Name a better helmet in any game

Name a better helmet in any game.

I'll wait.

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Recon helmet.

Mk V forever the best

Were you one of the kids screeching in Slayer lobbies about flaming recon?

Mk. V looks like a down syndrome Mk. VI.

>screeching about flaming recon
I have a jtag so no. I just played with flaming recon for free desu. but the aesthetic of recon is nice imo flaming or normal.

Its not even the best helm in the same series.


I'm sorry, can you take your abomination of a Bioshock fanfic out the other door?

Gungnir I believe it's called.
I wore that. Comando left arm, ODST right.
I had the shot gun shell wrist armor.
My chest was one that also had shells on it, and a blast shield. I wore some heavy armor looking legs with a soft pack add-on. And of course, blue fire.
I remember being so satisfied looking at my Spartan.

gg ez

New Vegas's Ranger helmet.

Halo Reach Military Police Helmet with the flashlight attachmenet on the side. Or maybe it was a camera lens. Not sure exactly.

But yeah. MP helm.

E.V.A. all of the day.

Fucking reach putting it behind a retarded high paywall you are never going to pass without paying Microsoft online cash.
I just want to be spaceman.
Fuck Reach.

I'm sorry user, but you might have a condition.

>Made in the 1820s
>Made in 2007


Let's get this shit started

Mark VI
Anything that didn't have a full set



That was easy


>CQC that high up

Immediately invalidated. EVA is patrician taste, however.

>Mk. V looks like a down syndrome Mk. VI.
Other way around


now that's a helmet I would fuck


>not the H3 EOD
disgusting baka desu

This nigga is the tits

OK, Miika. I know it's you.

this desu senpai

gungnir helmet
eva helmet (not the edgy skull one)
pilot helmet
cqb helmet
odst helmet

actually almost every helmet in just reach except for a few

still lower god tier though

It's not even the best helmet in it's own series.

shut up caboose

No love for Security?
Best shoulders and best helmet.

Literally any other helmet from any other game

Been forever since I played Halo but I remember always liking the Scout Helmet. Also Carmine A's Helmet goes well with The COG armour

>this many mkvfags in my Sup Forums

truly the darkest timeline.

Terrible taste, his original helmet is perfect tho. Actually looked like a space engineer.

Prefect is still the best armor design.

Too bad Halo 4 got meme'd to death and we're never getting a good design from that game back. Only the bad.

>liking welfare EVA

are you even trying


>welfare EVA
>harder to get in every instance



Halo 5's cinder helmet is my favourite


Some ranger love senpai


>gungnir not elder god tier


>not being Marathon
>not having the dope shoulder antenna

Pilot, CQC, and ODST were always me go-tos
went well with literally any armor combination

man 343 was such an immediate drastic drop in design quality

and this

Rangers look absolutely badass.
But I hate always playing as NCR.
Kinda wish they were their own thing.

underage b&


My nigga

What is *that* abomination?

I found two that are better.

The DLC's pretty sure have non faction varients. So if you wanna go solo and rock the gear its possible.

>tfw took this screenshot 10 years ago
>tfw still regret to this day that i could never recreate this lighting with a BR in my hands instead

also go to and post any screenshots you still have up there

Is this a stormtrooper helmet from Star Wa.. -oh wait

dog shit looks better than this

>he didnt play as a Sangheili

>Putting a huge bright orange target on your face

I always loved the iconic look of the engineer suit of the first game. Probably one of the coolest and most original vidya armours i've come across.

When 2 released i was a bit underwhelmed by the combat style suits and thought they looked more generic, but i've warmed up to them a bit and can appreciate the more layered and intricate angular look. The white skull-helmet style armour that was featured in the first game didn't look that hot and fitting to the setting compared to it.

They look cool, i rocked the shoulders as posted here but wearing the helmet felt a bit off since i felt like should be flying high speed fighterjets instead of pummeling turtlemonkeys to death in their sleep.

There are dozens of non-faction mods that can make it independent and even better looking than the original.

I just wish story wise, they were independent or an entirely different faction.

I'll never get this shit out my fucking head after 7 fucking goddamn years.


Reach's helmets were mostly mediocre and saved only by being better than the overdesigned absolute fucking abominations from the next two games.

Elite advanced suit is Patrician
Engineering suit is contrarian
Everything else is plebian
These are the facts

Didnt even had to click to bring the nightmare back to my head...

But heeeee goooot a nooooooo scooooooope

>all these halo kiddies

>he was older than 7 years old when he played


You are misguided.

more like gay fox

>EVA over Pilot

Dear idiots,

Thank you for wearing these helmets so i could wreck your shit in halo all those years.

A Team Swat fag

I was that guy that played Elite.

The lack of contrast made it look dull to me, earlier versions looked better.
Engineering suit is best suit always, but you are correct that they didn't look as good in 2 because of a lack of weathering that the first game had.
The Astronaut suit was also interesting looking, but no sane person got tricked into the dlc scam.

Haven't played 3 or the wii game yet.

i wore exclusively Security helmet and had a 50 in swat and snipers

i bet you played a chode head elite and didn't even have a 50

>Reach custom games
>Idiot host forgets to force spartans
>Suddenly be huge ass dinosaur towering over tiny humans

Always the best

>your comparison only further proves Mk V is superior
Thanks for that my man

I miss custom games.

Is Halo Online any good?

Reach's shoulders were dogshit. The placement anyway. The right one was always fucked compared to the left.

Also nice literally green faggot. Olive or sage.

I'd sell my soul and body for Isaac's engineer suit.

OG Militia Titanfall helmet

That's not my pic I just searched up Reach Mk V Helmet on Google
But thanks for the kind words

Recon from 3, Reach. Scout from Reach. Damn near anything from Titanfall.

np bb

It's not that it makes a difference at high level play since you are supposed to be not shit at making out enemy playermodels, and in a fucking slow ass shooter at that.
What scrubs don't know is you are actually more effective at any game when you're goddamn fabulous.

I was an edgy 13yr old don't judge me

Ranger helmet is unironically one of the only video game helmet designs I could see actually being used in real life or in the near future.

I didn't play Titanfall but goddamn is that a sexy helmet. Good taste friend.

Anons you didn't masturbate to me did you?

we were all fags user
and we was better for it


why is this still hot

my brother
>host forgets to change default dino class loadouts
>everybody else only has shitty plasma pistol and no equipment


you couldn't pay actual money in reach, you were forced to use their dumb """CR"""

i absolutely did

the creativity of horny teenagers is a true spectacle

>not the uncensored ver.

post your frozen in time playermodel


>Frozen in time
nigga I was playing last night

the player model on doesnt change anymore since 03/31/2012 user

MP all day erryday

Putting aside the target argument that was the worst-looking helmet in the game in Halo 3 next to some of the ones absolutely nobody used.