What's the best game in this series, Sup Forums?

What's the best game in this series, Sup Forums?

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Sands of time

I personally liked the 2nd one the most. However they are all pretty good.

the first one

everything else is shovelware

and by first one i mean pic related

Warrior Within is such generic AssCreed garbage.

The one in the bottom right

How so? In terms of gameplay, it's really no different from the other two.


Sands of Time is an eternal classic and close to perfect, the other two are quite good as well though.
Literally "muh graphics: the game"

I've always enjoyed Two Thrones the most. The bricking between the prince of his dark self is pretty great.

WW. The only real flaw was the music.

the whole series up to and including pop 08 is great.

>being this underage

No love for Forgotten Sands?

Original POP plays like shit in all versions, the only claim to fame it has it the rotoscoped animation which restricted the style of gameplay and arguably created the genre of "cinematic platformer". It has terribly fiddly controls, arbitrary puzzles, and a time limit that serves no purpose other than making it more difficult without requiring any extra effort from the level designers.



Too bad we'll never get another PoP game, with Ubisoft only focusing on shitting out AssCreed rehashes every year.

Sands of Time has a really great balance between all it's elements.

Two Thrones has fun semi-open platforming stuff but it's grimdark story and shitty grey graphics ruin it all. The combat is also monotonous as fuck sometimes. I'm playing the HD version on PS3 right now.

Haven't played WW yet.

WW is the best

Didn't it get a 2.5D remake at some point?

Sands of Time IMO
The other two are fine but focus on the combat too much instead of the platforming, which isn't really the games strongest front.

This is the correct answer, but it's only by a small margin.

The sequels are classic examples of 'one step forward one step back' game design.

>First game is a fun, adventurous, Arabian Nights-esque environment with a charming and witty protagonist
>Second game a complete edgefest completely devoid of the whimsical atmosphere of the first game, and the protagonist is now a humourless, perpetually angry cunt
Geeze, talk about a tone shift.

>Literally "muh graphics: the game"
But damn were they pretty

Meh. Shinobi was better.

I know it deserves the criticism it gets, but fuck me do I love this game.

I didn't mind it. WW still had great aesthetics.

I really like how the third game calls bullshit on all the edge, laughing at the prince's normal, somber side and his shadow. It completely changes the meaning of the second game.
>prince's face when he realizes he's complaining about fruit

Cinematic platformers are such an underrated genre

Some of the puzzles are really arbitrary, and places are similar that I honestly don't know how can someone finish it without absolute grief

I miss those games.

I liked all three but can't decide if I prefer SoF or TT. I remember them being very similar and getting most of the stuff right.

I won't argue against that lol, I got lost in the fifth level as a kid and ragequit so hard I've never played again.
Actually I just watched that whole video so I could know what the game was like without ragequitting

Real talk: AC or PoP, which has the better parkour?

pop has more acrobatic bullshit (walking up to what, 10 meters on the wall?), but ac has far more hooking points. It blew my mind when I saw I could climb a wall by using windows, and the like.

does anyone remembers this?