Heal enemies undead

>heal enemies undead
>they take damage

the one and only one thing ff8 did right

i liked the card game

>heal your undead ally
>he takes damage
>isn't healed by chaos/dark magic and can't drink potions

What game does this? Sounds like a pain in the ass.

Breath of Fire does it too.

>Cast bounce on yourself
>Try to heal HP
>Heal spell is bounced to the enemy

>Fighting undead dragon.
>Revive it.
>It comes back to life, far stronger than it was in undeath.

Ragnarok Online

wtf kinda spell name is that? DQ?

Well, you already answered your own question.

name 78 games that does that

>heal evil enemy, not undead or anything, just avil alignment
>they take damage

Any of the millions of DnD games

>Final boss is undead
>Using a healing item on him kills him instantly

>didn't know this as a kid
>couldn't kill pic related for the longest time

>undead minion
>shoot dark magic AoE at him
>he is healed
>living targets around him take damage

>cast raise/life on undead

Yeah, that was pretty nice in Bravely Default.

Technically, healing magic is considered holy.

>party member get one shot by boss
>he revives them so he can do it again

>Bosses are immune to instant death
>But are vulnerable to a magic that makes them 100% susceptible to instant death

>Payon dungeon
>Orc dungeon
Good times.


Name eleventeen games that do this.

>try to record/stream game
>game closes your recording/streaming software and issues a warning

I'll name Final Fantasy VI, bitchboy.

user why does your filename have an m in it?

>enemies can heal
>they have no idea when they should use it though and end up wasting their turn

1 X-potion & he's toast

>cast Life on undead enemy
>they actually come back to life
>they're stronger that way

>final boss opens the main menu and attempts to delete your save data

Pretty much anything based on D&D, or D&D in general.

>talk to a dog in an rpg

No! You don't understand.

>talk to a cat in an rpg

>talk to a bird in a game from the 90s

it's part of hiro's upcoming plan to make all mobile posters filterable