Flower girl

>flower girl
What did they mean by this?

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Areith is a slut.

>inb4 brap meme posters start shitposting

Whore. It means she's a whore.

Eeris was a girl who sold flowers for 1 gil

it means she sells botanical services in exchange for monetary compensation




>Aerith dresses like a pure maiden, is actually a whore.

>Tifa dresses like a slut and works in a bar, is actually cute pure childhood friend.

what did they mean by this?


why is tifa so great

Reminder that Jap bra sizes are a bunch of bullshit

Time to look for another waifu, lad.

Being femdom'd isn’t cool and you aren’t “lucky”.

>When I was 21 I was raped by the girl who was my girlfriend at the time
>The worst day of my life was when she decided to tie me up
>She told me all the dirty things she was going to do to me while she kissed my neck and whispered into my ear as she tied my arms and legs down to the bed
>Everything she said she was going to do was normal to me (suck me, ride me)
>So I let her tie me up. After I was tied up she asked me to try to break free and offered a reward to me if I could
>She said she would be back and if I wasn’t free then I would miss out on the reward.

>She came back and stood at the door and stared at me.
>She then told me how I wasn’t going to be rewarded because I couldn’t get out.
>She then told me she was going to punish me.
>Long story short, she ended up sodomizing me with her vibrator.
>I must have said no a thousand times. I was crying and begging her to stop which in hindsight probably made it worse.
>I was anally fucked, then she tried to ride me but I couldn’t even get up.
>I was so broken emotionally and in pain physically.
>She then got very mad that I couldn’t get it up which was never a problem.
>I was beaten for a while.
>Then the vibrator again while being hit.
>It lasted about 6 or 7 hours but felt like it was a dozen.
>For a while she just left it in me while she went in the other room to watch TV.

>It was mid day when she tied me up and had been dark for a few hours after it was over.
>I ended up falling asleep tied up.
>I think I just passed out more from exhaustion of trying to break free/get her to stop.
>I woke up and I was untied in bed by myself with blood on my ass

Read only the first and last line and I think you need help

Lol I really hope this is pasta if not sorry bro.

I remember reading that this was intentional, but I don't know if there was an actual reason.

No she's not user, sluts give their flowers for free


Holy fuck, if this isn't a pasta; Go to a psychiatrist, get that shit out of your system and see if you can still press charges, the reason why female on male rape is laughed at is because nobody fucking admits it. Don't let her get away with it.

it means she's a girl who sells flowers.

muh dick

Serves you right for being a little bitch that can't even defend himself against his own girl.

>You will never be this beta

>raped by my girlfriend
>tied me up and kissed my neck
>sodomized with a vibrator
>didn't love every minute of it

Panty lines.