For Honor

>he doesn't main the MASTER OF THE LONGSWORD

>Honorable and valiant knight welding his sword for his king, his country, his family, his lord
If vikings and samurai have any population at launch I'm uninstalling and refunding immediately.

I'm far too busy bringing Justice to this land.

How much do shills get paid, anyway?

Is For Honor legitimately worth getting?


is he a blacksmith or a knight

Then don't even bother buying it, sperg


Open Beta on the 9th-12th, get it and see for yourself

Wow shill

>any of those things

Having gone through a little spurt of not enjoying any games I've been playing recently. This game seemed to have brought the spark back. So I'd say go for it. The combat system works great and there's supposed to be a full fledged campaign in the full release.

There's a beta, why not just fucking try it out?

this is me

This game looks good, shame I can't run it

>he isn't as strong as a battering ram
>he isn't as resilient as a fortress game
>he doesn't wield a weapon that is as dangerous to the user at it is to his enemies.

A bunch of people say it's good, but is it season-pass-for-six-new-fighters good?

>tfw swinging a chain swinging a chain
best class

You can buy the extra classes for ingame currency. I think you can play them without buying them, you just can't level them up or customize them.


knights were the same as samurai, just hired guns

the only difference being they weren't chinks and had better gear

They are all free season passes let's you play them a week early though .
And you only need to buy them so you can start getting hat drops for them.

>neo/v/ literally worship Ubisoft and assault people who don't follow the Ubisharia
rip Sup Forums

>no cavalry
Fucking stupid

I didn't even consider that. In R6 you had to buy them before you could play them so the season pass was simply early unlocks. In For Honor though it seems extremely likely that the season pass unlocks stats for dominion or purely cosmetics for 1v1 and 2v2.

Now here's the real question.
Is there a dedicated screaming button like in Chivalry?

I don't know how it is these days, but we typically had people on salary do this when they had downtime or we were ahead on schedule.

Yeah. Earlier access to heroes as well.

Cavalry wouldn't fit with the gameplay. You got other games for that. Just wait for Bannerlord. This game attempts to be more like a fighting game. In 1v1 and 2v2 there's no such thing as even ranged weapons of any kind, just melee battles with unique characters.



quite the budget that marketing department must have though

you're mom :)


You get a dedicated air hump button if you pick conqueror and taunt cancel.

am I the only person who couldn't give less of a fuck about a campaign in a multiplayer based game?

I dunno, Call of Duty prides itself on its campaign.

I'm mostly going to be playing 2v2 and some 1v1 but I think a campaign could be neat. Just depends on how they do it. If they make it feel different than a typical For Honor match and have you fight larger swarms of nigga with maybe even some unique enemies it could be cool.

This is how I know you're gay.

Don't forget you can teabag as well.

Should I buy it for Xbox or PC?

>saving a webm playing against a low tier player who doesn't even know how to block

Oh honey do you really need the self confidence boost this badly

Sup dexter lol

He is your mom?

You Knightfags are getting kinda sad at this point.


All for $100 USD.

is that solid snake

Knightfag here to say I agree. Posturing against other factions is going to happen, of course, but more of us should just be quiet and enjoy the game. Make a few friends, maybe.

t. salty samucuck

I still can't decide which faction I want to be. I mean, DEUS VULT is cool, but YAMATO TAMASHII is difficult to ignore.

Yeah, did you forget about the time solid snake did battle with knights, vikings, and samurai?

Always attack Vikangs and it won't matter

This is glorious


Don't bully my wife

>weaboo/honor fag
>skyrim/we wuz vikangs
>dark souls fag/britbong

I could be friends with a Shugoki or Kensei, but Nobushi and Orochi deserve death.

>it's the warden faggot posting webms of him beating fresh nobushi players again
>implying anyone gives a shit that a beginner class can take down a hard class

Is that a Halberd or Poleaxe

And whats the difference


Do I get this for PC or Console answer me Sup Forums

Apparently the whole DLC system is going to be like Sieges

>Really like warden
>At the same time want to be a Kensei and shugoki
How should I deiced lads coin flip?

Only reason not to get the game is because it has shitty fuck P2P networking that is fucking stupid.

Also, not very many people are going to get this game it seems. The online community might be completely dead in 3-6 months.

Also only 3 gametypes.
Bonus: has solo player campaign, but details are absent at the time whether that will be fully fleshed out or just PvP matches with a person talking during it.

Otherwise it is fun and has high skill ceiling.

Coin flip. 3/5 tosses, like a match in the game.


Halberds typically had a longer spike on the head with a concave blade curve while poleaxes had shorter spikes and outwards convex curves like a normal axehead.


That's some sexy as fuck armor.

>playing a fighting game at 30 fps


>thinking this shallow ubishit could compare to the depth and complexity of an high iq fightan game

pollaxe head consists of an axe head, a hammer head on the reverse, and a spike for use as a spear.

a halbard has an axe head, and the spike, but lacks the reverse side's hammer head, instead it tends to have a curved hook like blade, for pulling knights from horseback.

The pollaxe is an on foot melee weapon, while the halberd was made to defend against and unseat cavalry.

t. nobushitter

sent ;)

I payed 70 dollars

I regret it

you know you can play a different class every match, right?

Yes but faction pride nigger

well then obviously warden

More like

What faction is going to be more normie, knights or vikings?

>reddit as fuck
>game of thrones

>shitty tv show

Why do you care? Just pick whatever faction you want to be.

I would like to avoid reddit whenever possible

Literally nobody outside Sup Forums ties vikings to skyrim

No user you are the reddit.

Then don't go to fucking reddit?

I hope you don't play video games then.

>an AAA company finally makes a decent medieval fighting game with knights


holy fucking shit, I thought this game was gonna flop from the shitty concept of vikings knights and samurais fighting each other but it didn't.

why can't companies see that we just want to be knights, not that random other shit?

You are not everyone, user. Vikings are pretty cool, and you'll always find an audience for Samurais.

>knights have american accents


>Vikings are pretty cool
Maybe if you like savages, I'm not even a desuvault fag but I never understood viking appeal not that faggot btw.

They are spreading freedom faggot/

When is the open beta out?


Halberd is axe/spear, poleaxe is axe/spear/hammer.

100% ARYAN!!!


I see the single player for games like this as the training for multiplayer.

samurai will, obviously.
>"""MLG""" all pick samurai
>all the videos that get shared will be samurai combo vids

Depends on how much you enjoy multiplayer games. I didn't like it, but I'm more into SP games.

Can I get an explanation on the combat system? From what I've seen it looks like a more in depth version of Asscreed fighting, but I think I'm probably too biased against ubisoft to judge it fairly.

that looks more like a claymore