Why is the Senran Kagura fanbase so awful, Sup Forums?
Why is the Senran Kagura fanbase so awful, Sup Forums?
Because Sup Forums collectively has shit taste.
Shut up
Because your gay
Because Sup Forums hasn't accepted that Homura is WAY better than Yumi.
Yes we have.
Sup Forums is just about the only place that's accepted that Homura is better than Yumi.
because of you
this desu, stop whining OP
Because you can succintly break down the series' gameplay nuances into a single post, shutting discussion down and leaving fans free to go buck wild with the fanservice end of things.
look at the fucking game and tell me that shit's going to attract decent people
Really think about the content of the game.
You're going mission to mission fighting hordes of terrible enemies and at the end you get a scene of two of the characters having a stupid, fanservicey, non-character developing conversation.
It's been like 5 games or some shit and Crimson Squad is the only team that's even respectable.
I like Asuka.
What makes someone part of a fanbase of something anyway? Just liking said thing? Actively participating on a community? I've always have that doubt.
Being a faggot like you.
I'm going to marry Yumi!
Because they know the game has no redeeming qualities other than tits
They have nothing to talk about. They just post pictures and jerk themselves.
Isn't that great, though?
They keep making fun on my beautiful, YOUNG wife and it makes me so mad!
I guess but just once I'd like to see a thread in which the talk about the actual gameplay. Instead it's always this
Because Senran Kagura is a 'desperation weeb' game.
It's an anime-styled game that came out at a time when there were no other decent weeb titles so the wannabe 'otaku' latch onto it like it's the best thing ever just because it's available.
You can observe this phenomena in the English Visual Novel fandom, people will create fanbases over shit VNs and eroge because they're all they have available to them. Whenever they do their list of 'Best Visual Novel' they will only ever include these titles because they can't read Japanese or buy eroge from Getchu.
It never really happened on the DS, PSP or Vita because of their large libraries and lack of region-locking. If Senran Kagura came out on the DS about 3 years into its lifespan nobody would have batted an eyelid.
Desperation weeb games are a real thing. When the Switch comes out, a small portion of people will jump on the first shitty truweeb (IE: Not an established franchise like FE or Pokemon) game to be released and a fandom will be built up. It's a 'I need to express my identity as an otaku' thing.
Same happens with figures too; they get into anime figures and start buying everything they like the look of, then they run out of space and money and realize choosing quality over quantity is better and more exciting when you do get the figure.
-T.Weaboo cultural expert.
there's not much to talk about gameplay-wise, that's why these threads always end up being roleplay image dumps
really wish janitors would put down their hot pockets and auto delete any senran thread
What else can we talk about? It's an okay beat up with anime tiddies
Some are fast, some are slow, some are boring, some were better in other games, and some we wish were never added.
I started ironically visiting these threads for tits, stayed for waifus, and eventually bought the game and have 1.2 GB of cards saved for dumps when people want them.
>there's not much to talk about gameplay-wise
I doubt most people who dump or ask for images actually play the games in the first place anyway.
Mikagura Sisters aren't that bad either
>It's an anime-styled game that came out at a time when there were no other decent weeb titles so the wannabe 'otaku' latch onto it like it's the best thing ever just because it's available.
Sounds like madoka magica if you ask me desu fampalai
cause normies browse Sup Forums and normies like cow tits.
>miyabi_(senran_kagura) 59
Why doesn't she get more love?
Why isn't Yumi in the middle?
Could it be that a three quarter view of the foot is more important? It must be, after all she is the most popular and main character.
>Sounds like madoka magica if you ask me desu fampalai
And you'd be exactly correct.
Because they are constantly on the defensive that their game is "more than just anime tiddays" when nobody accused them of anything until after they started getting uppity.
I dunno...people do come into these threads just to say 'anime virgin trash' and stuff
because nips prefer lolis instead of tomboys
Oh how times have changed
Gyaru senran when?
where can I get the CG artwork from estival versus? I'm searching the full HD ones not the vita ones
i thought that was shiki
The niches she fulfilled (tomboy, edgelord) are no longer exclusive to her.
Don't forget the yamato nadeshikos.
Oh you're right, I forgot she existed
Do you earn the cards in-game?
dump legs
Those who say "Senran used to be deep and stuff" are just delusional. I've always been on the position that the games are enjoyable because of their simplicity, but would like them to add something more interesting to the repetitive formula.
What says it's true too, people who enter on senran threads just to hate are as bad as the RPfags.
The cards posted are from the mobile game, but some of them will be available on the new game.
and feet!
I wish the gameplay wasn't such garbage, I'd like to enjoy a game with these big titty and ass characters
She's already my wife user.
Same thing that happens to any fanbase with vocal degenerates on Sup Forums, they post lewd pics and RP-lite instead of just posting lewd pics and then talking about the actual game or even something else.
They do the most cringeworthy shit.
>Whenever they do their list of 'Best Visual Novel' they will only ever include these titles because they can't read Japanese or buy eroge from Getchu
But according to /vn/ and /jp/ the best VN's are obscure, untranslated novels that not even 2ch cares about.
Because they like disgusting balloon tits.
They things I would do to Asuka are marrying her.
low standards
>not liking balloon tits
You might be gay son
But what do after marrying her?
We can talk it over when we get there. Probably a bit of traveling, sharing stories and appreciating each others company. And eventually, discussing the possibility of children
Do you faggots print out and collect these cards orrr.....?
You don't print out the images from the internet?
you have to go back
Renka is cute.
Funny you say that when Estival Versus came with physical cards of a random team.
In US or Japan?
Japan is bad because they're obsessed with their perfect little lispy waifu and refuse to accept that the series could be challenging and have actual story. Nooooo, Gotta have mindless fanservice instead.
Fuck Japan.
It's not a very good series
They've been selling postcards sets with NW illustrations for a while too.
They pay for something that isnt even actual porn and try to defend it. You're paying for fucking eye candy, because its not like you can just look up the games name on r34 and get more enjoyment than actually playing the games.
Doesn't Kagura have the mind of a small child?
Because the fanbase consists of real mongoloids that will most likely never pass down their genes, and even if they get married they won't make their wife take their last name.
Nah, she's just easily amused.
They're blinded with fanservice to hide the poor quality of their games.
Mostly when she is a small child
Although if you count SK2's DLC, she was willing to trade her red orbs for candy.
Do you know where we are, normalfag?
because they conflate video games and pornography and cheapen each. Its all so fucking sad.
It will never not bother me that the EV characters were thrown right into the New Wave wacky antics type of cards and don't have any cool action shots for cards.
Kissless weeaboo virgins with shit taste
FUCK Mirai
>Yumi mousepads sold out everywhere
Why the FUCK don't they make more if there's this much demand?
They are called Limited Editions for a reason, but don't worry, there's a chance you'll find one on Mandarake or ebay for triple its price some time after release.
I can't tell whether meta SK threads are than image dump, rp SK threads or not.
Hook. Line. Sucker. That was an easy one
contrarianism = shit taste
degenerate pedo
It is pretty shallow honestly. Now if we had Godhand style gameplay and anime tiddies I'd be on board.
I like Ikaruga.
slower version where?
She's really pretty.
I think it suffers the same Gaussian distribution problem any fanbase has. That is to say the statistical mean of type of people to show up in the threads have boring typical taste, even if some of them will think they're unique snowflakes, but are actually ubiquitous slowflakes. And they are the majority of people who post, so things can get repetitive time after time.
But then I wouldn't have another game to play.
Blame PC fucks, fanbase took a nosedive when it got announced for PC
Actually I think the SK fanbase is pretty based as Sup Forums sub communities go.
They're pretty good natured, there's no real infighting even though there are two types of games separated by consoles, threads are generally on topic and somehow the waifu posting is much, much less annoying than say, Nier's current threads.
They just want to wrap the world in happy boobs.
Post Senran feet.
Implying Sup Forums is one person and that Homura isn't more beloved than Yumi in this parts. Furthermore if the Senran Kagura fanbase is awful I haven't seen it here yet. Why is that Nich (hell his name has special snowflake spelling) guy from Nintendo Treehouse such a weenie? We need Senran Kagura with tacticle feedback on the Switch,
Sup Forums is just negative.
I want to kill Ikaruga.
I blame Shiki fans.
Why would you want to do that, user?