>still no Kill la Kill videogame by Platinum

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The 2010s has been a terrible decade for anime

they made a turtles and a transformer game even after the show was over a long time ago.
there is still hope
didnt they say that they actually wanted to make a kill la kill game?


Season 2 never ever

KLK is out of it's prime

Good, the story is finished.


>it's 2017
>English dubs for anime games are basically non-existant
What kind of game would Kill La Kill be suited for?

my only interest in this would be to jack off to satsuki

With every anime they've made since failing they'll be forced to go back to it.

it hurts

Ponyfaggotry is bannable, you know that right?

Why does Sup Forums like KLK so much

I hope not.

>What kind of game would Kill La Kill be suited for?
Just reskin MGR.

Wrong series.

How dare you disgrace the pure Lady Satsuki with your animal-like behavior

I thought Sup Forums hated KLK and considered it Sup Forumscore or some shit like that. If they actually like it I find it weird: it has a lot more common with Gurren Lagann than typical shit they like.

i dont know, i just like the stuff hiroyuki creates

Sup Forums doesn't like KLK anymore.

Something that's always bothered me about vidya based off anime games is why so few include a character creator, maybe I'm in the minority when I see an anime I get ideas about injecting my own characters into it.

Eh, they'll probably make season 2 in 10 years or so

This is bait. How the fuck are they even similar? One is about manliness and the other is about skantily clad women and waifus

This, not everything needs to continue just for the sake of continuing.

Sup Forums in charge of having good taste in anime.

You're right. Ryoko is 10 times the man Simon will ever be.

why is the second half of KLK so fucking awful

its aight until all the ayylmao shit

its futile to attempt to hide or deny the reality of my base desires

It's not as bad as the second half of Gurren Lagann.

Mako>Nui>Ryuko>Satsuki>>>>>everyone else

They're literally the same.

>Same writer
>Same director
>Some of the same voice talent
>Similar character designs
>A lot of the same animators

Were you niggers even in the threads while it was airing? 80% hated it and the rest just went bananas over the satsuki/mother rape scene.

>nui this high
i would prefer put satsuki on that spot

You have respectable taste but Ryouko is #1 imho..

Yeah but it got too popular so now Sup Forums hates it.

>Gurenn Lagann is about manliness
The most laughable shit I've heard all year. The theme of manliness comes like twice in GL and clearly not the main point of the powertrip of epic proportions, an epic adventure crammed into 24 episodes featuring expressive characters, incoherent, yet distinctive world and "overcome all difficulties by the power of your strenght and friendship!" bullshit.

i'm pretty sure hates klk and has hated since even back when it was airing.

just like with Sup Forums, if it's popular among "normies" they automatically hate it.

It's for the best, Platinum are hacks now

>My only reason to purchase a game is to jerk off to it

Spoken like a true shallow weeaboo.

>being so beta you lust after the token comedic relief

Nonon > Nui

We do need more Yuri games

>its aight until all the ayylmao shit
if you feel that way you were already taking the premise too seriously than what the creators intended.

Fuck dude read the words that are in plain english that are spelled out for your eyes mother fucker READ

>Imaishi literally releases the same show three times
>Hurr this one has waifus so its different.

>Konosuba game confirmed


Looks better than MN9

I wish he wasn't as repetitive. I would probably recognize the Shingeki soundtrack, but distinguishing between his work on Guilty Crown, Blue Exorcist, KlK, Aldnoah, Seraph and some of the Unicorn and Xenoblade songs would be hard for me. Of course when we are not talking about main themes.

Were YOU in the threads? Most popular thing that season on Sup Forums by a wide margin, more popular on Sup Forums than pretty much any other website. The hate only started in the second half because people were starting to get sick of the massive amount of threads being generated by it. It was Code Geass all over again.


>We need more girlXmonster games


Lewd knight is lewd.

>maybe I'm in the minority when I see an anime I get ideas about injecting my own characters into it.
the short of it is, you are. most people who want anime games just want to play through the original story as the hero.

the only reason a game like Dragonball Xenoverse manages to exists is because there's been over fifty vidya covering the original story again and again and again and enough people have had enough of that to try something slightly different

thank you for the spoilers

those too

He's referring to Imaishi and you're referring to Sawano

Fucking japs need to invent more names

Space Patrol Luluco doesn't count. it was a gag anime retrospective of Studio Trigger's career so far


>Monster girls harassing poor defenseless monster boy games

No we have too many of those. We need more yuri monstergirl games.

Watching an Imaishi show is a spoiler for watching any other Imaishi show.

How do they have sex?

>Satsuki not at the top of the list

Platinum cash-ins are pretty trash so no loss there.

It seems we're at an impasse

Guts >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> everyone else



complete dogshit

go away lee

Seems like it

Rather not by Platinum, they only put effort into their own games, all their licensed games (minus Rising) are all rushed to shit.

The power of imagination

Space Patrol Luluco game when? Make it a metroidvania game following a original plot, with RPG levels set in Ogikubo and shmup levels with Luluco's father's ship.

Luluco found Nova again in the Kiznaiver episode that aired the next day

Well there's only one thing to do, my friend.

Post more pics?

... And Nier 2?

I'm pretty sure they explained at a con that takes place in season 3

the Transformers game was awesome

Assuredly our good moderators will certainly shut this non-video game related thread down. That is to say, yes.

HxH, Space Dandy, and JJBA are Sup Forums as fuck though

unless you've got a link I'm calling bullshit on that one.

little witch academia & inferno cop

Nah that's what the spergs at Sup Forumsumblr like

Even more important: Samurai Jack game by Platinum when?



Has there ever been a more objectively wrong Sup Forumsermin in the history of this board?

you fucked up your link

PSG S2 was sorta announced though? Not sure how that'd work with the people behind it being in Trigger.

That's just a not canon cameo.
Nova is currently getting fucked silly by Panty.

>kill la kill was 3 years ago

mods should let weebs takeover Sup Forums and drive out the trash tbqh

All these images are bullshit.

Sup Forums is less of a collective than Sup Forums is, they tend to ignore shit they don't like unless it clogs up the whole board.

I mean, collectively they hate naruto but there will still be threads about it.

They hate anything that gets popular enough that it clogs up the whole website.

KLK was shitposts a plenty.

Evangelion 3.0 had way too goddamn many threads, and theres still a bunch of Reifags that have turned bad characterisation into a legit victim complex.

Hell, that reminds me, EVA should be on basically every grouping except /fit/ and /m/. At least until 4.0 comes out and literally breaks Sup Forums with the sheer butthurt its gonna cause.

That was just the nobody's that are still at gainax clamering for money since Anno lent them money and they haven't paid him back like they were contracted to do so.

>gainax gets absorbed into khara
>anno makes P&S S2 to keep the knife away from his throat after he shits out 4.0
>has Miyazaki stab him through the forehead and dump his corpse in the middle of Akihabara in one final effort to guilt trip Otaku

Heritage for the Future is quintessential Sup Forumscore


you'll always have /r/games and /r/argueoveryourconsoleselsewhereredditor

It might be bullshit, I saw those panel notes here on Sup Forums and Google didn't pop anything up. Its pretty believable with how Trigger is setting up Trigger girls and how Nova ended up in P&S universe after the fight with B-holeian.

Weebs are the trash.

>there will still be threads about it.
there was a solid four year period where naruto threads got shitposted off the board any time someone tried to actually discuss it. the only place you could actually discuss the anime/manga was in the /NUNSG/ in /vg/