Ha ha! That's our Serra!

Ha ha! That's our Serra!

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Best 7 girl.

*Heals for 20 every other turn*

Who is the best cavalier in FE8?

That's not Nino.





>Using pre-promoted units in the easiest game in the series
Absolutely disgusting.

Do you even need a cavalier? Don't Ephriam and Erika both get horses when they promote?

They're locked to one weapon though,and only have 7 movement as opposed to a paladin's 8.

Serra is shit

is sera that popular? lisa is way better in heroes

Stop lying, Matthew.

>The unit is already promoted
That's just fucking stupid. Just say they're promoted, Pre is a meaningless term to add.

Erk x serra OTP

Franz is GOAT if you train him well

>literal mary sue
>no character development except for the fact that she spawns characters for next generation and they have a more interesting personality than herself
>is supposed to fug the eternal 2edgy4u boring character

Yeah nah

7 is way better than Awakening

>Not letting Seth solo the game on Hard mode while carrying Eirika.to prove his worth.


I was pretty disappointed by her heroes voice.
I always imagined Serra as talking really fast and saying like or omygosh ever other word.
Basically a valley girl.

Why is Seth just so damn great.


>Not making Amelia a General.


The point is that they promoted before you get them, the same way preordering a game is to order it before it comes out.

>cooping her up in armor
>not letting her charge beautifully on the battlefield with the unique female sprite

Is it weird that I think this, along with Henry and Olivia are the greatest couples in FE?

Factoring in as much as possible:
Amelia (Probably the best Paladin, but raising her is difficult, and General Amelia is GOAT.)

They have lower movement, they don't have the weapon flexibility, and Erika in particular isn't particularly good as a unit. Ephraim is a bit better, but still not as good as a paladin.

>I'd eat Serra's shit

Fixed that for you.

>Intentionally avoiding a World of Seth



>not letting franz and amelia be on the frontlines with franz as a great knight and amelia as a general as they prove their worth,also the sword and shield to each other
>not having lute and artur be together as they slowly fall in love and everyone else just thinks "knew it,they were made for each other"
>not having warrior ross be alone as the greatest warrior there ever was, surpassing garcia

>Not having Dozla adopt Myrrh as a surrogate father

>implying dozla isn't already busy with being father figure for l'arachel and the pontifax is busy with stuff
>implying myrrh isn't saleh's gf


>Implying Dozla can't be the father figure to both
>Implying Myrrh wants anyone's dick more than Ephraim
>Implying Myrrh, Ephraim, Erika, and Seth don't just sleep together in an orgy pile every night


>not healing for 15 every turn and buffing your entire team's speed by 4 every 3 turns instead

just missing the " Going My Way " theme

How do you "train well"? Franz is one of the biggest hit or miss units in Fire Emblem. No amount of training well can make up for bad level ups.

>he doesn't autistically manipulate the RNG to get perfect levels

You farm stat boosters+whatever item increases growth rates.

I'm trying to remember if anyone else in FE7 had this theme, was it only Serra?

Priscilla > Renault > Serra, fight me nerds

I beat the game with all magic users, the 2 lords, ross, and the dragon girl

no fuck this no no no no no how is that fucking possible i refuse to accept those fucking stats

I think Merlinus had it too.

She has good growths and bases, dude. Also stat boost items.

Merlinus has a different version of the same song.

>muh hit and miss

RNG ,gotta manipulate it. Bad level ups don't just happen, you are just too naive and impatient.

I trained my fav units autistically for this playthrough

Funny thing, didn'nt use any stat bossting items on anyone but ephraim, a speedwing on him and another on amelia

but it's such a fucking cake walk??????? why

>Serra lowest

Elimine will personally smite your ass



this gif sucks but it's the best I could find

Cath used it in FE6 if that's what you're thinking of

because I like them greens(capped stats)

I like to do different playthroughs, with shit units, with one type of units, with single unit, with pair units, and this one, with capped units

What is even the point when SS is so painfully easy?

>implying Renault is better than Serra
There's an argument there for Priscilla but why the fuck would you ever use Renault when you have Lucius?

>tfw doing the Lagdou Ruins to get the bonus characters
this shit is so fucking annoying just fucking give me Lyon already damn it

fire emblem is easy enough that there's no excuse to not use the cutest girl in the series even if she's technically outclassed performance-wise

like priscilla probably isn't even better if you use hector and/or oswin

>literal mary sue

nah, more like "potential mary sue that was instead born into a world of shit and knows only suffering"

sounds like my life
except for the mary sue part

Every time I replay 8 I'm surprised to see Moulder since I drop him so hard for Natasha or L'Arachel every time I play.

And the part about being born into a world of shit instead of letting your life go to shit.

I did a no promotion run before this one,FE in general is easy af but its fun playing it in different ways, possiblities are endless

as a unit she's no doubt GOAT sage, but as a character, her dialogue and lines are so bland people would forget her if it wasn't for her usablity. Same with jaffar. Their story is tragic but hell, its fire emblem, everyone who isn't a lord experiences extreme suffering

>mfw remembering that HectorxSerra doujin

Both of those characters are pure, please don't fap.

are there any erk x serra ones ? Can't find them

Why is Kafei such an edgelord?

>implying planet earth isn't a world of shit

Erk is for Priscilla, you fucking plebian

>erk for priscilla
>not heath for priscilla and erk for serra
>not guy for pricsilla
>not raven for priscilla wincest

The only pleb here is you


Erk is the only support that lets priscilla marry anyone. She can't marry her love in any other.

>tfw enemy crits you with 5%

>lord gets one-shot by a sub 5% crit at the very end of the chapter

>marrying is an excuse for a great pairing

Don't forget, princess nyna married hardin, and now see where it took them.

this is why I'm now highly appreciative of the luck stat. Low luck units are actually a liability.

>Last enemy in the chapter give a level to main lord, he get 0 stats up

>tfw playing video games with scripts running rerolls in background

>enemy brigand hits my 9HP left swordmaster equipped with killing edge

He's not supposed to be able to even touch him reeee bamboozled again

like any can compare

What a cute brotherly picture, Priscilla must be very happy that her brother has a partner like Lucius to keep him company.

she certainly is

Why is she so mean to her in-law?

I've only played FE6, 7, and the 3DS games.

Is 8 any good, or is it the same grindy "just overpower the opponents, don't actually use a strategy" shit that the 3DS games are? Are any of the SNES games actually fun? How about GCN?

I just want an FE where I have to actually think about my moves and don't have to grind to make my numbers bigger than the opponent's numbers.

Snes games are good, bigger maps, but good.Story,gameplay, its all very immersive, you'll get the difficulty on par with FE6, but bigger maps and complex mechanics.
8 is good story-wise but gameplay is ezpz because you get a tower to train your weak units at. 8 is easy gameplay-wise but its maps and story is amazing, so are the characters and classes.

Nyna exists to suffer tho

Fuck that cunt for ruining Hardin

If you refuse the temptation of grinding, 8 is pretty hard.

FE4 is probably the best game in the series, though it suffers from colossal maps that mean anyone that isn't mounted will probably show up when the fight's just about over.

FE5 is the hardest game in the series and will kick you in the balls.

I didn't grind even once on my first play through of 8 (Ephraim route), and the prepromotes made the entire game a cakewalk. Seth and Duessel slaughtered EVERYTHING in their paths.

People aren't exaggerating when they say Seth can solo his own game.

I completely forgot about Seth, since I refuse to use prepromotes. Especially if they're as good and as early as Seth.

>A thread for my waifu
Bless you, OP

Have a clip of her voice?

These two fucked right?

They look like a solid canon couple.

Nino's a shit sage though.

She's in a game where Pent exists.


mine heals for 10, does it change later on?

Her ability which triggers every other turn doubles healing. Alternatively you can also get her a heal for 15 which increases the ability cooldown by 1.