Post your fave zelda dungeon

Post your fave zelda dungeon

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eh reh

why does this look so terrible

What the fuck is wrong with this picture?

Filters son, OP is a faggot

The power of PC gaming.


arbiter's grounds in TP

oo doo do do

>Emulation with filters

Legitimately consider necking yourself

Has to be all of ikana vally.

I consider the western town part of the temple, sue me


It's the best right until the end.
>get badass giant sword from fairy fountain
>get awesome mask that makes you huge in the boss fight
>not allowed to use both at the same time

is this how the kids are playing zelda these days?

You are literally told exactly where to go to find Din's Fire by the game. You cannot hold someone's hand any more than that.

You are actually told where to get the magic meter.
Only if you got the magic meter they well you where to find Din's Fire.
What is about the same, I guess

worth it

yeah and? my other favourite dungeon is the water temple, for being the extreme opposite. shadow temple has the best aesthetics and atmosphere.

literally the most linear dungeon in the game.

thank god this wasn't a hardest dungeon thread.

Just realized my favorite dungeon isn't in my favorite Zelda game

>linear is bad
Linearity is not always a bad thing.