Who... are... you?

Who... are... you?

Other urls found in this thread:


I'm your prom date, you ugly sack 'a shit.

Donte cazador de demonios.


Fuck you!

¡Soy tu cita pare el baile, saco de mierda!


Que te jordan!

Twelve in a hundred!


You mean the son of EVA THE WHOOOOOOOOOORE?!?!?!
[barfs profusely]

>[barfs profusely]


Donte slayer of diablos, son of spartacus.

I'm Duke Nukem and I'm coming to get the rest of you alien bastards.

I am your partner for this lovely night, m'lady~

But if you so care, you can call me Donte, alas, some nasty fellows refer to me as the Fiend Vanquisher, but pay no heed to such rumours.

That sounds like something Uncle Dante would say

Your ugly prom because you shit bags


I was just trying to find this.

I love you



I need this mod so bad



we're star fox!

>Hotel california starts playing

>chipotle and tacobell destroyed in the distance
>everyone has a mustache

I am the hope of the universe.
I am the answer to all living things that cry out for peace.
I am protector of the innocent.
I am light in the darkness.
I am truth...
Ally to good, nightmare to you!

The music is only added in post, so it's not like the game would be any more fun or anything. Maybe 40 minutes worth of entertainment.

Fornicate thyself.

Im in fucking tears, why havent i seen this

that doesnt change that it still has 10/10 fitting music

I will always love this

We're StarFox

I don't get it. What's funny?


Right. But if you had the mod you'd just get Donte with a moustache and everything else is exactly the same.

Twelve in a hundred

doesnt make it any less amusing


That's not how Raziel talks you faggot

Behold, thou hast missed the mark! And my Christian name art Donte. But thou mayest address me by my title: Donte, slayer of demons! Doth it not smell as sweetly as a rose?

I unironically love this line and use it every chance I get.

>that speedy gonzalez on the sling

Man this wouldn't be so good if the spanish dub wasn't so bad. They didn't give a shit if the voices didn't match the characters.

The Italian (? 3rd) was halfway decent

>thou hast
shouldn't it be thy hath? thy is less respectful than thou


It's an old copypasta mocking the "Shakespearean" writing.

who who
who who


More than twelve thousand, non factual.

By the way
the name of dante

is there a JP version of this scene?


>tfw hispanic
>can't enjoy this because it's Castellano and not Mexican spanish dub.

I kind of miss 2012, when Sup Forums was filled with pre-release MGR vs DmC bickering, and the Vergil dinosaur fake leak.


You are just sound good. What do you think about it?

Are you me?

wait, was it actually fake?

Juan Carlos?

Yes. Vergil does not turn into a dinosaur at any point in the actual game. And there isn't a time machine, either.

It's a good line, and DmC is a pretty good game.

My name..... is Nodd E. Portan....

Can i get a quick rundown on That guy?

my name?

The only game that's a bigger edgelord than DmC.

The whole dmc disaster was what made me a Sup Forums regular. Fuck me it's been 4+ years already.
Whenever Sup Forums unites to hate one game together, the OC flow is really something else. There are no sides, no good or bad guy, no arguments about nothing, just pure hate, creativity, a ton of laughs and OC's that last a decade.

I'm the cook.


The DmC and Mass Effect 3 train wrecks were pretty great. Sup Forums isn't really the same these days, to be honest.

People said that to me back in 2012 too. I think if another disaster like DmC happens, Sup Forums will be here. But the general rule is:
Shit games = Shit Sup Forums

Basically it's like this

>Game is universally praised
Sup Forums cherry pick its flaws and say it's shit

>Game is universally shit on
Sup Forums make endless OC about how shit it is

I think the problem is that Sup Forums is more divided than ever these days. Back then, we had stuff like SOPA to bring Sup Forums together against one thing, but now there's too much console wars and other shitposting.

There was nothing entertaining about the ME3 threads, it was a month straight of threads hitting bump limit within half an hour of people just being mad. There was no OC, no jokes, no fun, just people being pissed.

>no OC

There was all the "Make stuff look like Tali's lazy Photoshop stock photo" OC, but the reason why ME3 stood out to me is that it was the angriest I've ever seen Sup Forums be at a game. The reaction to the game, and especially the ending, was apocalyptic.

Fuck you

Fuck you

fuck you


Dante? The sonny of Sparda?




came here to post this


No fuck you leather man

I unironically enjoyed this game. It went way over most of Sup Forums's head.

>cute girl approaches you in new college school
>"h-hey, you look like you know what you're doing hahah, who are you?"
>"I'm your prom date you ugly sack of shit."
>*turn 360 degrees and walk away*

The guy who made this is a masterful wielder of music.