is way too flaily.
I'm very interested, but not "day 1 buy" hyped.
Will probably get it on Friday, after reading a bunch of reviews and read what people say on Sup Forums.
Own a Pro, garbagecock
Some streamers get advance copies
Yeah but why would you watch someone play a game before buying it?
Ah, well, to get a better feel of the game, maybe to see if there's any level/map variety, etc, etc, many reasons.
So you know where all the good loot is?
very tempted to buy this from the u.s playstation store so I can play early. it comes out in britfagia on Wednesday.
>Aussie get the game first
That kind of makes me wish I went physical.
But then again I don't have to worry about choosing what preorder bonus I want since digital gets all of them.
Dark Souls is my favorite game and I'm going to get this, but it doesn't really excite me. Combat's more technical but really not as satisfying or engaging for me, and in terms of atmosphere and level design/progression it's not even trying.
I've avoided the faggot e-celebs streams attempting to be Conquerors when in reality they are Artifical Conquerors because the real Conquerors are waiting for tomorrow to make god tier builds and completely have 100% achievements.
Also, fuck anyone who got early access you're shit
>and in terms of's not even trying.
Seriously? I thought the atmosphere in Nioh was really cool with how strongly inspired it is by historical and folklore Japanese stuff.
>live in Australia
>drive to multiple Big Ws and Targets yesterday
>no broken date
anyone know who the composer for the game is?
I have a hard on for taro iwashiro after listening to the onimusha 2 soundtrack and now I want more from him.
Yeah I guess that's pretty cool, but it's more interesting after the fact than atmospheric in the moment to me. It's more about presentation I guess.
kusarigama is for men
>he wastes musket shots on skeletons
Kys noober
some people got the game a week ago
i dunno maybe the diablo loot system turns it off from me too
I'd had my fill of Souls-likes for a while. I'll get it when it gets cheap later. Probably by the holiday season. Same with The Last Guardian, and Gravity Rush 2.
I've got Yakuza 0 for now and Nier coming up in a little bit.
I didn't play any of the betas, how is the chain sickle weapon? I figure it's impractical to play the whole game with it, like certain enemies/bosses being unreasonably difficult, or is it mainable?
>Oh look it's another white man invades foreign country, appropriates culture, and "saves" it from itself game
No thanks, but I think I'll stick to a game that doesn't promote western imperialism
looks gay but i heard its op or somthing
this is meant for
My favourite weapon from the demos. Scales with the ninja stat for big fun too.
just accept that white people are superior already
>look up William adams for shits and giggles
>has the same birthday as I do
shit this guy is getting cooler and cooler.
Very fast, long range, very fluid.
Probably a bit too strong.
but western imperialism is best imperialism
cool, thanks. honestly kind of surprised that it's strong, but I'll give it a go. Either that or edgemaster dual swords, depending on how much I like the parry system
I pre order it from mightyape, the poster is bonus exclusive of store, they sent the game early, and auspost suddently be fast for one so I got the game on the morning of 6th
It is made by Japanese developers, not some crazy Scientologist. But yeah, its weird that the main character is white. Trying to cater to the west or something.
>tfw Nioh releases in NA before JP
Finally... they get it.
Tell me your address so I can come key your car.
>Tell me your address so I can come key your car.
That car got rekt in an accident, the insurance com just took the car away and paid me. That is the spare key I forgot to give it to them.
Japan hates Nioh.
Holy fuck it's just a fucking video game already not some zero sum game for online credibility and personal life style validation. Fuck maybe I'll get it once it drops in price if it still seems appealing or maybe I won't.
Anyone have experience with Best Buy's website?
I went in to pre order, but they said it was too late to do it in person, but not too late to do it online.
Will they pull any bullshit (for instance, delay my picking up of the game)?
OOOR should I just say "fuck it" and go digital to play early?
But that's not the story though...
I wasn't hype at all until I realized it would be Ninja Gaiden x Diablo
It's based off a guy that really existed. Lern2History.
You forget yer meds, son?
It's one thing I'm rather pleased with about how the game was eventually marketed even if they're still kind of going about it in a typical hype beast manner like everything Sony publishes literally ever. At least there was something tangible for players to sink their teeth into instead of just the usual lying ass trailers and supposedly independent journalists pretending to lose their minds spewing dozens of bullshit fluff hype articles speculating about it onto the internet 2 months before it's release. I'd so much rather have an approach like that then just having to listen to a bunch of shilling retards hype me up about a game I have no way to know how it'll actually play and feel like until the all important "Day One".
Most developers nowadays just seem afraid of their audiences though (I sort of get why at times) and like releasing any sort of demo or benchmark beta is a bad thing because day one sales and keeping people in the dark but for the constant droning of carefully publisher/developer controlled and staged media hype means they can't potentially damage their preorder potential. It's Schrodinger's hype game, if there's no player access demo they can't tell if it's good game, but they also can't tell right away it's a piece of shit scam game like No Mans Sky turned out to be and would have devastated it's preorders so most games don't have them anymore even though online distribution makes the era all but perfect for Nioh's rare approach.
Anyway it'd be nice if demos catch back on again cause before Triple A hype bullshit and selling games through pure marketing hype and preorder culture it just kind of tended to be a proven method for how you built REAL interest in your upcoming game and it's like everyone just kind of forgot that for most of this generation.
>But yeah, its weird that the main character is white. Trying to cater to the west or something.
Not really. They literally explained this in one of the interviews. Its based on William Adams, literally the first westerner ever to become a samurai. This was something hard as fuck even for the people from Japan who were familiar with the culture, so the devs thought it was pretty badass a foreigner could do it.
and 8 minutes
How long is the game? I don't want to buy another 15-20 hour game like DS3 was.
>No PAL release until the 8th
Why cant we euro-cucks ever catch a break?