Oh... who were you again?

Oh... who were you again?

Other urls found in this thread:


is this the kot thread


Kill me, Pete

It's from Dark Souls II you fucking newfags
get the fuck off Sup Forums


Here have this.

Please, pete. Don't let me down like you did last time.

what are those?

Kill me, Pete

Post cats

Kill me, Pete


I want to pet Shalquoir

Kill me, Pete.

Do it for real this time, fag.

Kill me Pete

Kill me, Pete.



Why is the DS1 cat an abomination, but the DS2 cat is a cat.
Kill me, Pete

Blin Kot needs to be nerfed.

Kill me, Pete

What is it's endgame?

Kill me, Pete

To return Sup Forums to the glory days of catposting. There was a time where most pictures posted on all of Sup Forums were cat related as opposed to anime related.

Kill me, Pete

I miss Caturdays.

Kill me, Pete

As do I. And then Advice Dog happened and EVERYTHING went to the worse. Worst part, it brought dogposters along.

>There's no cat in DS3


Kill me, Pete

kill me, pete


delet this

>not being one with both the doge and cat
Continue to squirm around in the dark looking for enlightment, fags.

>doesn't go a single sentence without telling you how "good you smell"
>but reminds you that you are worthless and completely beneath her
name a flaw.

anyone like this cat?
I really like this cat.

We still have caturdays on Sup Forums


How much do you like this cat?

>dogposter exposed for ruining Sup Forums forever and has to save cat by saying "n-not having both i shiggy diggy"
>also posts a random anime pic to seem even more "hip with da chinz"

You're either with us or against us, not neutral.

A lot.
Enough that someone should start posting that cat.

>name a flaw
she's not sitting in my lap, purring loudly



Oh lord user. Perfect timing please more

that's nice but now post one where she's getting reamed by a big ol dog dong


I drew it. It's the only one I've got. People seem to like it. Maybe I will draw more some time.

>It's the only one I've got

can get more on e621 probably, though that site is pretty shit in general so I can't recommend it

oh if you actually did it's sick but seriously next time do like bull or rabbit or kangaroo dingdangs

Someone post more. Why post 1 to just tease and nothing else

Forgive me

>supposed proper cat poster can't identify bkub's art within a nanosecond
Yeah yeah, I bet your fellow twelve year olds respect you for bein' a real oldfag Lil' Timmy. Just cause a dog snapped at you when you tried to take your ball back and you were one nut shy of a full gourd to discipline him doesn't make Dog + Cat the best combo.

Site or name?

Just do it Pete. I've been waiting for years.
Kill me Pete.


Kill me, Pete

>animal that will literally shit and piss all over the place if it's not taken outside
>animal that won't fucking shut up if it so much as sees a leaf fly outside
>animal that does nothing but eat up everything it sees and then looks at you like it deserves something

Dogs are the niggers of pets.

Do you seriously want to die? Why is Sup Forums so unhappy?

Just what the fuck Alvina and Shalquoir are will never be explained and that kinda creeps me out.

We're just so, very tired.

Videogames attract escapists just like theater attracts the LGBT crowd

>proof that cat owners are scum

And yet they just have to invade our world too

They're demon kitties.
Now shut up

Clearly vidya autists must invade the theater scene

it's the only way to balance things out

>not art
I'm going to go to an Art Gala in 40 years and bkub will be everywhere faggot you'll see.

>if you don't take care of it it will turn out awful
>why can't someone else do the hardwork for me
Are you sure you're not the nigger here, catfag?

>if you don't take care of it it will literally attack and maybe kill an innocent

why is it my job to prevent something that isn't actually my offspring from ruining lives

>Vidya autists re-writing classic shakespearean plays n shit to be more about VIDYA
Mate, i dunno what you do but you just created the future of cringe entertainment if people get a hold of this
>Romeo n juliet window scene
>Random angry curses and BEEP BOOP PACHEW echoes through the window
>Oh romeo oh romeo, where iz u romeo lmao rofl
>ROmeo outside holding his GAMER GEAR
$$$$ are rolling in as we speak


Hasn't posted much lately, but it's got all his stuff

Alvina is probably one of those Gotta go fast cats but less hulking and/or feral

Because you're human, user. Worrying only about yourself and your blood will get you nowhere in the long run. It is the bonds that are most important to us and trying to rely only on familial bonds is not enough. Were it not for our bond with the Dog, I doubt we would be where we are today.

lol look at this faggot what are you 15? If you're over 21 and living in the first world and you DON'T want to peacefully die from a .jpg then something is seriously fucking wrong with you m8.

Kill me, Pete

That pic and text made me fucking laugh. Don't forget the various Sup Forums memes like HE

sjw != lgbt

Wizardmon, get the fuck out of here. You're dead, you ain't got time to fish for porn.


Kill me, Pete



Post gatomon

sleep tight, pizza

>mfw the voice gets me
>mfw the voice actress is hot
>mfw double fapping



Post rare kots



Kill me, pete

Blini cat


