And I just won!

and I just won!

Other urls found in this thread:

poor kid
best moment of his life
everything goes downhill forever after

>If you are a user of perfumes and/or colognes, then you are used to the smell of a skunk.

Oh wow his name is actually Chris chan


Am I the only one who unironically enjoys Sonichu? I mean, it's not the best at anything, but it's like reading a child's interpretation of life and pop culture.

I wish Chris would get picked up by some celebrity or reality show. He's way too interesting to fade into obscurity.

Sonic was a mistake.

It works better as a character study about Chris than as an actual comic.

God no it's terrible. I mean yea the art is shit and the story is all over the place, but the worst of it is that it's like one massive monument to chris and his ego.

What's the estimate for how much time Barb has left for the mortal realm?

I give her another year or two, but not much more than that.

Was this the beginning of the end?

surely with his parents salary he would only get one or two games a year

but winning all those games must have fucked him up royally

To think I have a bunch of this guy's hair in an envelope in my closet. It really has been a long and wild ride for our favourite autist.

Refusing Chris to get professional help was a mistake. Chris needed a doctor that specializes in mental health, not a priest.

Autism + Religion do not mix well.

Some people just get sucked right into the internet

It's poorly written, poorly executed, and it's written by a guy who used to drink his own cum, pic in the post I'm replying to related is way better than Sonichu in every conceivable way and the fact people are somehow able to make comparisons is unreal

fuck off, newfag.

You better post a picture of that with a timestamp right now

took me years to realize this too

Yes. Chris never really stood a chance, but winning the sweepstakes sealed his glitter covered coffin.

That's true, but nearly everything in it is a pop culture reference that Chris didn't get, but stuck in the story anyway because it's something he saw on TV.

Considering Chris has been largely isolated all of his life, it's just interesting to see how much he knows about the outside world. Which is practically nothing outside of TV. I dunno, until the later seasons when the trolls start to take influence and it takes a really dark turn anyway.

Pics please


Do it faggot, you haven't got long, these threads barely last 10 minutes these days.


You guys realize it was us that drove him over the edge. He'd probably just be some weird autist with a sonic OC and and obsession, who would eventually grow up, but we're the ones who kept pushing him.

>Up down up down up down up down
>Move legs
>Up down up down up down

That stripper is fuckable. Not outright hot, but more of a sort of "I see here drinking my favorite beer at a party, start talking to her and see how it goes" kind of way.

Almost every detail of this man's life is chronicled, I doubt he's going to fade into obscurity.

is autism a virus?

is it autistic to spend so much time researching chris?

i myself spent at least 5+ hours on the wiki and on various threads

reading his spending habits was fun


>I have a bunch of this guy's hair in an envelope in my closet
Hol up hol
How did you get it?


It's from too many or too few vaccines, depending on who you ask

>implying Sup Forums had anything to do with it, let alone Sup Forums

Double nigger

>That's true, but nearly everything in it is a pop culture reference that Chris didn't get,

But he also included several people from real life, alongside real events, showing pretty unrestrained thoughts of his towards these things. See the execution scene or him drawing flat out sex scenes about girls he likes.

>his entering the contest of his own accord is a sign to his parents of how well he was getting along

paid him 50$ to shave his chest hair and send it

Its genetic. Two of my uncles and my grandpa have it.

My favorite was when he smashed his ps3 on a rock

the fact that i know what this is disgusts me

Read into his history actually, Chris was already way far gone long before he interacted with any of those dang dirty trolls. Though that isn't excusing any of the autistic shit done to Chris, his tormentors are just as bad, if not worse than him in some respects.


I get your point is internet culture, but the only people who actually have blood on their hands is the PVCC. I think they know it, and that's why they go out of their way to make Chris look completely unsympathetic.

Tails gets trolled is terrible. Sonichu is terrible, but Chris can't really do any better. The guy who makes TGT is obviously trying really hard to be over the top.

Alright, but my camera is shit. wait.

Even without religion Chris was a lost cause. He was pampered to hell and back and is completely unaware of what society entails.

what i mean is that i think by even spending time on learning about chris is infact autistic in of itself

we are become autism

pmurt rhymes with hurt

guess just your dad got lucky


nope his dad would also have it and he would too

all direct males share the same y chromosome dna

Yeah but I didn't.

doing things for fun is autistic in general


grow up fuckface

We can clone him, someday.

Isnt it a weird coincidence that sonics human companion in sonic X is called Chris? Ive never seen someone bringong this up.

it's all about Mark the tapir now, keep up!


It's on the X chromosome actually. Men get it more than women because a healthy X cancels out an autistic X, but a Y doesn't protect you.

That's good. The world definitely needs more people like Chris in it.

I just wish he'd make a patreon

I would throw him 10 bucks a month to live

He has one already

He wishes 100k a month so he can finally be free of stress and focus on making comics again

You need to figure out how to send that shit into space. Maybe some aliens will find it and clone him.

I think he's tried stuff like that multiple times, but they usually get taken down either because of the inherent stupidity of Chris or people trolling him.

Sell it on eBay, good goy.

what is it?

Sweet jesus he's legit

well holy goddamn shit

I mean I have a sonichu medallion, but that's nothing compared to your shit m8

Sometimes I forget how dedicated people are to him.

He sent it to me cause he thought I was a girl.

>actually considering giving money to Chris

i'm always amazed how people attribute chris's bizarre behavior to personal failings. he's legitimately disabled, i know people crippled by autism and they act very similarly to him

Ugh. I thought you were joking.


Bravo good sir
Do you feel bad?

Ah, the secret code for buying transformers and legos while his mother can barely afford healthcare. Seriously, check it out.

And then neither of them will be virgins

Whenever you see an american with fish mouth you know it's gonna be a fucked up adult

Sometimes I feel like we're all background characters of the Chris-Chan show.

Literally nobody does this
We all know hes autistic

he has one 4 people are giving him 70 dollars total a month

You catfished for an autistic man/woman's chesthair.

This is a new low for Sup Forums.


Why would you ask for that?
Why would you keep it?

Holy shit

How does it feel knowing you willingly made someone go insane?

usually someone chimes with the old canard that chris isn't autistic, he's just spoiled and shitty

>He wishes 100k a month
Just when I thought he couldn't get anymore delusional he throws a field goal of delusion clear outside the stadium. Not even actually pretty attention whoring cosplayers get that much.


I've had this for 8 years my friend. I was a member of the PVCC back then, Chris offered to send it to me, nobody asked him for it. He offered and of course we said yes.

Chris isn't a virgin, hasn't been for awhile now

I remember my first time staying up late at night and delving into Chris's history on the wiki.
It felt like I was reading a fucking H.P. Lovecraft novel or some shit. Chris is the most eldritch human being.

The unclit

he is spoiled and shitty

autism doesn't really exist and its not really a bad trait

autism can be good if managed properly

chris isnt a virgin
tfw i am

holy shit, how long ago?

post it, my man.

A weird combination of shame and lulz.

Holy fuck when was that latest picture taken??? I've only seen the first three. Has it evolved again?
