Hello, game developers and publishers

Hello, game developers and publishers.
I'm part of the new generation that is satisfied in watching Let's Play and Long Play videos instead of actually buying and playing the games we like.
(No, not just the cinematic ones, there is no need to lie to yourselves.)
Our number will only continue to grow.
What are you going to do about it?

Continue to laugh.

Nothing. My game is designed with a specific audience in mind- what Joe Blow from Idaho thinks about me I don't give a shit.

best thread on Sup Forums right now

Sounds good to me. Higher chance of gamr crash if everyone watches and doesnt buy games. Far more damaging than piracy.

oh hey, i remeber you from yesterday. got whole 2 more replies this time around i see.

Making games more expensive while reducing content leads to a situation in which very few people are able and willing to purchase your product or service.
This shows by seeing how only one mmo can be popular.

Hello young fan,

This is the AAA-budget gaming industy.
We will do nothing, because we are literally cancer and we will die.

Target adults.

Then, when you're grown up and your children actually play games again, target children again.

Enjoy never being the target demo. No one will ever make their games for you.


Which is worst to the gaming industry, the pirates, the LPers or the LP audience?

LP audience.

At least the rest of them still plays the damn game.

Mark my words:
The gaming industry will find a way to force LP watchers to play money.
>Watch this newly released LP TODAY for 4.99, or watch next month -like a loser- for 2.99. Click now!


She's cute, who is she?

>Adam's apple

Already exists. Rooster Teeth FIRST is a thing.

>Not using a pre-paid credit card and just making a throwaway account and email every month

I like On The Spot.

>watching Rooster Teeth

pure fucking cancer

>Our number will only continue to grow
doesn't stop the rest of the industry

Whats the point in doing this? How is it enjoyable?

Feel free to enlighten me with your much superior tastes

I honestly thought the mobile games market brought in more money than that.


How bout if you're going to watch Let's Plays you don't watch a group that consists of a barely functioning alcoholic, a guy who pretends to be retarded, a literal manchild who rages at nothing, and a guy who cheats at games and still gets mad when he loses.


>Having access to youtube is the same as owning a PS4


>How bout if you're going to watch Let's Plays you don't watch a group that consists of a barely functioning alcoholic, a guy who pretends to be retarded, a literal manchild who rages at nothing, and a guy who cheats at games and still gets mad when he loses.
Good thing i dont watch Achievement Hunter.

The majority of video games are pretty much movies these days anyway.

Continue to develop random reward loot boxes and pay-to-costume functionality into all my games.

You did this to yourselves, millennials.

>Watch me open 100 loot crates
already happened user

I play over 35 hours a week and still watch twitch. Some games I find more fun to watch rather than play like resident evil and dark souls. I like platformers and indies for myself.