Would Sup Forums actually approve this kind of porn where ugly gamers in their 30s have sex with hot chicks ?

Would Sup Forums actually approve this kind of porn where ugly gamers in their 30s have sex with hot chicks ?
These guys are actually the french AVGN

>hot chicks
I don't see any in the picture, OP


are you suggesting that's a hot chick?

that's more like a probably socially awkward 6

she's actually pretty hot, she just does look good

Only if it was animated
>3D porn
Is for plebs

user, being a socially awkward geek who hangs around with a lot of other geeky people really lowers your standards.

Being a Sup Forumsirirgin is sorta like prison or the military. Now that I thinking about it that might explain why so many newer games have such ugly female character designs

My biggest orgasms have been to doujinshi.
Pretty cash desu.

Don't you fucking dare calling him "the french AVGN".

AVGN can only DREAM of being as funny as Fred and Sébastien.

>french avgn
How long until he gets cucked by his friend?

I'd watch the two guys frot.

>OP describing 60% of porn
>Asking if we would approve like it would matter
>mfw I don't approve of futa but business is booming, so it matters not what we think or approve of
the answer is no user, we wouldn't approve but if it happened, we would still watch because we have to.

¨You're pretty right, JDG is funniers than AVGN

>French AVGN

And I used to be a big fan of AVGN back in the mid 2000s, James will never compare to them.

Mike Matei's the reason AVGN's still alive.

dude, japanese porn is mostly cute girls with ugly guys.

It will work even if they are not gamers.

watching is watching
masturbating to it is approving

>biggest orgasm was to cartoons

I sure hope you're joking :(

>watching without masturbating
Who are you? Gandhi? Getouuahea fogettaboutit


Seriously, i can watch porn only for educational purposes.

why would I be joking?

>Tia tanaka and Kaiya Lynn

Gotta love these hoes

>not having the best orgasm the first time your highschool sweetheart lets you cum in her mouth for the first time

fucking sad

yep but it is japanese. I'm talking about making an western version of it.

Sure. I'd sign up to be a performer.

>watch porn only for educational purposes
you think that jewish propaganda is what intercourse looks like between non disfunctional people ?

I can't cum from blowjobs, it may take hours for me to cum that way..
I only cum from vaginal sex and I don't last really long I don't know why.

Not that user but I think he's talking about the masturbatory category of orgasms. At least I hope so

I know what normal intercourse looks like. I just sometimes want to know how it looks like when we add some special things.

>add some special things
Like nutmeg and coriander? What the fuck are you talking about?

Tfw your old high-school crush is currently in a relationship with a Mexican

A porn is like a cooking recipe dude, sometimes you just want normal pasta like everyday, and sometimes you just want to add crazy ingredients to it because you want some diversity, and you wanna know how it would taste like.

Gamers? No.

Ugly fat dudes railing hot chicks or traps? Yeah. Bonus points for rimming.

You know what to do

You have no idea what you're trying to say.

Only if she use an amiibo as a sex toy

I unironically find awkward average girls very hot

my dick has the last word

>mfw JDG goes full weeb

Those videos are the absolute worst, good thing there are maybe 3 of them.

Must be a short last word.

I didnt say my dick WAS the last word. I said it HAD the last word.

And for your dick to have it, it would have to be an appropriately minuscule word, idiot.

From a blowjob? Bitch please, that shit takes forever even when it's a good one.

It turns into a whole situation of "is her jaw going to give out before my nutsack?"

Wait, what kind of metaphores are we doing here ? Isnt that just stupid ? Can we just agree on what kind of porn are good for educational purposes instead of doing this.

Which reminds me that i can't stand japanese porn.
The women fake squeal like fucking pigs 99% of the time.

>women in western porn don't fake

oh user, you are so cute.

>being cut

fucking kek

Have this problem with my girl, I don't even get them anymore. Shit SUCKS.

Fuck I'm cut, this guy might be on to something. THANKS FOR NOTHIN MOM AND DAD.

>tfw girlfriend's period is late
FUCK, should I kill her or fly the country? I'm unironically, not memeing a neet failure I wouldn't lose anything by leaving, all my family is dead

this makes me fucking sick i have no respect for anyone who joins those whores in this.

Do both.

At least they don't fake it like they are trying to destroy my ear drums.

>western porn
>all you hear is the guy grunting nonstop
Bonus points for this in POV, top-tier immersion hearing that lung cancer grunt

>Being a Sup Forumsirirgin is sorta like prison or the military.

Is that why I'm seriously thinking about giving boys a try?

Does she take birth control?

how late?
You might be panicking for literally nothing.

>tfw it's tricky to find average girls with hot guys, only the reverse

i mean... do you have the video? or something like this I might watch it.

>tfw my highschool sweetheart did let me cum im her mouth
>it was okay

It was mentally satisfying but physically just another orgasm. There was also a fuckton of nervousness involved which dampened the mood.

A good, hour-long fap is always better, at least physically.

Just tell her to get an abortion? Dumbfuck

not him but it's not that simple fag.
What if she is stupid and says no?

stop masterbaiting

Why would you post this on Sup Forums

Some Sup Forums guy made his girl have an abortion by giving her too much vitamin C.
you should try that.

link please.

I've quite literally never heard of Vitamin C causing miscarriage and I'm a stupid ass EMT-B.

It worked for him there is a screencap around it but I can't find it.
You should take it with a grain of salt, tho.

I think I will. I suspect he put levonorgestrel in an Emergen-C water mixture.