ITT: vidya character you would vote for if they ran for president

ITT: vidya character you would vote for if they ran for president

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>Princess Sally
I thought her name was Elise or something or was that the name of the cat and girl in the OVA?



>Sally = SATam and Archie comics
>Elise = 06
>Sara = OVA


Only correct answer




Realistically speaking eggman is a financially stable motherfucker and would probably fix up the place despite this

Only thing you lose is aesthetics with his face plastered everywhere but even then it's not to bad.

There's also who he'd run against...

>There's also who he'd run against...
Mario runs republican
Eggman runs democrat

Who wins?

I only vote for candidates who believe in their own justice.

Eggman. Mario can't even speak.


I will never get to play this game and it hurts so bad

neither could george w. bush but there ya go

Who needs talk when you can sing?

Someone hasn't played Mario Teaches Typing

>Crowd loses their shit

so........this is the power........of reddit
really makes you think....huh

>vgcats is still alive
holy shit

He has a nice belly and beard

Who would his VP pick be? No way he'd trust Luigi with such an important job, also that would be nepotism.


Can I just vote for Obama and give him the Chaos Emeralds?



What other words can be used to describe DOCTOR IVO RRRRROBOTNIK?!


Olaf is best CO , grit would be like , the vicepresident so we could have best song , and sasha and colin put the money , done , best country

>Spinball in good-tier
>StH in top-tier
>SA1 in god-tier
>Sonic Battle all the way down in okay-tier
goddamn son how can you have such questionable taste


Mothafuckin' this.



>CD and Sonic1 not in God Tier
>SA1 in God tier
>Lost World not in good tier

Can an ayylmao be prez?


No, they have to have been born on American soil.

So unfortunately, no Optimus Prime.

He enslaved a planet and turned it into an amusement park. In fact, has he ever built anything that WASN'T a death trap?

wtf i hate eggman now

"I've come to put an end to this. No more undead immigrants".

I'm not voting for anyone named 'Fahrenheit'.

President Valentine, again

Roosevelt already did 2 terms though.

Pres &ViceP


>Sonic Adventure
>anywhere but OK Tier

>Wins election

Any non-final location in Sonic 1 and Sonic 2. From a human's perspective, he's more of an industrialist, mogul, and inventor than a real conqueror. He's a villain because he doesn't give a shit about nature or animals.

Make the Dream Great Again!

Honestly leaving all the egg shit obession aside eggman would make a good president.

real estate mogul*
He makes plenty of livable cities, like the backgrounds of Star Light Zone and Chemical Plant Zone.

He also apparently has a few mega corporations that make harmless machinery for the public.

The "legitimate business front of his evil empire", as Dr Evil would call it.

That's just his brand. "Eggman" is a marketable, family friendly, and distinct icon. Eggman Industries is probably beloved around the world.

Jeeze Scott your stealing your jokes from South Park now?

South Park hasn't been original in some time

Enuff'z Zanuff
Ex-drug dealer American ninja weaboo for president 2020