Look, NiOh is pretty good

Look, NiOh is pretty good.

But it's not better than the King of action games here, so let's dial back the expectation a little.

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>Taking online score-based reviews seriously

I could go make a zero score review right now just for the shits and giggles and permanently alter the overall results of that census.

No you couldnt

>le arbitrary numbers competition.
Pic related. Better than both games.

Still dont get how a 99% combat focused gamed that runs at 30fps can get high scores.


wew who are you kidding, son?

You are right. The numbers don't lie. I will take my well thought out view of Godhand and shove it up my ass.

I don't get it either. Multiplats should get a pass. But who the fuck are they kidding targeting 30fps on an exclusive?

because normies dont give a fuck about 60fps, all they give a fuck about is muh graphics, look at how sonyggers are praising Horizon Zero Dawn and its not even 60fps

Doesnt Nioh have 2 graphics settings? 720 60 and 1080 30? or was this scrapped?

>My god Metacritic says some things so I'm going to say these things now

>taking metacritic scores as gospel

Are you retarded?

bloodborne is a JRPG user

Bloodborne is so undeserving of the high score it got, also nice edit it actually got 92.

Salty character actions losers in here mad that Souls killed off their trashy series and perfected the action genre. Sad!

I only listen to angry Joe

>sonyggers canibalizing themselves now
jesus ..

>well thought out
All you did was say no this game is better. Please don't lie.

Bloodborne and Witcher 3 are two of the most overrated games of all time. Our expectations are so low that two fairly decent games are viewed as GOTYAY by nearly everyone. Its just sad at this point.

What "expectation"? I've already played Nioh.

why did you even bother editing the score?

Bloodborne definitely deserves a 90.

The game is fucking solid and a revamped enough version of a souls game to make it different.

How can someone even dare to claim Nioh is better than Bloodborne lmao

One of them is a shameless copy of a formula with little personality, the other is a holistic artistic creation.

? Why did you edit the score?
Fuck off Nerd

and neither can hope to even COME CLOSE to the masterpiece that is Naughty Dog's Uncharted 4: A Thieves End.

>bloodborne fags so salty they are reduced to attacking another exlusive on the same system

Well you have to isolate off the highest of the highly rated. Otherwise Toy Story 3 would be GOAT

Now thats a game I can agree doesnt deservea 90.

The series has never gotten close to how good U2 was. This is easily an 85 max

50 years from now people will still be discussing and playing Bloodborne, Uncharted and Witcher will be completely forgotten shit.


>Witcher 3
>Deserving of anything

The game was pretty bland bro. But I guess Fallout 3 is a legendary game too

Witcher won game of the year because it appeals to a much larger audience.

Even if bloodborne was the only release that year it wouldnt of won.

If you seriously believe this you're Delusional. Uncharted is a well founded and weather beaten franchise thats been catching flak for almost literally a decade. Bloodborne was catching lightning in a bottle with a good combination of atmosphere and gameplay.

Both will be remembered fondly. As will Nioh, as one of Team Ninjas best games since Ninja Gaiden in its prime.

Since we're talking about The Witcher now, can we pretty much agree that the only reason it's acclaimed is because PC users are desperate for a good exclusive to rival consoles? I mean none of the games are any good.

Get the fuck outta here, Bloodborne was a fucking masterpiece with the best gameplay and lore that From ever made. Uncharted 4 was a shitpiece that cant even be considered an art form.

I repeat, Uncharted and the Witcher will be forgotten within about 10 years. Bloodborne is still going to be considered one of the all-time classic games and a defining achievement of the artform 50 years later.


Is BB really a 97? It's an 85 at best. Not bad, but not amazing.

Reminder: reviews are bullshit

However, Nioh will still be great

The only people who remember bloodborne are the few, very loud idiots on Sup Forums that keep posting to troll.

It's just another souls rehash. No one outside of Sup Forums cares abuot it anymore. Old and busted.

Nioh uses dynamic resolution on both the PS4 and PS4 Pro, the pro version apparently can drop as low as 720p when in 60fps mode. Who knows how bad it drops on the regular old shitty PS4.

^ this poster doesn't even own a PS4 and hasn't played Bloodborne: disregard their opinion.

Both are PS4 only games so why should the players that get to play them complain?

Got a slim at xmas, already played. It's a souls rehash. It was fun but not the best game ever. DeS and DaS1 do it far better.

Stop spreading misinformation. The PS4 drops to 720p in 60fps mode, not the Pro.

lol at anyone that actually bought a pro though

Bloodborne is a masterpiece
Nioh is a good fucking videogame.

Learn the difference it could yada yada.......

I genuinely do not understand how people can think that Bloodborne is the best souls game...

Look, BloodBorne is pretty good.

But it's not better than the King of action games here, so let's dial back the expectation a little.

>pretty good

LOL? Seriously?

Bloodborne is better than Devil May Cry. Bloodborne is better than Ninja Gaiden. Bloodborne is better than God Hand. Bloodborne is better than Bayonetta. Bloodborne is better than Viewtiful Joe. Bloodborne is better than Wonderful 101.

I'll say it over and over again if I have to. Bloodborne is the absolute pinnacle of the action genre. It is the greatest action game made to date.

Post purchase rationalization. It's LITERALLY the only worthwhile exclusive on the PS4, and without that, retards dropped $400+ on a port machine.


>22 critics vs. 100
Bloodborne is better than OoT when you cast aside your nostalgia.

>being this butthurt over Metacritic scores

It's ok user, I'll just be playing OoT and Mario Galaxy, two of the best games of all time according to metacritic :^)


Bloodborne has a 92.

What a piece of garbage. An 8/10 at most. Enjoy the game where they removed all the depth from Mario 64/Sunshine controls.

>Stop spreading misinformation.
How about you stop spreading misinformation
>On the PS4 Pro, adaptive resolution feature plays a significant role then. After pixel counting a huge number of shots, we came across a wide resolution variation in each mode. While using the action mode, Nioh presents resolutions including a full 1080p, 1728x972, 1665x940, 1472x828 and even 1280x720 in rare instances.

Sunshine is the worst 3D Mario you fucking retard.
>cleaning a beach
>extinguishing Piantas
>popping balloons
Sunshine fags are the worst.

Look, BloodBorne is pretty good.

But it's not better than the King of action games here, so let's dial back the expectation a little.

Holy shit Sony fags BTFO.

The sheer depth of control offered in Sunshine elevates it above Galaxy's mindless run-and-jump shit. Mario Galaxy is analogous to Uncharted, a puddle-deep game that vows its player with spectacle and awe rather than real depth and challenge. Reviewers love both for the same reason.

>Bloodborne is better than Ninja Gaiden

Don't get ahead of yourself kid

> an 8/10 at most
> This is somehow garbage

I can understand comparing Nioh to Bloodborne, but comparing Bloodborne to Ninja Gaiden is retarded.

Galaxy has actual platforming unlike Sunshine which is mindless remedial tasks with the only good levels being the ones without FLUDD which are identical to the ones in Galaxy.

Sup Forums will avoid games that get 8/10 by reviewers but will shill 6/10 games that are niche as fuck.

The try hard is strong in this one.

Ninja Gaiden is dead for a reason. Bloodborne offers superior level design, lore and story, weapon variety (and depth in some cases), bosses and enemies. Superior in nearly every respect save moveset depth, but overall combat edges out to Bloodborne's much better encounter design.
"Actual platforming" where the only thing you do 90% of the time is press the A button to clear an obstacle and get a powerup that lets you traverse certain terrain effortlessly, but at least you have a worthless long jump!

To be fair, lots of people seem to consider 8/10 to be mediocre when it comes to vidya. Remember all that drama the Zelda fags made when someone gave it Twilight Princess an 8.8/10?

I don't understand.

>one has 100 reviews
>the other has 39


>pcfats will never ever get to play these masterpiece

feelsgood not falling for the pc meme


I don't get it either.
Not to mention that at the end of the day, it's your opinion that matters to you.
If your game gets bad reviews and you love it, who fucking cares?

>actually caring about graphics this much over gameplay

It's Sup Forums. We don't discuss things. We look for any petty reason to hate and troll.

8/10 is B

9/10 is A

You do the math friend

8/10 would be closer to B+ or A-, which is pretty great.

If you consider 8 to be a B and 9 to be A, then what the fuck is 5 and below supposed to be?

6 is D, anything below is F

Seriously, did you really have to ask that?

Well thought out =\= well written out.

>defending the immense filler in sunshine
fuck off