You can't refute this.
You can't refute this
>barely breaks a sweet
what the fuck are you talking about, the only valid argument is shit graphics, it could run on a toaster and the keyboard controls work completely fine, not sure what you meant by this
Jesus fuck could your skin be any more thinner
blown the f*ck out much?
Are you actually autistic?
>he isn't at least 6'5
fucking manlet
>buy new graphics card for stuff like on the left
>just play stuff like on the right
Someone make a graphically intense game that is actually good, please.
They are for PS4
>play a graphically intensive game that's actually good
>stop playing it and instead start shitposting on Sup Forums about how Japan hates PC gaming
Even the best western "games" can't hold a match to the average Japanese games.
2/10 for the effort
Is this a ps2 game?
Aw is the baby gonna cry?
I don't understand this reply. I don't care about the origin, I just want games that have great graphics and are more than tech demos.
>That mid-air grenade throw
Yakuza Zero is both, and it's Japanese. It's also only on the PS4.
Pfft. Looks like an Atari 2600 game.
It does look good, that's for sure. I never did get into those Yakuza games, although I kept telling myself I should start.
it's funny because it's true. all these fucking indie roguelikes look like shit but somehow manage to run at a silky smooth rock solid 22 fps on computers that would be considered witchcraft a decade ago. enter the gungeon drops to sub 20 fps on PS4, nuclear throne is fucking hard locked to 30 fps. LISA tended to cap out one core of my i7 drawing wide open levels. you cannot find an indie game that runs at a stable 60, and the shittier/less impressive graphically they are, the worse and less efficient they run.
in 10 years console devs will be the only people still making actual video games, indie games will have progressed to the point of commodore 64 graphics struggling to chug out 15 FPS on a quantum computer, made by children in My First Easy Game Construct Maker 2: Let God Sort 'Em Out
Lucky for you, this is story wise the very first one.
Yakuza has fucking shit graphics. The character models might look good in stills but they animate like garbage.
>on a controller
>with a font stolen from league of legends
lol no
>bloodborne is too old for goldfaces
>all sonyggers have now is FFXV
I only play spreadsheet simulators and sims your logic doesn't work on me.
15 runs like trash at some points but a lot of indie 2d games need much better pcs than you would expect from such simple games.
the op image is exaggerated but it has a point.
Anyone who doesn't own a PC and at least one console is either, a child, living with their parents still and has no money, or poor. Or a combination of the three.
You cannot refute this.
>Anyone who doesn't own a PC
For literally what? Multiplats? I also love how ALL PC fags belt out the old trusty ">not having consoles and PC" argument when exposed for having a shit tier platform. You're as bad as the commiefags who always go "muh not true communism" or "muh sanctions".
>never evering with FFXV
damn, I'm so sorry.
More like this fucknut
Mr. Fish, management told you not to come back after the last time.
FF7 did not run at 645p, this must be the PC port
Holy shit will you people fall for anything?
>For literally what
A multi-tasking machine that also happens to play games at much higher quality than consoles. For the games that are not on PC you get them on the console. There is no reason to play multiplats on console if you own a good PC.
>multiplats on the superior platform
>everything else worth a shit in the generation on the console
Not rocket science, bitchesbritches.
Not the one you're replying to, but you really don't see any other reason to own a PC then for computer games?
give it 2 or 3 years for another squeer edicks cashgrab.
>all these fucking indie roguelikes
But you haven't named a single Rogue-like
>can play almost every console, computer and arcade game for free
>has a "backlog" of indie trash on their Steam account
omg the filename
They don't know how to handle variables, trust me. I bet they even use actual multiplication and squaring.
Jesus, look at this place....shit everywhere.
Both are gay, so where is the difference?
007 Everything or Nothing was fun on the ps2
good memories
>every console/pc exclusive game is represented completely by these two games, I'm totally not cherry-picking or anything
>Cherrypicks a shitty bare-bones RPG maker game that could run on LITERALLY any computer that can run Steam
>"takes a Titan and $1200 pc to run"
>"keyboard controls barely work
I know I shouldn't take bait this bad, but I really should congratulate you on making the shittiest bait I've ever seen.
>happens to play games at much higher quality than consoles
>multiplats on the superior platform
Uh huh. Like pic related?
>computer games
Too bad all developers jumped ship to consoles. There is no such thing as a PC developer.
Seeing as we're on an imageboard, PC is pretty fucking important if you want to contribute.
console fag so insecure he had to edit the undertale image to make it look even worse
He is just here to justify his "Why do people on Sup Forums shit on sony so much??? plz tell me" crythread.
>Buying a $700 grafix card for sub 60 framerates
Truly the mustard race.
don't reply, fool
A beta of a game nobody cares about? Cherry picked to max friendo.
Bad port are what they are. I am sure at settings that look like console it will perform better.
I can cherry pick too.
Are console players ants?
>cutting edge hardware for 2013 that costs easily twice the PS4 manages to slightly edge out the PS4
wew laddie
I bet that free online is worth it when all multiplayer games are fucking dead on PC, huh?
You must be retarded because nobody buys a 700 dollar card to play one game.....
Oh wait, Nevermind, you're sonygger who only plays bloodborne so you wouldn't know
its just more proof that sony and the playstation is where gaming is at and the pc is a dying platform full of dead mmos that are only good for trolling retards on. shooters that are fun to hack in.
PS4 doesn't cost $700
So what buyers remorse piece of shit made sony them chew this time that the sonyggers are on a angstposting spree all day?
Nioh got a 9.6 on IGN.
and a 4k gaming pc costs less than a PS4, what's your point retard
Since when did IGN's scores matter?
>Cutting edge hardware
>Lower mid teir graphics card
>$250 launch price
>Twice the price of PS4
Are console faggots all this god damn retarded?
>that pic
why you're so retard user? It's like you're wanting to feel better on a site that anyone is more autistic than you.
When they favor Sony.
Why don't any PC games look this good?
Must be a pretty piece if shit, everytime they get japano jew bombed they sperg out like this. If they would be married to their fucking consoles it would be the arch example of an abusive relationship.
"Sony bro, why have you a black eye and are bleeding out of your anus?"
"P-Pu-Puhlaystation always w-wins"
>Very High Quality
The PS4 has neither, let's go home boys
Refute this!
*unzips dick*
What about the FX6300? Or the RAM? Hard drive? Are those free? The PS4 cost 500 dollars when it was new, and the GPU is half that cost.
Let's see that same computer run modern multiplats, and not 7th gen ports.
You motherfucking retard, that entire PC is cheaper than the PS4
>runs it better than the PS4
PC: SPEND thousands on hardware only to get a crashy, buggy garbage port of console games to run at a higher framerate, literally sheep
>I bought the newest video game console from Sony or Microsoft, you people are all fucking sheep!
Because Naughty Dog is based
Yeah, actually I could put a PC together for around 550 and get it down to 500 with mail in rebates if I really needed to use the build in that comparison. And yeah, it would run modern multiplats better since you can adjust graphical settings as well as over clock and more. How brainwashed are you fags? I get consoles are more """""""convenient""""""""", but that's about it.
If you're going to make shitty images, at least make them using exclusives
>I bought the latest nvidia/amd $1000 card to play multiplats and indie games, im so fkn superior
>get humbledundle pack#23598762359786
>2 games you want for $7
>get 5 extra indie games you will never play
really makes you ponder doesnt it
Baited as fuck
I used to think the characters were kinda related to Popeye.
>I don't have a job and my mom said she couldn't afford an alienware
>these people are sheep, not me!
Are you trying to convince me, or you?
Forgot to mention that I was talking about prices at that moment in time. Now? You can get those parts insanely fucking cheap off of ebay.
Fuck, I should've made this my original point, but maybe I could do it now. No matter where you play your precious shitty western multiplats, they're still shitty western multiplats. The PS4 has games like Nioh, Yakuza Zero, Project Diva, FFXV, WoFF, KH 2.8, and will only get tones more, while your expensive as shit PC only has garbage western games. Are western games really worth all that money?
Maybe so you can enjoy even the slightest amount of backwards compatibility?
>ur poor
Post invalidated
A PC is a necessary tool for any person who isn't poor or a completely worthless shit to have in modern society
>believes this
I'm a pcfag show me