What could go wrong?

What could go wrong?

shitty open world
Nintendo loves being 10 years late to everything, I bet they'll make a shitton of mistakes Ubi did in 2007 with the first Assassin's Creed

nothing to do

It'll play exactly like unmodded skyrim

Skyrim didn't have decent dungeons or fun systems / physics to play with.

Not enough to do in the open world, the actual dungeons are insubstantial, the story ending on a wet fart like MGSV. A lot could go wrong.

And yet I pre-ordered it, and I'm optimistic about it.

not much, almost every zelda zelda game g=has been good/great

The dumbest puzzle in any Zelda game was harder than the hardest puzzle in Skyrim.

I could get spoiled by Sup Forums. that's about it.


I wonder if I could ask the mods to ban me for the first two weeks of March.

I got tons of zelda related filters up but threads like this still slip through the cracks.

Watch out I'm about to spoil the entire plot for you

Ganon is back, he's doing bad things

Link beats him

dude what the FUCK

obviously I mean less obvious stuff like maybe neat end game items or hidden upgrades or armor or cute story moments, shit like that

I know I'm just fuckin with you

just ban yourself. download one of those study apps and blacklist Sup Forums.


Quite a lot of things can go wrong, but that doesn't mean they all will. What I still find horrible is the hardware limitations, more specifically that noticeable draw distance.

You can't marry Zelda.

Yeah, that bums me out too

Time travel shenanigans.


The fanbase will get butthurt when it's confirmed as a Wind Waker sequel.

I dunno how I feel about some of this "technology" shit they introduced, the sheikah slate could've been just a magic artifact or something

We've already seen combat and the weighted animations already guarantee that's not the case.

It won't be fun

Why is Zelda Chaika?

Because I love Zelda! She's the cutest and the best! The best ever! A cute princess Zelda! Yes! She's very cute and very feminine! She sounds like a proper lady and a proper princess! Very cute! She even knows how to cry! Cries like a princess in english! Not a robot! Doesn't cry like a baby! Ladylike! Dresses like a princess! Very modest! Cute turtleneck! Cutie patootie! Cute hairclips! Knows how to accessorize! Fashionable! Fingerless gloves for warmth and dexterity! Plans ahead! Not short sighted! Holds the triforce of wisdom! Smartypants! Yes! Cute with brains! Brains behind her forehead! Cute forehead! Cute eyebrows! Pointy ears! Cute pointy ears! Cute golden hair! Cute hairstyle! She is very lovely! I love her!!!!!

Then we mod the shit out it and make it a sex game?
Im interested.

so why does chaika talk like a retard

Literal brain and memory problems.
Watch the series.

Really? I think it's alright in the Switch version. I mean I rather have it like this instead of objects popping up 3-4 times.

Voice acting and a focus on cinematics in an open world game. Empty, repetitive mini dungeons. Huge overworld but no progression to content.

Basically, it could be Skyrim all over again. I hope it isn't. I've waited 30 years for a Zelda to go back to its roots. Just saying there's a good chance it fucks up. The voice acting is the biggest fear I have.

Well now I don't have to. Thanks buddy

>What could go wrong?
-open world sucking and exploration in it not being rewarding
-combat sucking / being casualized further
-dungeons sucking
-items from dungeons sucking
-towns sucking

i dont care about story, but i hope endgame you feel powerful and the journey feels like it had meaning.
like think about oot how you start as a kid with a pointy knife and wooden shield and end up an adult with a huge ass sword, magic floating boots and special tunics and shit.

shut the fuck up shut your fucking mouth shut your fuck up shut the fuck off shut the up shut the fuck off shut the fuck you fuck the shut off shit the fuck up

>-open world sucking and exploration in it not being rewarding
>-combat sucking / being casualized further
>-dungeons sucking
>-items from dungeons sucking
Those have all been confirmed already by the hundreds of hours of footage we have of the game.
This game is going to be Skyward Sword tier of trash.
And yet Skyward Sword exists.

>This game is going to be Skyward Sword tier of trash.
Thank god it isn't going to be as bad as Twilight Princess and Phantom Hourglass then.

Not really a fan of this incarnation of Zelda desu

I don't know but lets continue to analyze shit to death but really just talk out of our ass about it. Like give me a fucking break Sup Forums, you don't actually give one shit about Breath of The Wild or have any intention to purchase or play it so why do you honestly care and make threads about. Not a single one of them has managed to convince me Sup Forums remotely gives a real shit about anything to do with this game.

If we didn't care, we'd be in another thread dog.

>Thank god it's not going to be as bad as every Zelda game ever made hurrrr. I can't be seen to possible like anything so I always have to frame things in terms of worse than or not quite worse than but really I mean just as bad as because not as bad as might be mistaken as me liking something and then I'll get greentexted to hell and back by other retards whose opinions are important to me.

Fuck man being a Sup Forums faithful and basing your entire existence around what other complete shitheads might possibly think must be a disgustingly miserable existence before you get to the having to be constantly negative and paranoid about everything issue.

>fanbase loves the first five Zelda games for its free roaming, item progression, music and level design
>developers slowly change it to be more plot and dialogue driven
>old fans grow tired of the series since it went away from what made them like it
>a whole new generation that only played the 3D games came along
>Zelda fanbase becomes heavily divided
>Aonouma suddenly admits that the games are too linear and story driven and decides to go back to the old formula

I truly want to be happy that Zelda is returning to its roots, but they should have done this 15 years ago. Now we're just going to have millions of TP and WW fanboys screaming about how the game isn't what they want from a Zelda. And 40 year old Zelda fans who gave up on the series won't buy BotW.

You don't and like all upcoming big titles you have constant threads for it where you spew absolute bullshit and nonsense and just talk out of your ass about the franchise. Again absolutely nothing demonstrates much of Sup Forums cares about this game or franchise, it's upcoming, it's from a popular franchise with many people that DO care about it (just not here) and thus you shitpost daily about it because that's what you do? Just saying otherwise doesn't cut it either as actions and general posting habits speak louder than reactionary bits like what you're attempting. Also see bit about you people caring too much about what other people might think and the reason you're responding to me.

>calls Skyward Sword shit
>someone uses the same joke
>Stop memeing HURR!
Look at the Twilight Princess fanboy get mad everybody.

>talking completely out of your ass
>saying a whole bunch of crazy extremist made up shit about a game
>All speculative reasons about why the game will be an abomination

Yeah convincing stuff in every thread. This is the part where you of course having nothing to work with and non-existent arguing and reasoning skills try to accuse me of being a nintendobabby shill in a last ditch attempt to bring my credibility down to your level based also on zero actual evidence or reasoning other than just talking out of your ass.

She isn't speaking her first language in the show, she's just being like the Heavy.

Yup. Nobody saw that sort of reply coming.

user your shitpost is surprisingly hard to parse and looks like you're conflating various opinions people obviously didn't state with the wrong posters in the first place. Not surprised that this is what happens really, like you shitpost so much you're not even sure what you're trying to imply or how to pull it off properly.

>It's the last major console game to be released so it's the worst

Is that the angle we're playing here I can't tell?

>user your shitpost is surprisingly hard to parse and looks like you're conflating various opinions people obviously didn't state with the wrong posters in the first place.
Learn what words mean before you try to use them in a sentence. Using them incorrectly just makes you sound like a dumbass.

>[x] Zelda game is shit
>no, [y] Zelda game is shit
>no your favorite game is shit!
>no u!
So its official. Zelda threads are as bad a Final Fantasy now.

Barely anything to do, Link's past 100 years ago is boring, too many cutscenes with dialog that no one cares about, Zelda did something stupid that should have been obvious, but will be forgiven, unbreakable weapons are too easy to get in the first few hours of play, thus completely negating the challange of finding weapons to go dungeon diving, monsters still sit around waiting for you to attack instead of behaving properly, which is attacking you while you are distracted.