58 gb

>58 gb
>for a texture pack

The worse part is that it looks the same as the vanilla textures.


Yeah. The game has a lot of textures. Making most of them high resolution would bloat your game.

It's also worse than fan made texture packs at a fraction of the size.

Can't wait until someone releases a pack that looks almost the same but at 1/4 the filesize and vram requirement like they did with the regular textures

That'd be great to play on a toaster if the game were worth playing in the first place.

And this is what it looks like

Only the most pathetic clueless normalfag would fall for the Bethesda HD texture ruse cruise

>actual graphics.png

Eh, could be worse. Looks way better than an idtech 5 game for roughly the same file size.

Welcome to 2017 bitch if you can't fit that in your hard drive or download it fast enough step the fuck up loser

why can't I download it

where are the comparison screenshots

pretty sure this was done about 2 week after Fallout 4 came out.

Honestly, judging from the screenshot it looks no different but again 50gb for that shit, no thanks.

Is there any game over 20 GB that's worth getting these days?

Storage has improved since 10 years ago, poorfag. Time to upgrade.

>PC hardware manufacturers LOVE this man

I still don't get why you people still buy Bethesda games. They literally shit on their userbase by providing buggy ass mediocre games with laughable animations, models and lip syncing, also they release HD texture packs years later when the game is almost dead.
Yet you are so stupid you still give them your money.

>bethesda totally wont fuck up fo4's texture pack after fucking up skyrims no sir

Like 5000 installations of X-COM UFO Defense.

>mfw I never bought one for more than $10

yes, quit being such a grandpa
that's a totally normal size for a game with current technology, it's not 2007 anymore


well new Doom was fun but I'm also sure that a shit load of its file size was due to its shitty tacked on multiplayer

the short answer to your question is "not really"

>Is around 20 Gigs larger than fan-made full HD texture packs
>Also runs worse
>And looks worse
How are they this fucking bad.

>current technology
except fallout looks like a barely pepped up sauce engine and completely pales when put next to anything on ue4 or frostbite both of which has games much smaller than fo4 but far greater detail

Should I not be using Skyrim's? What's wrong with it?

>texture pack
This game needs so many quality updates and texture are the most unimportant.

They could have fixed bugs and so many other things to make the game fun, but instead they made a better texture pack... I bet some freelancer made them because why waste time on something so unimportant than better textures which is only time consuming but easy to make?

You shouldn't be playing Skyrim, period

Skyrim's HD Texture Pack is exceptionally low quality, barely above the game itself and features 2 major texture errors not present in the game without the Texture Pack that have yet to be corrected.
In addition to having bloated, shitty file compression.

It's garbage and low effort. There was an unofficial patch within a week that fixed a large portion of its glaring errors.

Just use a mod texture pack like Noble or something. (in combination with SMIM)

And? It takes like 7 minutes to download 58gb. Are you poor or something lmao?

This only affects people that play the game. You guys dont actually play Fallout 4 right?

>7 minutes
>8.3 gigabytes per second
Doesn't even exist, you homosexual.

>american education

this is why japan is giving up on pushing graphics

*raises paw* what if I do?

Witcher 3 if you're a story fag, but literally nothing else

Japan doesn't do graphics because most Japanese gamers only own consoles; not PCs. Especially rare to find a Japanese person with a PC capable of pushing the limits.


The textures are okay, but that lighting is still a sack of shit.

you don't have paws.

It's only about an hour wait.

did they actually get the meshes right this time?

actually its cuz photorealism is a meme

Your face is a meme.

Why dont you make a non-shit lighting pack Todd, because the game is still fuckugly even with 100 gb of ultra hd textures.

Even though MGS5 didn't live up to they hype. A full blown open world that takes place in Africa and Afghanistan with great graphics and runs at 60fps easily, only has a file size around 20-30GB if I recall. Fucking amazing, too bad no modern games can strive for amazing optimization like the Fox Engine can

That's the least of the problems here.

you don't actually believe modern developers make use of modern technology, right?


>wow 1000's of 4k textures add up

i'm absolutely shocked, i thought this data would come from no where.

I'm amazed at the size of this game
tf2 has a bigger install size

To the people saying it won't change anything: WRONG

Left = old
Right = new texture pack

>thinking it's about the storage space

desu kys senpai baka

Why can I download it? It just takes me to the Fallout 4 launcher when I click download.

What the fuck are the circles for

bethesda's texture packs are optional and are a separate listing in steam. search "fallout 4" into the steam store search bar and you'll find it. bethesda basically treats it as dlc.

>whole game can be squeezed in a 20 gb file
>lol let's send it out raw

how does it feel sucking dick for 2$?

why do they release shitty DLCs that modders have already made? All the building dlc shit was fucking garbage compared to things like modular housing etc and the texture pack is a joke compared to the vivid presets or 2/4k overhauls

You can drive from one side of the "world" to the other in 10 minutes tops. Try it.

>They didn't even upload screenshots showing the HD textures

All these screenshots are shots from the games initial launch.

>game is 38gb
>hd textures are 58gb

for that minor upgrade it's pretty pathetic

No, Doom is using the unique texturing technology carried over from id tech 5 with higher resolution sources. You can see for yourself since they posted a whitepaper on how the renderer worked.

If you use high resolution textures and you're uniquely texturing stuff that consumes massive amounts of hard drive space.

>game runs even worse

idk if this is true, but i heard it's because the game is mainly CPU reliant.

knowing how "optimized" bethesda games are, what are your specs?

i5 3570k
R9 290 4GB

I wouldn't be surprised if those textures exceeded the VRAM of your card.

30 gig patch if you have it for PS4 which is most likely mostly multiplayer shit. Not even an option to not download it.

you should've expected it to run worse with 4gb vram, textures eat that up like a bitch.

wtf it looks the same

I wasn't expecting it to run better, I was just bitching that they're spending resources making shitty texture packs instead of optimizing their damn game.
It runs like shit in cities, even without the texture pack.

to show where the graphics are better, retard

mate I got a 3690 and a 780. You should be able to play on ultra as I play on very hiugh with 202 active mods 6 followers and still get 60 fps.

I t dips when you go to heavily populated areas (not cities but raider camps where the npcs actually do shit) but it is very playable

Uninstall that dlc texture pack and get community made ones instead

About 271 hours, according to steam. Most of that was settlement building, too.

What resolution do you play at?

I forget how boring the Commonwealth looks without foliage mods.

1080p. You should really start modding you game. there are a lot of community made optimizers out there that actually work

i7 5820k and GTX 1080 recommended

An unpacked 4096 texture is like 48mb and depending on the shader there might be 3 of them (depending on how they handled certain things) and then a certain object might have multiple textures. or something like that. So you can see why people are having issues or how quickly your memory will get eaten up.


There are 60 seconds in a minute user

That sounds pretty good, I'll look into it.
Any recommendations offhand?

no no no, i7 is minimum check it.


shows how devs just throw around some random specs.

>OS: Windows 7/8/10 (64-bit OS required)
>Processor: Intel Core i7-5820K or better
>Memory: 8 GB RAM
>Graphics: GTX 1080 8GB
>Storage: 58 GB available space

>see screenshot comparisons
>almost the same as before



>nmc large is only 3gb

>dirt and scratches are crisp and clean
>each new texture is probably 4k resolution
>wonder why its 58gb

I mean technically it looks good, but it still looks like shit because their texture artists are shit at making textures.

>let's just put the best specs we can think of as minimum requirements so people think the mod is the best shit ever

Metal Gear Rising but that's because it has a lot uncompressed cut scenes.

ok cool Todd, now when is the free optimization DLC? You are making it right?

>Bethesda is incompetent

Man I never would have guessed that

you know you can install mods taking 10% of that 50gb and it will look much better than this garbage?

I think he was being sarcastic.

The textures aren't what's wrong with the game. Its the ugly fucking art style, cartoons shader, and flat lighting.

>oh goy you might have to buy a whole new SSD just for this game