Did you really understood the plot of this game?

Did you really understood the plot of this game?

This shit is worse than Chrono Cross

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Sorceress is mad about being persecuted by SEED so she decides to compress all time into a single point because this somehow makes her rule over all time and space even though it doesn't even make sense. Because of this SEED goes back in time and forms a time loop where SEED is formed to stop her from time compressing which causes her to get butthurt about persecution and perpetuates the loop.

That's the whole plot, and yes, it's that stupid.

I didnt get the weird ass ending, did Squall die?

>Did you really understood the plot of this game?
Yes. It goes full retard in Disk 3, but I still understood what happened.

>This shit is worse than Chrono Cross
Both games fall apart halfway through. Its about the same. Chrono Cross at least had more going for it than just a high school shounen with only one good character. Basically, with a remake, Chrono Cross could be a great game. With a remake, FFVIII would still be lousy.

If Edea got Ultimecia powefs, why they are not Time related?

Every woman has a different set of abilities?

That time Loop is the stupidest thing ever

yeah but chrono cross was actually good

8 has the worst plot in all FFs

The music is the only great thing about this game

What happened with Squall's wounds?

Was everything a dream?

The music and the junction system*

Literally the only thing wrong with the plot was time compression, if ultimecia was simply using rinoa to get her out of her prison so she can try to take over the world with her monsters on the moon everything would have been business as usually on the plot front.

But 8 suffered from trying to live up to the hype people who loved 7 had, the writers had to out do themselves, make a bigger badder boss that was doing something more dastardly than sephiroth.

The rest of it was fine. Just a simple tweak with the villians motives and boom. sorted.

It's a stupid time travel story. Oh, the game is boring as fuck too

>Chrono Cross
Fuck. I had to actually read a lot to get the story of this one.

Oh shit, i forgot about the monsters in the moon thing

That was dumb as fuck. How the fuck they survived there? And i remember something about a God too. This game is dumb in a lot of levels

>8 has the worst plot in all FFs
All the plots in FF games are bad. But 4 and 10 are by far the most retarded. Going out of their way to force plot twists everywhere that they break the laws of their own universe. And become a parody of themselves.

FF8 just falls apart because of three specific things. Orphanage, Time Compression and Rinoa. All of which starts over halfway through the game.


>Oh shit, i forgot about the monsters in the moon thing
>That was dumb as fuck. How the fuck they survived there?
How did they survive in Final Fantasy IV? Hell, how did the humans survive literally walking on the surface?

The monsters from the moon idea was obviously an homage to FFIV. Which itself felt like an homage to an old French film.

Yeah but 8's plot is shit before that too.

I don't care about the time travel and time compression or even the orphanage shit, but the Lunar Cry is the dumbest fucking shit ever.

The moon apparently has an atmosphere in FF games. Monsters survive there in 8, people live there in 4, people meet on the moon in 14 at one point too granted neither of the people there in 14 technically have real bodies so that could be the real explanation

>ending, did Squall die?
He died long before, and long after.

Eh, for a FF game, Disk 1 and 2 are pretty good. Again, for a FF game. It has extremely low standards to live up to. If the whole game had focused on SeeD missions and Laguna's backstory, it would have been okay, if not the first truly great FF game.

Again, its the three things I named that killed it. Mostly them trying to force in a love story with Rinoa. Which Kitase himself has said the primary focus was suppose to be a love story, but it got tangled up with dozens of other sub plots.

really makes u think...

He died the moment he met Rinoa.

>Eh, for a FF game, Disk 1 and 2 are pretty good
Not really. Like the other user said it's a typical school battle shounen but with unlikable characters (and I don't even mean Squall)

The whole Dyne being the god of the world and everything related to that lore was a bit vague. Other than that yeah it was fairly easy to follow. The love story was completely unnecessary.

You are now hearing the music.

I fucking love the start of this game

Ultimecias power aren't time related, that's why. All Iltimecia accomplished she did by using the Ellione mavhine and Ellione herself. Ellione is the time witch.

>it's a typical school battle shounen but with unlikable characters
Name five shounen animes like FF8
I need something to watch


Here is a random google result for "high school shounen"

And not a single one like FF8

They all are though

They all look like ff8 to me.


I stopped caring at Disc 3 when Ultimecia was introduced out of the blue and the plot went full retard.

>Chrono Cross at least had more going for it than just a high school shounen with only one good character
Yeah, it had shitting on the entire plot of Chrono Trigger

Both Kingdom Hearts and FFVIII are literally Naruto. Replace mercenaries with ninjas. Kingdom Hearts you don't even have to replace anything. The main three characters are literally Naruto, Sakura and Sasuke.

>Yeah, it had shitting on the entire plot of Chrono Trigger
Aside from Lucca getting killed, it didn't really shit on Chrono Trigger. Especially since all the events are in an alternate dimension.

That crap about Chrono dying and the kingdom falling to Porre was in the alternate world. Not the Home World. Which is a major plot point in Chrono Cross.

Maybe you're so stupid that couldn't even understand the "so fucking simple" plot.

Kairi is a cunt instead of a doormat though.

Squall dies.
You follow up in a dream where nothing makes sense.

That's it.

That's headcanon made by fans desperate to prove that FF8 is "deep" and not just shit.

>Aside from Lucca getting killed

and killing off Crono
and killing off Marle
and the fact that its the fault of the Trigger crew that Cross happens

>That crap about Chrono dying and the kingdom falling to Porre was in the alternate world. Not the Home World.
it sounded like it happened in both worlds.

They are bad, how? They aren't at all.

Lucca was killed by Lynx (in the home world) because of Serge causing the dimension shift. Which in reality, the dimension shift wasn't even Serge's fault. It was the leopards fault for killing Serge in another world.

Everything else that happened was in another world, as a consequence of Serge bridging dimensions. So yeah, Chrono Cross is overly complex. And SE fucking up extra endings in Chrono Trigger isn't helping fix the confusion.

>So yeah, Chrono Cross is overly complex.

too complex for it's own good

The plot isn't at all complicated.

It's retarded as fuck though. We all grew up together but no one remembers! LOL

Why do you type it like that with an exclamation point and "LOL"? Maybe you're retarded.

You know GF's ruin their memory?

You are trying way too hard because lol at that comparison.

You're a stupid motherfucker aren't you?

>Future sorceress knows shes going to get fucked over by SeeD
>Uses machine invented by Dr. Odine that uses Ellone's powers to transport a persons mind to someone else in the past (Squall experiencing Laguna's POV) to possess Edea to start a war between Galbadia and Balamb to wipe out SeeD so they can't go into the future and kill her
>Doesn't work
>She jumps from Edea to Rinoa
>Tries to free Adel from space prison because she's more powerful than Rinoa I guess
>Squall's Scooby Doo crew keeps fucking her plans up
>Looses her shit and completely obliterates time to bring all timelines together so she can kill them herself
>She essentially causes SeeD to do exactly what she was trying to stop them from doing all along
>Gets blasted into the past and Edea accepts her powers
>Cycle continues


>You are trying way too hard
>because lol

Amazing examples proving him wrong. You sure told him.

The plot is all there but it isn't presented to you in a "Hey I'm the character who explains the story of the game up to this point to you".

You actually have to read in-game stuff and talk to NPCs to get the whole picture.

>You actually have to read in-game stuff and talk to NPCs to get the whole picture.
This. FF8 is one of the few FF games where you actually have to explore off the main story path to get character development and plot. For example, Zell's mother tells you all about Zell's past. And you have to explore all of Selphie's garden to hear about her past. If you just follow the story, these characters and their plot tie ins never get explained. And they end up seeming more bland than Irvine.

The entire point of the game is that you can't escape fate. All of Ultimecia's machinations gain her nothing. She already saw that SeeD would defeat her and all of her actions actually force it to happen.

The Orphanage thing seems stupid as hell at first, but that is the whole point. It seems completely fucking retarded that it is that big of a coincidence...except it isn't a coincidence at all, they were fated to be back together.

I guess it is the game' fault, they never explicitly state any of this stuff - no wonder we started getting FF stories where absolutely every last plot detail is explained in the main narrative now.

Hey guys we all grew up in the same orphanage at the same time but don't remember each other because just so a handful of plot points in the last disc of the game makes sense.

What's stupid isn't that they were all raised in the same orphanage, it's that aside from the random mention that GFs can cause amnesia in the tutorial computer, there isn't a single bit of foreshadowing for the twist, going so far as to have Irvine never fucking mention or hint at recognizing everyone until AFTER the "twist" is revealed, and on top of that, that a military organization sent someone with an emotional bond with the target on an assassination mission (which means either they didn't know it and SeeD is the most incompetent military force in fiction for being unable to do simple background checks, or they are the most incompetent military force in fiction for not mentioning that fact to the others they sent on the mission with him).

There's another game that pulled the exact same twist as FFVIII but isn't fucking stupid because it actually heavily foreshadowed the twist and didn't just use it as a convenient excuse to not come up with backstories for the characters and to explain some plot points.

>I guess it is the game' fault, they never explicitly state any of this stuff - no wonder we started getting FF stories where absolutely every last plot detail is explained in the main narrative now.
Nah, they were doing that with the early games. FFVII-XII just tried to be more esoteric and 'artsy'.

But you're right that most people can't get things unless they are painfully held by the hand. As this thread proves.

It all comes down to how old they were in the orphanage, how much time they spent there and when they got taken out.
You wouldn't remember/recognize someone you interacted with for half a year at 5 years, especially when that someone has aged 10+ years.

They should have taken something like this for the reason of Irvine not recognizing the others instead of him just being a fucking retard.

VIII actually has the most cohesive plot and most abundant world building of any Final Fantasy game.

The two major problems were that everyone played it when they were kids and most of the subtlety went over their heads, and more importantly that a metric shit ton of important information is hidden behind obscure dialogue and side events that the average player will never see.

>it's fucking stupid of Cid to send people emotionally and historically bound to the target, his wife, who he knows is a witch and did a 360 turn + moonwalk with her character out of fucking nowhere
Are you sure it's not actualky you who's retarded?
It was Edeas idea to get SEED started, Cid knew Edea knows stuff she isn't even suppowed to know. Realizing something is up with Edeas behaviour is as easy as adding 1 + 1. He didn't want her killed immediately.

To add to this:
You people act like it was pure fucking coincidence that exactly the orphans grouped up. It's like you guys completely forget that Cid knows those people since they were kids. He deliberately made Quistis the teacher of Squall, he deliberately added Zell to the team, he deliberately requested Selphie and Irvine from the other gardens.
He probably wanted to jolt the memories of the guys and his wife.

inb4 why not just tell them lel
Ever tried to tell an amnesiac that they're actually in love with someone?

We need more cute and smug Rinoa

Well they didn't seem to give much of a shit when they're told it later in the game. It could all be Cid's master keikaku (it technically was, but it's a stupid keikaku) but in reality it's lazy fucking writing with ZERO fucking foreshadowing.

How was it a bad keikaku (TN: keiaku means plan)? Edea survives, Cid gets bitching hot wife back and the children all remember the love they feel for each other isn't coming from their special parts. Sure, the revelation doesn't impact the main story much, but it's supposed to be an emotional impact.

Why do you type like that? Do you have a mental disability that prevents you from presenting your arguments in a normal manner?

>worse than a great game
well, I mean, hey.

It's a shitty keikaku because what would he have done if Irvine succumbed to the pressure from the rest of the gang and actually pulled the trigger? What would happen if Squall wasn't magically healed from his gaping chest wound with no explanation? What would he have done if Irvine wasn't a mouthbreathing retard (which you still haven't addressed, by the way) and said ANYTHING about recognizing everyone instead of automatically assuming that he must just be getting pranked?

Even if it weren't for the gaping plot hole that is Irvine, the game still completely fails to foreshadow this plot twist at all.

What the fuck is your problem?

>and actually pulled the trigger?

But didn't he?

He couldn't shoot the first time since he recognized Edea.

Eventually, but by then she was alerted and blocked it. I'm assuming she wouldn't have blocked it had he pulled it on time.

I liked the characters and the love story in FF8.

If his plan (english for keikaku ;) of jogging their memories wouldn't succeed Edea really did have to die as she was really dangerous at the time, so no matter what, his plan would have come to frutition.
And about Squalls chest wound MAGICALLY healing, well, good this shit is happening in a world were healing magic is well known. If anything you should complain why the fucks at the garden infirmary couldn't properly heal Squalls and Ciphers head scratch.
And concerning Irvines idiocy, I do agree with you on this one. Actually I'm the guy who wrote this post

Except Riku was indeed Sora's trusty childhood best friend and even after KH1 Riku continued to prove why he's a reliable bro to Sora. And Kairi may be a smug cunt, but she's not an emotionally and physically abusive cunt (who relies on chivalry so that she never gets beaten right back).

>If his plan (english for keikaku ;) of jogging their memories wouldn't succeed Edea really did have to die as she was really dangerous at the time, so no matter what, his plan would have come to frutition.
The issue with his plan is that if Irvine mentions anything about their past then it completely fucks up EITHER outcome and puts them all in danger (as they're now unable to properly carry out their mission and everyone is emotionally compromised). The whole thing is stupid, lazy writing because of the shitty Irvine plot hole that they just handwave with "it was just a prank bro" as an excuse for why they didn't bother foreshadowing any of this at all.

Telling an amnesiac something they should emotionally react to does fuckall. The plan wouldn't have been in danger because of that.
But it really is fucking retarded that the sniper is the only one who actually does have and know about the emotional bonds. Because this way, even if their reunion doesn't get them their memories back (including Edeas) the snoper still would have hesitation because he recognizes his old mama. I concur that this really is shitty writing. It would habe made more sense if the sniper was amnesiac as well, and someone else, like Selphie, would be the one who remembers the orphanage stuff.

Even if you patch up the Irvine plot hole it still doesn't excuse the complete lack of any kind of foreshadowing within the plot (tutorials aren't part of the plot). You don't even have to mention the GF amnesia thing, just something that indicates that something deeper is going on than a basic assassination mission before the second half of the game when you've already moved on to other shit. But that would be expecting FF8 to have a good, thought-out plot, which it obviously didn't.

But it does. Just because it isn't completely spelled out all the time doesn't make it bad.
Planescape: Torment has tons of small stuff being said in sidequests that seem like throwaway stuff, but in the whole picture it all becomes important knowledge.

Something like XV is bad, because certain important stuff is literally never mentioned in the game itself, but in anime and movie instead.

>But it does.
It does not.
>Just because it isn't completely spelled out all the time doesn't make it bad.
It doesn't have to be spelled out, it should just be hinted at by more than one single tutorial that most people won't read.
>Planescape: Torment has tons of small stuff being said in sidequests that seem like throwaway stuff, but in the whole picture it all becomes important knowledge.
Yes, that's why it's well-written and a game like FF8 which doesn't do that at all is not.