Tfw the N3DS is probably the last pure Nintendo handheld

>tfw the N3DS is probably the last pure Nintendo handheld

Can we have a comfy GBA/general Nintendo handheld thread?
Post your favourite games, which system you rank the highest out of them, etc.

No Switch posting, please. Just keep it to dedicated handhelds.

>Dual screen flip-up handheld with a stylus and gimmick 3D screen

Last pure Nintendo handheld was the GBA, sorry OP.

Guess I'll start off.
DSi > GBA SP > N3DS >> GBC

Favourite game from each in order is probably Ghost Trick, Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow, Kid Icarus: Uprising, and Metal Gear: Ghost Babel.

Also, I've ordered a GBA flashcart online recent for my SP since I've felt like breaking it out again and replaying some of the golden oldies on it. Anyone got any recs for games besides pic related? GB/GBC recs would also be appreciated since I think it should be able to run them too, though I'm not sure.

I suppose that's one way to look at it, aye. I always felt that the DS line was the only Nintendo platforms to actually justify the gimmick though with games that took advantage of it in meaningful ways. The 3DS definitely uses it less creatively overall though.

Personal top 5 nintendo handhelds (hardware comfyness-wise)

-GBA (first model with modded backlight)

Switch is going to do to the DS line as the DS line did to the Gameboy. Shigeru Miyamoto is a murderer.

you're missing the battle network and mega amn zero games and kirby and kingdom hearts

You should try out Rhythm Tengoku and the Megaman Zero games (avoid 4)

micro > SP

Sell vastly better and have a stronger library? Sounds okay to me tbqh

do you think I should sell my n3ds while I can? I really want the switch to be the successor because fuck 240p

Cheers, I'd actually forgot KH. I have the Zero collection on DS so I think I'll skip on those.

Will look into Battle Network and RT

I'd honestly hold onto it. Nintendo systems drop in price super slowly and its still getting some games this year and possibly next.

Pretty much.

Anyone who hasn't tried a micro really should--it's the distilled form of what a GBA should be although a backlit original GBA is pretty awesome if you put in the legwork to mod it.

Came here to say they need to bring back Atomic Transparent, shit was cash.

literally the only thing the ds did wrong was not having multiplayer connectivity by emulating the wireless adapter desu

I genuinely prefer the shape of the SP.
Having the screen above the buttons and feel of it both were preferable to the micro and original imo.

Anyone else love how pokedexes looked like their respective handhelds?

The lack of four facepad buttons on the GBA line is still the most baffling decision nintendo has ever made imo

I wish Nintendo would let Capcom make another 2D Zelda game. There's were better than everything Nintendo has done since MC

It didn't need more honestly.

Why all the love for the dsi? I went straight from ds lite to 3ds

It had a bunch of SNES ports though.

the build quality was great. it was solid, ,got clicky buttons,and the matte finish was nice as well.

the L and R buttons fucked up a lot of the time tho.


Really solid build quality, slightly better interface, and a small handful of exclusives.
Lack of GBA slot ain't a problem since modern flashcarts let you run roms from it anyway.
True but I don't think any of them suffered from losing the buttons.
I admit that it probably limited the number that were done though.

most of them are not remotely similar to their respective handheld.

Post your top three 3DS games, faggots.

Kid Icarus: Uprising
Rune Factory 4

Modern consumers view clear plastic as being cheap or weak.

Ocarina of Time 3D
Majora's Mask 3D
Codename STEAM

Switch controller has a tiny bit of it going on.

Yeah but >$70

Sinnoh and HG/SS is dual screen, FR/LF is like the SP, ORAS is like the original GBA