What should Metroid V be about?

What should Metroid V be about?

Why are there burning cheerios in that picture?

those are burning froot loops you mongoloid

this is Metroid 5

What every other good Metroid game tends to be about...
Space Pirates trying to weaponize the Metroids.
Metroid V should be the following.

>Space pirates led by a new mysterious being have captured and began to clone metroids in an attempt to harness their abilities for weapons development. Samus must travel to [Random World Here] to put a stop to them.

The new leader is SA-X trying to lure Samus into a trap. Game starts off with an emergency landing in which Samus damages most of her suit, which ejects off, and you go off exploring the world, finding new upgrades and abilities left behind by the Chozo. At some point you fight Ridley-X.

Wow such innovation.

that's Metroid Prime 2 Echoes with the luminoth being supplanted by bird people and the addition of RidleyX

>Why are there burning cheerios in that picture?

lol have you never played super metroid

the fuck is this post

I don't WANT innovation. I want another Super Metroid with prettier graphics. Thought I made that god damn clear when I started.

Super Metroid 2. No plot, just gameplay. Plot killed Metroid.

Metroid game but the ice beam is used on more than just enemies
Examples: it cools hot things down, makes the ground slippery, freezes small bodies of water

Also instead of Samus being really floaty, she's heavy and has to rely more on the environment to platform around. No space jump, but yes to grapple hook and speed booster.

>takes inspiration from Prometheus and Alien Covenant
>takes plays a year after Fusion
>Federation finds ancient Chozo planet
>build a facility on the planet
>discovers new Chozo weapons never before seen
>find ancient Chozo asleep in stasis
>wakes Chozo to find out its secrets on how to use these weapons plus learn its ancient knowledge
>Chozo Warrior goes berserk
>Feds send out distress call
>Samus has now dropped all contact with Feds HQ
>animals on Samus ship lead her to a new location
>Samus picks up distress signal and heads to the planet, not knowing what's coming
>Feds send another Bounty Hunter (not Prime Bounty Hunters) after Samus to bring her back to Federation HQ on Earth
>Samus makes it to the Chozo planet not knowing she was followed

Metroid 5 everyone

Every Metroid after the first had plot. And objectively speaking, the first was pretty bad, especially compared tot he later ones.

I remember watching the timelapse of this pic, it was really cool how he used motorcycle parts for Samus and steak for either Mother Brain or the Metroid

The lack of plot had nothing to do with it being bad.

The magic of photobashing

It should be like Parasite in City but with Samus

And why there is piss all over the floor?
Motherbrain doesn't has a bath or what?

Nothing. Nintendo should go into a different business.

AM2R but longer than 4 to 5 hours and not focused on Metroid hunts. Selectable costumes on 2nd playthroughs onward like the Pazon suit or Zero Suit would be neat additions.

>not fire spaghettios

Not him I like Metroid 1-3 better than the two Metroid games made the Wario Land team. Also Metroid had a plot if you read the manual.

Someone needs to put a brazzers logo on that pic


Seems oddly fitting

Nintendo always says shit like "oh we already perfected the formula and there's nothing more to do with it, sorry Metroid/F-Zero/etc fans."

Nobody fucking cares. They want more of the same thing. You think I stopped eating tacos after the first one? Well that was 10/10, NEVER AGAIN. No, of course not. And no, that's not a food analogy shut up. Same with romance novels, women eat up the same god damned plots over and over again. It's comforting. It's enjoyable. Scottish border lords who want to wife you and fill your belly with their seed. I mean c'mon Nintendo, get your shit together.

>we perfected the formula
after other M? wew

All the Metroids died either in the explosion of the restricted zone or when the BSL crashed.
The X were also destroyed when the ship took out the planet.

So the Prime seies?

I don't remember the Prime series having the speed booster


f-zero GX was so good they'll never make another f-zero.

god damn.

if only they stopped with zelda: ALTTP, and metroid prime.

so majora's mask?

>She killed the Metroids
>She killed the things the Metroids were designed to kill

So I guess we find the things designed to kill Metroids?

So ice and darkness based weaponry?