How does this company stay in business?

How does this company stay in business?
Why do people buy their games?
They are worse than bethesda with how buggy their shit is and the community cant even fix it.

ignorant consumers

the same reason any poor product exists

>Why do people buy their games?
because there's no other games to play

>WAAAHHH why do people with different taste than me play video games

fuck off back to /l/eddit for your safezone

Rainbow Six Siege is also a god tier FPS and For Honor is amazing as well.

Because shit eaters exist.
Here's proof:
Also shills.

Basically this Ubisoft pumps out AAA games continuously at low cost, it doesnt matter if a handful of games are shit they still break even with enough false advertising and marketing so that the few that succeed succeed hugely.

They are literally a sweatshop factory for low quality big name games. I honestly pity the idiots who work for them.

Same reason why french wine sells so well despite it being relatively poor compared to other countries.

Over-saturation of the market. Why make one awesomesauce game when you can make a bunch of OK games and get the same amount of return for less risk.

>Same reason why french wine sells so well

Unity and Syndicate were bugged on release, what else? I enjoy most of their games and For Honor is fun too.
Just fuck off, Todd.

>and the community cant even fix it
Other than in Bethesda's case, the community does not need to. Unity and Syndicate were fixed and run perfectly fine now. I mean that's nothing to praise them for, that's a natural thing to do. But you're just shitposting based on half knowledge.

The only other one I remember is that Far Cry 2 was basically broken on launch, it was full of game-breaking issues like mission givers disappearing and never coming back.
I also fucking hate Uplay. Utter garbage that serves literally no purpose other than to waste space on my PC.

Because they can make some good games. Prince of Persia: Sands of Time is excellent.

> try to install far cry 3; blood dragon through steam.
> it installs Uplay first and you have to log in through their client to play it.

Jelly much.

The "people shouldn't like what I don't like" attitude is 100% Grade A Sup Forums.

>arm chair Å“nologue

Uplay is better than EA's origin at least. If for no other reason that you can easily get 100 uplay coins through completing simple challenges and get 20% off in their shop with them. I got For Honor 12 bucks cheaper with that. For my area the best deal without having amazon prime.
It says that on the store page tho

I bet you enjoy your wine at fancy garden soirees where they all drink overpriced piss.

Ubisoft basically takes games and reskins and make clones of them, cutting down production costs.

Far Cry 4 reused pretty much all the Far Cry e stuff, and Far Cry Primal was a literal reskin of 4, they even used the same exact map.

Same thing for Assassin Creed, etc.

Unity got fixed with patches. Nothing can fix Syndicate.

More like thumb nose Å“nologue desu

Well, it runs. Not saying it's a good game or anything. Currently playing it and I can't manage to play more than 1 hour per session.

you know jack shit about wine you just try to look smart on an anonymous board

wine is dirt cheap in europe it's not reserved to rich fucks like in your shithole

Yeah I don't know what the deal is with Origin, it is fucking up and preventing me from playing games more often than just working.

Has Vivendi gobbled them up yet?

>tfw found out the other day that Ubisoft bought Freestylegames
How can they afford to piss money away when they're a nut hair away from being taken over

Actually I prefer whisky. Go fuck yourself.

Did they ever fix the carriage frame-rate issue?

As much as I hate them for what they did to some franchises, they are kinda the only ones releasing new ips

They really shit the bed with WD2.

>15 years ago
you know there have been so many personal shifts and corporate changes that 2003 ubisoft and 2017 ubisoft are basically only the same company though name, right?

ubisoft used to be really good at one point before Assassins Creed blew up out of nowhere. now every single game they make is some shade of AC or tom clancy and it's just bland and stagnant.

release date when you fuckin kikes

forgot pic

Get in line fag, I was here before you.

>Did they ever fix the carriage frame-rate issue?
If not then I'm unintentionally dodging that bullet, I locked it at 40FPS to have a stable rate at somewhat high settings with my shit GFX card.

Ass Creed has a ton of mainstream popularity, and a lot of people considered Syndicate to be an excellent return to form after Unity. Plus Far Cry 4 and Primal both sold exceedingly well, and The Division, all flaws considered, still hit 9 million+ sales. If you figure even half of their sales are committed at full price, you're talking a company that routinely pulls in 200 million+ per release on the low end.

So, to summarize, it all comes down to volume and good marketing. They routinely crank out proven properties with solid returns, and while For Honor has been focus tested to hell and back, I see no reason why the game won't make a solid ROI.

I only buy what interests me. Something recent would be the 2D Rayman games. If they make games I am interested in I am more likely to buy them. Right now there isn't much by them that I'd get though.

A few years ago i would have hardly cared.

But Siege and For Honor are legitimately great, get fucked OP

They're not in too much danger of that; they've been able to consistently stay in the black for years, so there's no real reason to accept a buyout offer. Plus 2016 proved itself to be an exceedingly lucrative year for them, they were easily able to keep pace with their R&D costs. Compare that to Sony, who has to continuously shackle their profits from the PS4 and internally developed titles to sustain their sinking divisions.

Honestly, it's because they're the most pro-consumer AAA publisher on the market. They don't do paid reviews, they don't silence negative opinions, and they take feedback seriously. Their greatest flaw is not trashing Uplay, but other than that they deserve every penny they get.

>company produces well-received, popular games that appeal to current market and design trends
>company is successful
>Sup Forums is confused and angered by their success
It keeps happening, it keeps surprising me.

The number of people that don't understand this is strange.
While Ubisoft does have faults, including having too good of a marketing department for their own sake, they're extremely open to change and they have a very diverse game portfolio.
People make fun of "the Ubisoft game" as a genre, but that's just if you're looking at a subset of their AAA releases. They also publish a lot of smaller, experimental titles and market them alongside the big boys. It's crazy.
The fact that they took a year off of Assassin's Creed, a series they could've continued to annualize, so they could ensure that it was the best experience possible for the players is kind of crazy when you look at the market.
Revealing Watch Dogs 2 only a few months before release so people couldn't call bullshit? They're a changed company.
>inb4 "go away ubi shill"
Liking games and liking people that make them doesn't make you a bad person, and don't let Sup Forums tell you otherwise.

You pity people who have jobs and salaries making video games?
They pity you, who shitposts on Sup Forums and doing nothing with your life

Ubi's the Trump of video game developers. People keep lying and making shit up about them, but Ubi keeps winning. Also, Shithesda killed the Fallout series, that automatically makes Ubi better than them.

wtf now i love ubisoft?

People love to hate. The truth is as you guys have said, Ubisoft actually tries. They develop and publish their own games, that's why they get to do the things they do. They don't have a middle-man, they don't adhere to anyone's rules but their own.

Hate it or love it, other companies copy them. Look at open-world games now, even world-class ones such as MGSV, Shadow or Mordor, The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, etc, they all copy Ubisoft's open world formula.

Rainbow 6: Siege and For Honor are a refreshing new look at the company, especially when you consider their new DLC philosophy. Honestly I hope other companies copy it because it's great.

TL;DR, be glad Ubisoft exists, they're the only AAA left who has the balls to take risks.

They're actually really close to Vivendi having a major stake, along with board seats. It's not that the company itself doesn't have enough money to fend them off, it's that Vivendi has so much more that they can bid higher on board members for their shares.