Have you ever been so ashamed of owning a console?
Pic related. I did have my fun with it, but I feel disgusting just owning this piece of fucking shit
Have you ever been so ashamed of owning a console?
Pic related. I did have my fun with it, but I feel disgusting just owning this piece of fucking shit
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what were all of the complaints being leveled at the wiiu? I never followed it
ashamed, no, but I do feel quite fucked over owning it. At least it doesn't burst into fire out of nowhere I guess...
Sounds like you're pretty fuckin insecure, boyo.
I own a Wii U and when people I meet who play games ask me what I think was the best game I've played this generation I always tell em Tropical Dong. And I do that shit with confidence.
Quit being a little pussy.
No? Because I buy them to play video games and that's exactly what they're for.
>no multiplats
And possibly more, but still had more wortwhile exclusives this gen than the competition.
Thought the shit posters of Sup Forums will argue otherwise.
I really enjoyed my Wii U and so did many other Wii U owners. Quit posting this shit thread everyday.
I'm sure all 10 of you had a great time
It probably helps I'm a Nintendrone, but the Wii U is without a doubt the best console for local multiplayer. 8 player Sm4sh and Mario Kart 8 provided some of the best gaming moments for me that games on PS4 and Steam couldn't possibly try to compete with on that level
Made even worse by the fact that it came directly after the Wii. Just stacking more casual pandering and gimmicks, and remove all 3rd party support.
Disappointed for sure, Nintendo really fucked this one up and third party could've cashed in had they realized its potential.
Seriously how do you fuck up 2 Zelda ports and miss the one release on the GC that really needed a port.
I'm not talking about being ashamed of telling people I own it you fucking retard
You stupid? I said I enjoyed it, but it ended up being quite a disappointment. Don't act like it was an amazing Nintendo console, drone.
>8 player Sm4sh
people actually play this clusterfuck mode?
No. That sounds faggy as shit.
Actually I just bought a backup refurb from Nintendo so I'll be able to enjoy my Wii and Wii U physical library for as long as possible.
why? its getting botw and you won't have to buy a stupidly overpriced shitty console at launch
youll be able to buy a moderately priced shitty bundle in the future, sounds like a win win
My sister bought it new after it was out for a while, but at full price. It was fun enough but I had to fake some enthusiasm so she would be rewarded with her purchase.
same. this thing is nothing but a dust collector. i've never had a console like this. 3ds is mediocre, but now that i've hacked it i use it quite a bit. pii u on the other i don't even want to bother hacking it because no games. nintendo, never again
If you're not a tourneyfag or can manage to allow yourself to have fun, it's actually really enjoyable to have 8 characters go at it all at once
it's not really a win-win, it's more of a meh-meh
switch needs to have a better lineup than the wiiu
It's a great Smash box.
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my friend had a wiiu and a copy of smash. Literally the only time we ever used it was when we were fucking blazed out of our minds, we had 7 ai jigglypuffs on difficulty 1 face off against 1 captain falcon on difficulty 2. Was pretty entertaining.
falcon killed 6 jigglypuffs and died to the last one
I don't mind 5 and 6 but anymore than that just becomes too much
You sound incredibly insecure, how about getting stuff that you enjoy rather than worrying what people think?
>how about getting stuff that you enjoy rather than worrying what people think?
Wasn't that the idea?
Then thats even more insecure of you. Why the fuck would you feel ashamed for owning a tool of your hobby you god damned idiot?
do you fucking play videogames or not dude?