Are you going to buy the dlc just to impregnate the fox?

are you going to buy the dlc just to impregnate the fox?

Other urls found in this thread:

>buy the DLC
>freeshop exists


Will hamtaro be in the game though?

>impregnate the fox



>DLC being translated and released
sorry guys

is this the game where they removed hamtaro?

what's the point of the game then. The Jap version has Hamtaro as a pet fuck that then.

I get the feeling they're going to move on to Switch things.

Never played this game. What do you mean by impregnate the fox? There is a fox girl/kitsune or something?

>should we spend a huge amount of time to translate the dlc?
>or just cut it entirely and have the game tank and wonder we decided to pick this game to translate in the first place?
great job xseed

In Harvest Moon/Story of Seasons (they changed names and localization companies) you start off by making a prosperous farm then woo a bachelorette by giving her items and doing events. You pick one to marry then have a kid when conditions are right. Thus the fox is impregnated.

Marvelous (the makers of the game) own Xseed which is why Natsume went and made their own.

>Lets have the small ass company pay for a license to use a hamster

They can't even get anime girls in a titty fighting game.

in the vanilla version of the game the kitsune cant have kids , the japs got a free update that enables the fox to be fugged, here the free updates are gonna be be paid dlcs

because just as much s murican companies are full of greedy did nothing fucks who want cuts of money, so too are japanese companies, and one of the arbitrary rules of pay us more money they have is 'when something is sold in a different country, we want to be paid again, and the person who paid to air this thing in that country also wants to be paid too'

they didn't say it would be paid DLC but rather it's a thing they have to discuss whether to do at all, or make it paid DLC due to time they have to spend, because the dlc finished when they were in cert and is to large to easily translate quickly.

How shit or not shit is this?

I thought all the new Harvest Moon clones were shit except for stardew.

that's fucking bullshit

>because the dlc finished when they were in cert and is to large to easily translate quickly.
Yeah in the blog they were like its 200k-ish more characters in the DLC and would nearly cost them 6 digits to translate.
Marvelous shoudlve released a complete product to begin with

>Harvest Moon clones

Looks like you didn't get the memo. Story of Seasons is Harvest Moon's new localized name because of reasons.

this 'is' harvest moon. harvest moon is the brand name Natsume gave these games when they published them in the US. when the company that makes harvest moon in japan bought XSEED to do localization of their games in America for them, they decided to have XSEEd do harvest moon too ebcause cheaper and more money to them directly. natsume of course kept the brand name, and made their own games with the brand name.

in answer to your question, sorta/ymmv, XSEED doesn't fuck with the script as much as Natsume did, but the mainline harvest moon games didn't have the refinement rune factory achieved (story of seasons really desperately needed ways to automate your crops) but the characters were cute and they let you go full trap mode as either gender outfit wise so thats something.

Really? I got fed a story that the studio collapsed after they made so many shit games and then they all went off to make their own shit. I had no idea this was a new Harvest Moon.

Anyway my question still stands, is it better then Stardew?

fucking rip

still gonna get it tho

Wait, why would I possibly pay for DLC when Marvelous has released such buggy translations in the past? Is this any better?

welcome to the reality of bad timing and the bullshit that is cert process. the s game probably doesn't sell super huge for them, enough to justify the work from marvelous but not enough to derail the entire company to prioritize it over other projects. i'd say this is a better time than any to voice your opinion to them.

this also kinda feels liek a situation where ht Japanese end of the company really should have told them 'hey we're doing a bunch of free dlc updates, maybe wait a bit so we finish those before you go full english localiztion'

that was the rune factory studio,the ones who made the fantasy harvest moon, and their last rune factory was the best selling of these types of games ever, it just couldn't salvaged their lost money from all their other flops

they say why in the blog response, it's 200k+ characters of text and the game was in US cert when the stuff finished. XSEED basically either had to pull the game, and repay to be certed again if they added it to base game, or they have to make it paid DLC because of the amount of man power it'll take for them to add it later.

it's stupid all around but this is one of those situations left hand talking with the right would have fixed most of it.

Woofio is best boy and I would unironically pay to see his storyline. I like Xseed enough to do that.