Lucio is now in heroes of the storm

and faggots are doing nothing but complain about it what do you think /v?

>Casual MOBA

Why does anyone give a shit about this game

Its fun and is one of the few mobas with different objectives through out the maps on top of having a level and talent/quest systme instead of Item shop.

I don't care because the game is the most casual game I've ever seen in my life

Is he going to be as OP as he is is Overwatch

Speedboost seems just as broken in a MOBA as a FPS

15% passive 45% with amp it up. Going to make Illidan fucking annoying.

Heroes of the Storm is the most pathetic game I've played.

Blizzards are geniuses though, gotta hand it to them. They've mastered the art of taking brilliant, competitive games (Magic the Gathering, Dota, any arena shooter) and shitting out bastardized, casualized, BORING fucking versions of them.

How was is the most patheic game you've played user?

Came in as an ex-Dota player. Most of my problems with it are relative to Dota.

The shortest way to summarize it is to say that it removes everything that makes Dota intricate, and has a disgusting focus on absolving players from personal responsibility and progress for their character and plays. Levels are universal, there is no concept of farm or itemization, no skill builds, barely any splitpushing, and you just don't have ANYTHING to do on the map aside from mindlessly walking to the objective when Blizzard tells you to do it.

Just horrifying.

>, no skill builds,
I can agree with the rest but the talent system makes for a lot of neat builds/

> disgusting focus on absolving players from personal responsibility and progress for their character and plays.
it's pretty focuses on team gameplay and team fights and cuts out all the boring shit the other moba's are known for

>barely any splitpushing
nigger what? Most of the specialist can split push and even some tanks

>you just don't have ANYTHING to do on the map aside from mindlessly walking to the objective
you team fight. It's like you hate fun

did they make a skin for Lucio thats a frog just because of that dead meme ''here come da boy'' blizzard sure are some cucks

They spent a lot of time in their early days making good games so they have a reputation they can cruise on and casuals love that kind of thing. Now they're slowly unmaking that reputation by endlessly creating casual games for massive profit. They used to have talent but that always goes away and is replaced by corporate economizing infrastructure.

It's just how it works.

All successful companies slowly evolve away from what they were.

Lucio has always had a frog logo since beta back in like 2014 user

Hahahahahah stupid shitter can't play the big game because people won't carry his ass here. Cry. Yours salty tears are so sweet!

as someone with a few thousand hours in Dota, HotS is so radically different due to its casual mechanics and different maps that it's actually enjoyable and relaxing to play for me. I could never play LoL because I always though "why aren't I just playing Dota?" I don't feel the same way about HotS, but I don't expect the same type of gameplay from it. they do a lot of weird things with heroes that other games aren't doing, and heroes come out every 3 weeks or so.

I've never watched competitive HotS, but I assume it's garbage.

>it's pretty focuses on team gameplay and team fights and cuts out all the boring shit the other moba's are known for

Pleb bullshit

>nigger what? Most of the specialist can split push and even some tanks

"Can" doesn't make it a core strategy

>you team fight. It's like you hate fun

The EXACT mentality that Blizzard is capitalizing on.
Your fights have no weight behind them. They are the same shit from lv1 to lv20 - you have access to the same skills, you will almost always be 5vs5 on some chokepoint that Blizzard dictated you should be at, you have no customization whatsoever (>muh talents) etc etc.

No weight. No thinking. Just spam your skills and let your big dumb healers heal you back.

>Team fights are pleb shit
Why don't you play a single player game then nigger. I understand having individual strength is good but so is team fights.

fuck off, isn't there a general thread for you shitters

thanks for the bump user

I can't play it for more than a hour. The game is so casual and stupid I feel not challenged at all. Since I got massive experience by other "MOBAS" I also have nearly no interesting enemies on lower account levels.

Most of the time I start a Match when I wait for Matchmaking in other games and then just leave if I couldn't finish it in time.

Overwatch beta was at the end of 2015
Blizzard is announcing that Overwatch will be released on May 24 2016 ,
with an Open Beta running from May 5 through May 9. Pre-orderers get early beta access on May 3.

the meme here come dat boi became popular in 2015

Next hero should be a diablo hero. They were the last that got added from I think. And a blizzard dev commented on a guys comment who wanted more diablo 2 heroes that they "agree". They don't say shit like that if something is not in the works. Also luciĆ³ too, the last circle place in the character selection. Hopefully the next hero bring the new progression system with himself and new ui

>Dota player
>wants to right-click on harmless jungle creeps for 40 minutes before interacting with the opposing team in any way

sounds about right desu

Because it's better than everything else in the genre, enough so that it's actually fun unlike everything else which is shit.

>heroes of the storm

it's literally dead

>Your fights have no weight behind them. They are the same shit from lv1 to lv20 - you have access to the same skills, you will almost always be 5vs5 on some chokepoint that Blizzard dictated you should be at, you have no customization whatsoever (>muh talents) etc etc.
>No weight. No thinking. Just spam your skills and let your big dumb healers heal you back.

This is just you confirming that you're a bronze shitter.

Absolutely, probably more overpowered than ever.

He's one of the few characters that can attack and move at the same time, his ultimate is a moving Earthquake, and he has wall ride. He's a support that can't be affected by slows or roots while pumping out consistent AoE healing like the old Brightwing. Doesn't have a mapwide teleport but it hardly matters when he's the single fastest character in the entire game and never has to waste time channeling the mount. Also has a talent that outputs his healing/speed boost permanently letting him heal 2 lanes at the same time without being anywhere near danger.

Both MOBAs I've gotten into have died.
>Infinite Crisis
And then shit like this is still going. There is no justice.

>7.00 killed Dota 2
>Move to HotS
>Living the comfy life
Hopefully he's as broken as Tracer.

Its making enough money to fund peoples collages and get a new hero every 3 weeks though

Hahahahaha. Here is the problem. You have shit taste.

t. never played the game

I really hope not. Tracer isn't that strong but it's so infuriating that so many characters can't even fight back against her. If you don't out-range her or have a point-click stun like Varian or Valeera the only thing you can do is sit there and wait to die. You probably only have 2 spells and she can dodge them like nothing, and you sure aren't going to survive all the way back to your base.

I can't stop winning and I don't understand why I'm the only one playing her.

Who would you want from D2 user? I'd pick Andariel for boner reasons, otherwise Rakanishu.

Still hoping Diablo will get his d3 skin released.

>Someone actually wants prime evil diablo

I would choose Baal or duriel. Diablo and azmodan feels lonely.

Kind of makes me wish HotS had battlerite's attacks and movement so Tracer isn't so OP.

Because it looks epic as fuck? I guess it's all preference.

What faggots? you mean the 25 or so people that actually play HOTS?

>Infinite Crisis

>Be in beta for years
>Finally release
>Dies in less than 6 months

It honestly wasn't very good, but I had fun with it all the same.

He has four arms and 5 mouths for no fucking reason

you need 3 weeks of grind to get new heroes too, that's why it's forever dead

>different objectives through out the maps


Maybe it was the cutscenes that sold it for me, but I just loved the style he had. I still prefer the look (and the actual fight) of diablo in d2.

Dotas doesn't have anything like Towers of doom user

>He paid for Battleborn.

>Master Lucio
That is positively hideous.

The more hand and blowjob she can give ;P

To be fair, most of the master skins are.

I was relieved to see ribbit at least.

I always thought Andariel looked too much like Kerrigan. Maybe it's because she's the first boss but I don't remember her doing anything interesting either.

I would be really disappointed if girl diablo was just a skin. Just like how people want opposite gender classes to showcase their other skills I think primevil should be a totally new character. Plus it's a good way to fit in that darkseer/terrorblade illusion skill. As an ultimate at level 10 you get copies that autoattack, level 20 and they use their skills against you.

Better then fucking Zaryas


You people are the walking definition of "NO FUN ALLOWED!".


Most of the recent ones have been good. Valeera's in particular is really good. My favorite is probably Greymanes though. Get's a sweet tophat and his sword/gun don't look as shit.

Who ever goes for the master skins?

I don't have a problem with HotS being casual, I just don't think it's fun in the slightest.

>Love Goddess Tyrande


The game was abysmal when it launched, so that first impression is what stuck. It's also casual, which of course is witchcraft around here.

It depends on the hero. Butcher has a fantastic one.

That's kinda his thing. It's supposed to be a reference to Daft Punk and deadmau5

user... Whats wrong with Lili. Why does she have a guN?

The race war is starting soon user, she's getting ready.

I just want Lost Vikings to be good.

He'll probably get the new hero treatment. He'll be overpowered for a few weeks before Blizzard nerfs him to kingdom come.

Or he'll be so underpowered nobody will pick him.

Rag and Zuljin are both viable still though


I honestly will never understand.

But too bad Blizzard are too jews and you get barely any XP or gold in the game without stimpacks (and even so).

The rate in which you get stuff with stimpacks is how it should be normally. Jesus.

Despite that and the fact that the community is so small and tedious, it's fun. Does Sup Forums or /vh/ plays it?

>No Diablo, go find LiLi.

You can get gold a lot easier now.

Not to mention that skin IS in overwatch.

I played 1 game of HotS. I got Tyrael, a pretty fucking badass support it seemed. My team was doing amazing. Crushed them in literally every team fight.

We lost.

Final score was some shit like 118 to 10. Apparently throwing your bodies at the fucking skeletons on the map or whatever is better than not giving away free kills.

Fuck that game.

How bad are they to play? They seem like one of the more interesting heroes.

I used to think the game was bad before I played it

Now I have 1500 matches and can't stop.

I do. Right now I'm between HOTS and TF2 for multiplayer fun, with some Fallout New Vegas Cowboy play in the middle.

>She's smashing Genn, Genn is a hoe

Master vikings player here

They are still good, but you need to play them on maps like Garden of Terror (their best map by far), Warhead Junction, and maybe Towers of Doom

>Garden of Terror

I figured the Curse map would be their best. That place is huge as shit and ripe for farming.

Are you saying you didn't play the objective WHILE crushing them in team fights? The biggest part of playing HOTS is trying to deny objectives to your enemy.

It's a really important part of HOTS.

Wowwwww we won every team fight but lost the game wowwww where were the objectives, its incredible wowww

When is Rain of Fire not going to suck shit?

Maybe the objectives are in woooow of woooowcraft?

Or maybe wooowoblo?

woooooowcraft II?

Post more LiLi.

garden is the best because the objective takes a long time, so it's perfect for a viking soaking in each lane. This frees your team to become a 4-man death squad. Even better, a viking can grab the plant safely.

Curse is a little harder to justify vikings. The bosses are really important and you would rather have a good global hero than the vikings. It can work, but is a lot less common than the other maps I mentioned

Yeah, not doing objectives and not pushing doesn't really help faggot.

We were killing them, and they were kinda trying to just keep us away/kill the skeletons. We'd wipe them, finish up skeletons and the skeleton boss or whatever, but it'd still spawn for them cause they just tossed bodies at skeletons. I've played multiple MOBAs before HotS, it's annoying that they still force you to go through tutorial about basic MOBA 101 shit, and not emphasize the differences between HotS and more traditional MOBAs.

I get that objectives are important, but dude.... 118 to 10. We should've at least had levels on them or something but we still had the same fucking level as them.
I did like the talent bit of the game though, that seemed neat.

A good LV player is the most broken thing in the game by a mile.

>See this
>Know you about to get raped 10x harder than would by a Pajama Abathur player

>I get that objectives are important, but dude.... 118 to 10.

I know you're using hyperbole, but if you were shitting on them that hard the game should've been over 15 minutes in.

>Sup Forums says game is dead
>Actually try and play it
>Takes me very little time to find a game
Why does Sup Forums always lie?

>says these guys are the hardest to play
>actually is the funniest to play

Rain of Fire is a really good ultimate, it's just never going to be better than the single longest and strongest disable in the entire game. Instant cast time 4.5 second fear that also makes them vulnerable is just stupidly good. On any other character rain of fire would be phenomenal.

Honestly the objectives aren't the most important thing in the world. If you guys took your fight winning advantage and just pushed down one lane you could've won in 8 minutes.
The exp system is kind of weird though, you wouldn't know without someone telling you. Your team could get a 5 level advantage, which is normal for shitstomps, but if the enemy gets a single kill against your it's instantly 2 levels for them. Keeping an advantage is pretty tough.

Because you're a Bronze 5 shitter where all the bottom feeders dwell en masse.

>He doesn't main the true highlord Alarak

Explain yourself faggots

Because I'm not a Brony.


>Only strong if your team is bad.

Yeah, I'll pass.

The thing is, I'm not. That was the actual score. Or well, roughly the actual score, we were somewhere between 115 and 119 kills, and they had 10.
Like, we'd wipe them and kill the skeleton roshan/konger thing or whatever, and then it'd spawn for their team still. The first time it spawned for us and we got pretty far into their base, after that we'd kill it and it'd spawn for them. Also, pretty dumb with the xp system then.

You only pick that if your team has lost vikings or murky even has 60% sadism he does monster dmg

Alarak is fun but I hate that you deal a chunk of damage and then have no followup for 12 seconds until level 16.

Sounds like Haunted MInes. Recently they made it spawn for both teams and it's just stronger depending on how many skeletons you got. And now it does barely any damage, just tanks hits. But that map was always stupid and gay and it still really sucks.

Although it's still hard to believe you guys lost. Used to be the sylvanus/gazlow alone could win the game before a team could even collect enough skeletons to spawn it.